I was recently making a trade run through california when I got stopped by a XA. I was prepared to pay or meet some demand to make my shipment, and I had also been pirated in the system before. Because of this I was already low on cash, but I was willing to let some of my cargo go, because with that shipment i would still have enough to do the run again. However, this certain Xeno decided that I should drop all of it or die. I promptly tried to negotioate some other deal and promptly died. Now I have no money and no cargo. Also the cargo was worth a little over three mil. way more than a pirate should charge for a small trading vessel. Isn't there like a pirating rule that a trader can only be pirated once? and if not there should be. Also there should be reasonable demands not all or nothing. I'm more than willing to pay a small fee as long as I'm making a small profit on the run or even if I come out even. Now instead of both of us being happy and on our jolly ways, that pirate will probably just destroy my cargo, or what he cant use of it be none the richer. Something needs to change.
College=Life ';==(>.<
Member of RL since 1991, Freelancer since 2003, XTF since 2009 Pythios -- Bio/Char Page
Xenos have one goal: to stop any and all import and export to and from liberty. Their purpose is to stop trade between other houses, in order to give jobs back to the people of liberty, where right now those jobs are being outsourced to other houses because it's less costly - leaving liberty's workers out of a job.
It may have been a high price to pay, but the Xenos were roleplaying properly, if they let even one bit of your cargo get through their pirate blockade, then they arent doing their jobs.
Quote: was recently making a trade run through california when I got stopped by a XA. I was prepared to pay or meet some demand to make my shipment, and I had also been pirated in the system before. Because of this I was already low on cash, but I was willing to let some of my cargo go, because with that shipment i would still have enough to do the run again. However, this certain Xeno decided that I should drop all of it or die. I promptly tried to negotioate some other deal and promptly died. Now I have no money and no cargo. Also the cargo was worth a little over three mil. way more than a pirate should charge for a small trading vessel. Isn't there like a pirating rule that a trader can only be pirated once? and if not there should be. Also there should be reasonable demands not all or nothing. I'm more than willing to pay a small fee as long as I'm making a small profit on the run or even if I come out even. Now instead of both of us being happy and on our jolly ways, that pirate will probably just destroy my cargo, or what he cant use of it be none the richer. Something needs to change.
Sorry, thats what we do.If you look at the ID, XA do not take cash.Further more, its throughly out of RP for a XA to take cash.If you have further issues, take it up with dusty lens
3 mill is a medium number these days and is reasonable.
Xenos dont want any foreign trade so the XA acted in RP.
Hiring escorts or scouts to fly ahead of you is a good practice.
I'm sure you'll find someway to get enough money for another load of cargo. Tell people your hard luck story, some might give a little charity. If that is not in your character than you can always mine helium.
I think you were the cardamine trader? The one who said "let me think about it" and then started to make for the jumpgate?
That was me then, I imagine, and I gave you all manner of chances to make the right call.
Might be a group of people come together to play Xenos who oblige the cardamine trade with aims to secure it for themselves, but our particular wing does not care for people who peddle Outcast trash to buy our countrymen for the return trip to Malta.
I gave you far more than ample warning, not to mention chances. Pew pew.
Also our "tax" might be a terribly steep one, but if it makes you feel any better we're not making a credit.
If you're confused as to the why, Tenacity provided rather on the nose cliffnotes.
Quote:Further more, its throughly out of RP for a XA to take cash.If you have further issues, take it up with dusty lens
I wouldn't go that far. Anybody can be bribed - it just depends on how much you have to put forth in order to sway their opinions. Its frowned upon to pay a terrorist, but its not ooRP. Just like its frowned upon for a Navy officer to take bribes and send somebody the codes to the Alaska jump gate, but hey, he'll probably end up squid food, right?
If you take into consideration the rigid ID restrictions, then yes, but if you're that by-the-book, nothing would change in Disco. That is to say in reference to what little does in fact change.
-Edit- Ah yes, more to the point. The Xenos were being Xenos and thus they were doing exactly what they always do.
Xenos are harsh...but they are one of the more...consistent RP pirate Factions on the server...I fly a mastodon, was flying 5k of boron, and had it dropped and trashed...wasnt happy, but i can always make it up.
another interesting practice to try is to take a different route....there are always more then 1 way in and out of a system, that has a decent trade route.
Look on the bright side though, if you had been stopped by the LN or LPI things would have been much worse....you would have had to pay 2 million, drop your cargo, and watch it be destroyed, or be destroyed, still owe Liberty 2mil, and you get put on a list of Smugglers, to keep an eye on...
' Wrote:I wouldn't go that far. Anybody can be bribed - it just depends on how much you have to put forth in order to sway their opinions.
Someone offered me 20 million last night, was turned down. How much higher do you reckon you'll go?
I tend be lenient in two cases. First, to Liberty Corporations who play ball. Secondly, to anyone who plays ball.
I've been called an idiot more times than the once for handing 2-4 million to some poor sap who just got robbed upside the head just because they put on an epic show. It's not worth the full weight of profit that they would have gleaned, but I do try to soften the impact.
But, of course, if they rant/run/shoot/cry they generally get nothing but supernovas for their pain.
' Wrote:Or you could just avoid Liberty whenever there's anything with an "X" in it's name on...works for me, I have never run into a Xeno...
Kinda helpful that they gravitate towards the bottom of the online list by alphabetical, too...
Demanding the ammount of money or cargo is a very very hard thing to decide you know.
It must be fair, reasonable, in RP. The person's rational thinking now kicks in.
I have had the horror to see a cap 8 gunboat demand a million from a lvl 32 rhino. Ofcourse he blew up, after they told him they simply didnt have enough money.
In my opinion, demanding cargo is the worst thing you can do to a trader. If you pay 2mil, you still make at least 6 on the base you were heading to. If they take your cargo tho, not only you lose 1mil of cargo when you bought it but also you lose all chance to get it back.
I personally rarely charge over a million, I do, however, chare 2k from rhinos and camaras and such, it's really about the rp.
But yes, the Xenos wish to stop all traffic regarding non liberty goods import, so they destroy the cargo. Simple enough.
Again, people need to use common sence when demanding money or cargo, it really can effect the victims will to live.