I use wow to put in my former belief with rp that if you didnt like something about it just ignore the bloke unless they were attacking you then do likewise or run. This common decency does not seem to exist here among most of the masses.
' Wrote:I use wow to put in my former belief with rp that if you didnt like something about it just ignore the bloke unless they were attacking you then do likewise or run. This common decency does not seem to exist here among most of the masses.
Well... There is an /ignore on Disco as well I think.
There is good RP in Disco.
But it's like gold. You have to sift.
It takes effort.
But it's worth it when you can find it.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
White maeans you must have forum RP of some kind. Even requesting one such vessel over RP hub.
And if the Ship is sold in a guard system, They can say you cant go In the system or get the ship, even if it is green too you.Factions can resrict you buying there ships.
' Wrote:White maeans you must have forum RP of some kind. Even requesting one such vessel over RP hub.
And if the Ship is sold in a guard system, They can say you cant go In the system or get the ship, even if it is green too you. Factions can resrict you buying there ships.
Currently the bolded is not actually correct.
As long as a player has the correct ID, and tag, there is nothing factions can do about it another player buying a suitable faction ship.
We need a place where statements like these can be easily found.
Any advice given needs to be given correctly. (This includes mine if I am incorrect - i.e.I want to see proof that factions can refuse another player a ship, if that player has the right ID.)
Either your statement needs reviseing or you need to show proof.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
Second remember the old biblical saying ? Do onto others?
Your multiplayer experience will be much better if you stick to a few cardinal rules aside from those of discovery.
1. Try your best to make it fun for others.
2. Show respect, even when you think the person infront of you doesnt deserve it.
3. If some one rule lawyers, advise them to use this forums to report it. If there is a problem, you can explain it better here rationally.
4. I always thought RP stories were fun, but the last time I saw an outcast flying a bretonian bettleship, I am not so sure anymore that this is such a hot idea. Why is it that no one RP's the old junker bomber in their story. I will tell you why I think it is. It is because the junker bomber sucks. People first go and select a ship and then write a story around it. Don't do that. Here is anotheridea if you like being a junker. Fly a junker ship. (any how my personal gripe..I will shut up now)
5. Give em RP opportunities. Quests? etc. etc. (sometimes it is more fun to do a quest given to you by a player than the one provided by the game mechanics)
If you are online, look for the [\JG/] Vessel. may be we can work together and have fun.
Last but not least... I promise you, there are a lot of good people around here. The community is awesome and the atmosphere here is what you make of it. Have fun and by the way go out and enjoy the summer too.
Thank you all, the people that have posted kind words here and all the factions that have said I should app I sincerely <3 you so much, so difficult to chose if you will all still have me.
Alright now down to the gritty. I feel I have a unique perspective on this wonderful game, Im new and I have rp'd for years. I have expectations and have not built up any "mental calluses". Here is what I found.
+1 some of you are truly amazing, the stories, the rp, how cool you are! It cant be replicated.
+2 The ships and game itself are beautifull! Those who did them did an excellent job!
+3 The factions I have had positive experiences with were truly that. Positive
+4 Did I mention the stories? I have been reading the rp hub and it is EXCELLENT!
+5 I have written 3 rp stories since starting this game and it has been immensly amusing, when I put the finishing touches on them I look forward to putting them up
Now the next things some people may not like to hear and you know what? It needs said. If some of these things dont change players just like me, new, generally caring about rp and with expectations that aren't going to change are going to wither up just like water out of a faucet being shut off. Youll only be left with lolwutters and pvpwhores left incoming, not a pretty thought is it slowly watching as the true rp'ers wither away to the lolwut spam.
-1 There is to much power in the hands of the player. If they dont like you it doesnt fly, and just one person sanctioning can get something with an impressive rp backstory gone in a heartbeat.
-2 A good majority of the players look at sanctions and the admins as mere tools for revenge, and to get their way.
-3 Factions have way to much power plain and simple, for someone that isnt an admin to make the law concerning my rp and the way it goes, uh uh that **** aint gonna fly (excuse my language ill edit it if it offends)
-4 creative rp is being stiffled. If I want to do a long and very rp story that is rp and lore correct on how and why I have said weapon/ship I should be able to do it and the random joe schmoe should not have the power to destroy that if im following rules
-5 I see blantant discrimination against certain ship types and systems, that really cuts down on the rp doesnt it? (Im looking at you gallia and battleships)
-6 the anti battleship bias. people despise them and rule lawyer them into oblivion. Also the price raise from the wiki till now is bs. You all complain about lolwutters and powertraders but do you know what fuels it? Prices on battleships. The rhineland pirate cruiser being 256 million creds fromt he 76 million on the wiki is RUBBISH. From everything I hear battleships can be wtfpwnd by bombers and good gunboats, and i have no problem with that. I have a problem with something that isnt the hand of god is that expensive and steadily increasing in price, all that does is discourage those who want to rp, because you know what? They will not powertrade cause they stop and rp due to their love of it! And if you hate people having it so much, what then? You just want a select few? You do know the pvp whores will drop them in a second if they are as fragile as i hear.
