This is a suggestion that has formed mainly from this topic: Here.
I shall attempt to give you an explanation of this idea, and hopefully describe the pro's and con's of this type of mission implement.
Objective of suggestion: To make missions more enjoyable and challenging, with the opportunity for high value loot from the NPC that is killed. aka the target. This could increase player teamwork.
Pay amount per mission: I'd suggest between 20-40% on average higher than the current station/base's mission payout. e.g. 100k mission would be 120-140k payout.
Mission locations: I would suggest either that these missions are located in respective faction's guard system, or battleship. If said faction has no battleship, place the missions in their home/capital.
NPC 'mini-boss' class vessel: I'd suggest either giving them a SHF/VHF or a bomber that is equipped with a SNAC, and MK VIII armor for that durable effect. With a pair of CODE weapons for the chance of loot, I also suggest giving them some Paralyzer missiles for that extra bit of fear with one Shield buster. In regards to their wingmen, perhaps give them Mini-razors, since gunboats and above would just spam missiles or other powerful weapons onto the NPC mini-boss/super Ace.
Possible loot: Always give them some credit cards, that'll cover the damage costs, and each super ace will be equipped with a random pair of CODENAME weapons, not a mix and match. The drop rate of the CODE's would be higher than normal vanilla if possible, but not 100% chance. This should CODE's more valuable.
That is the current draft for this suggestion. I would hope this'll lead to CODE's being removed from wrecks since to me in RP, they can't 'regenerate' over the last 17 years, but banter about that in the thread above.
I hope that this will make mission that much more enjoyable, thrilling for fighters, and can improve teamwork for a high payout and the chance for CODE's that can sell quite well on the market.
If some believe that the super-NPC/Ace is overpowered above, I argue its no different than a usual player vessel these days, or a Freelancer/Wilde NPC.
You're free to add your features and removal of features from this idea, but I and a few others believe that this is an all right idea.
I personally (biased) think that this is a great idea since missions these days as far as I know are used by bored fighters and reputation fixers who don't or can't use bribes.
Lets make mission with assassin super fighters! We already have assassin missions, we just need to up the ante!:yahoo:
Make these sorts of missions, but with high level caps too.
Hmm, high level capitals too or separate? That would be a lot more challenging, also some missions already have capitals as targets, but only in the Edge Worlds.
What loot would you suggest for the capitals in question? Capital weapons? Lots of credit cards?
EDIT: The drop rate for weapons is low enough as it is, to me every 20 Nomad ship I kill near Toledo, I get one Nomad Cannon. I suggest increasing the drop chance to not make the CODE value completely sky-rocket and frustrate players.
' Wrote:EDIT: Chance for codes needs to be very low though to prevent farming
Or make many defective. Other mods I've seen have the Junkers sell "used, slightly damaged" equipment. Some of the harvested Codies could have those reduced specs (30% less damage, range and / or refire). To make some worse "lemons", higher energy consumption too.
<span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms">I love the smell of carbon emissions in the morning...</span> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms">It smells like... WIN! Or something.</span>
Anyways! I like this idea alot, but then again, I hate arms dealers since they've increased the prices by 14 mill over the last year and a half, but thats another story entirely! *grumble* Needa get a real freakin' source of income...
Anywho, I say make the Code drops equal or even less than the Nomad Cannons. For one, the Nomad Cannons are illegal... Everywhere and pretty much useless if you plan to fly near any populated system and two, Codes need to be rare. I mean, I used to be able to buy a Jade for 2 mill, now its up to 16.
Thats sky-rocketed enough to deter me already, so I really could care less if they deem it necessary to further the bum-rapage of prices. But eh, my opinion is decreased in weight since I am clearly biased on the subject.
' Wrote:Hmm, high level capitals too or separate? That would be a lot more challenging, also some missions already have capitals as targets, but only in the Edge Worlds.
What loot would you suggest for the capitals in question? Capital weapons? Lots of credit cards?
EDIT: The drop rate for weapons is low enough as it is, to me every 20 Nomad ship I kill near Toledo, I get one Nomad Cannon. I suggest increasing the drop chance to not make the CODE value completely sky-rocket and frustrate players.
Personally i want the mission system to be completely re-done.
I really hate it when I want to fight capital ship NPCS and all i get is fighters from a 900k mission.
We should be told what sort of ships to expect.
I mean surely mission control has some idea of what ships to expect before sendind an LF against 5 destroyers.
And that 'too many players accessing mission board is really annoying'
EDIT: Fletcher just get Order guard rep and go and buy Nomad Cannons, they are only like 220,000 each
' Wrote:*whisper* Its "Assassin"... Just a heads up.
Anyways! I like this idea alot, but then again, I hate arms dealers since they've increased the prices by 14 mill over the last year and a half, but thats another story entirely! *grumble* Needa get a real freakin' source of income...
Anywho, I say make the Code drops equal or even less than the Nomad Cannons. For one, the Nomad Cannons are illegal... Everywhere and pretty much useless if you plan to fly near any populated system and two, Codes need to be rare. I mean, I used to be able to buy a Jade for 2 mill, now its up to 16.
Thats sky-rocketed enough to deter me already, so I really could care less if they deem it necessary to further the bum-rapage of prices. But eh, my opinion is decreased in weight since I am clearly biased on the subject.
Curse you Magoo!! Error corrected.;)
The prices are pretty horrific from what I hear, if I buy two of these CODENAME weapons at that price, I'd be broke, I'm no trader, nor do I partake in the use of CODENAME weapons thank God.
I used the Nomad Cannons as an example, I only picked them up in early 4.84 then got rid of them after a RP re-think.
The prices are horrible yes... but thats their RP, and its up to you who buys them/#.