I want to vary my roleplay and have ability to RP in a dedicated fashion in more than one House as a lawful. Also, I think I remember a comment that a certain Bretonian, wanting a Sentinel program with the Liberty *cough* Corruption *cough* removed and implanted with Bretonian laws and such.
I am up for a bit of RP in Bretonia, I used to try but lost interest, but I'm willing again. But I'll restrict myself to a Hussar, I won't jump into anything else due to some reasons I will explain in a Bio if you guys are willing.
I will not call the Bretionian Sentinel's... Sentinel's. I want their codename to fit in with Bretonia, I'm thinking a Squire or Knight, but I think Squire fits best since they are subordinates to the BAF and BPA. Since a Squire is an assisstant, a support role, not direct role.
If allowed I'd base them out of Cambridge Research Station since that is perfect to monitor and improve them.
So, feedback? Also, I don't PM many, nor do I know who to contact in this regard, thus the thread.:unsure: