If you need some more routes that involve the GMG, send me a private message. We just gave a contract to the Zoner Trade Consortium so get crackin', competition is up!
Now that there are more then 3 of us I will be taking you up on that, once I get the new recruits up and running.
Ok added our Newest recruit Ms.Kara Mendoza. That brings our tally up to 8 folks. A very busy few days. Great to see more then two of us online. That brings us up to 5 transport pilots and 3 escort's.
Actually very easy with photoshop, but thanks. Hope this will help everyone with where we should and should not be and the paths we take to get from place to place.
One thing-you mark Alberta as a no-fly zone, but Yukon contains a Freeport. Whilst one assumes from the name that you operate primarily in the Omicrons, you may want to re-consider permission of access there.