-7 player attitudes in general. If you have been keeping up with this thread you know I have been threatened, abused, cursed at, snobbed, yelled at, and lawyered an uncountable amount of times and this is the first week? You know how that makes me feel? Do you know what hope it allows me to deposit in this beautifull and wonderfull game? Not very much let me tell you.
-8 more stress in this game then in real life. Yeah its true, its more stressful to constantly be told your ideas are useless then to face what rl has in store. We rp to escape, it is a soothing bond that lets one not be the person they are and become whatever starship pilot they dream of.
I feel this is important, and you have every right to write me off and thats fine. I just have a different perspective on this game then most do and will not take it. I am the new rper, you need a steady influx of people similar to me to keep the ratio of lolwut to rp steady from people quitting. Listening may help the path of this game.
Wll I have some questions and comments, so here goes.
' Wrote:-1 There is to much power in the hands of the player. If they dont like you it doesnt fly, and just one person sanctioning can get something with an impressive rp backstory gone in a heartbeat.
How's that? If you are withing the rules, no they cant. If you are not withing the RP rules, then you shouldnt have had it in the first place. If you violate other rules, you cont lose the RP.
' Wrote:-2 A good majority of the players look at sanctions and the admins as mere tools for revenge, and to get their way.
I dont know about that. I see plenty of canctionably offenses happen that dont get reported, simply because people are willing to forgive and forget and/or work out their issues without making a report. I suppose only a server admin would really know this. If you are being threatened with sanctions though, thats a rule violation and you should let people who do that know, and if they dont want to listen to and you feel they may need to be spoken to by someone with more authority, you can differ the issue to the admins.
' Wrote:-3 Factions have way to much power plain and simple, for someone that isnt an admin to make the law concerning my rp and the way it goes, uh uh that **** aint gonna fly (excuse my language ill edit it if it offends)
If you are experiencing trouble with any factions, we'd love to hear it. Most faction leaders would love to hear it as well as they dont want people who wandering around bossing people around OORP in their faction. However, I do think factions should have the right to have their own RP and that both faction players and indies should work together on their RP. They both have to be flexible.
' Wrote:-4 creative rp is being stiffled. If I want to do a long and very rp story that is rp and lore correct on how and why I have said weapon/ship I should be able to do it and the random joe schmoe should not have the power to destroy that if im following rules
If you are following the rules? How's that?
' Wrote:-5 I see blantant discrimination against certain ship types and systems, that really cuts down on the rp doesnt it? (Im looking at you gallia and battleships)
Ummm, not really clear on what you mean by other of these.
' Wrote:-6 the anti battleship bias. people despise them and rule lawyer them into oblivion. Also the price raise from the wiki till now is bs. You all complain about lolwutters and powertraders but do you know what fuels it? Prices on battleships. The rhineland pirate cruiser being 256 million creds fromt he 76 million on the wiki is RUBBISH. From everything I hear battleships can be wtfpwnd by bombers and good gunboats, and i have no problem with that. I have a problem with something that isnt the hand of god is that expensive and steadily increasing in price, all that does is discourage those who want to rp, because you know what? They will not powertrade cause they stop and rp due to their love of it! And if you hate people having it so much, what then? You just want a select few? You do know the pvp whores will drop them in a second if they are as fragile as i hear.
Power traders will exist no matter how much capships cost. The higher prices are that way in this version for three reasons most likely. One, they got a hug stat boost from the last version, the price increase corresponds with that. Two, to keep people trading so pirates have something to do, so lawfuls have something to do. Trade is key to keeping things alive. Three, to make sure people are serious about getting them and to try and reduce lolcappage, though i dont really think it helps here.
' Wrote:-7 player attitudes in general. If you have been keeping up with this thread you know I have been threatened, abused, cursed at, snobbed, yelled at, and lawyered an uncountable amount of times and this is the first week? You know how that makes me feel? Do you know what hope it allows me to deposit in this beautifull and wonderfull game? Not very much let me tell you.
Yeah, you kind of jumped into the deep end of the pool right away by attempting ambitious and unique RP. Anyone who does this will face doubt. A lot of it. You can either learn to deal with it or play more normal characters, or leave of course.
' Wrote:-8 more stress in this game then in real life. Yeah its true, its more stressful to constantly be told your ideas are useless then to face what rl has in store. We rp to escape, it is a soothing bond that lets one not be the person they are and become whatever starship pilot they dream of.
If playing on the server causes you to stress out, I recommend not doing it. I know you worked very hard on your RP but you might want to try taking it less seriously. If someone questions or tears apart your RP in game, you should take it with a grain of salt. If you want to try and explain yourself, thats fine, bt getting upset and stressed when individuals act idiotically, it's just not worth it. Now when entire groups do really stupid things, now thats a time to try and affect some change, but otherwise...
You should probably PM Sprolf and talk to him. He is somewhat new to the community and like you he likes ambitious RP. Like you he has probably faced his fair share of naysayers. Regardless, I truly hope you dont leave.