Your so-called peace will be impossible as long as you're ignoring the descendants of the Hispania and the descendants of the real Shogun.
Furthermore, the descendants of the Hispania that I represent will be greatly disappointed by your 'granting' a system to the IMG. A system which is not yours to give away in the first place. Expect further support of the Bretonians on this matter.
In fact, I think that a way of achieving peace in Tau-31 is only possible by your so called Kusari Government acknowledging the Blood Dragons as the true rulers of Kusari and the resignation of current corrupt bodies. But again, it is the Blood Dragons to be asked about that, last time I checked, they still think so.
On a second note, your blatant disregard of the situation under the guise of ignorance sickens me. Also, I find it hard to believe you are that an ambassador can be so ill informed and ignorant to the basic facts of the situation regarding the Tau-31 system. I think you're telling us stories, fact which proves the Blood Dragons right and the cause to my loosing the little respect I had for the Kusari Government as a worthy adversary.
I won't even start on your futile attempt to bring Rheinland into that war. I do hope that Rheinland is smarter than that.
Bernard Fokke, Outcasts, Duke of Corsica
edit: thanx for telling me of the typo
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
I believe that you will understand that I choose to ignore the Blood Dragons' and Outcasts' transmission. They, not being a House Government on top of being known criminals, have little to no say in this matter, and therefore should refrain from making any form of protest in such dealings. Should anyone have a problem with this, please let me know and I will attempt to accomodate their concerns. Until then, I feel I do not have to degrade myself with their insane claims that only by destroying the Kusari Government could we obtain peace.
However, there is one argument that Mr. Fokke made that offends me greatly, and that is that I am feigning ignorance. This is a lie. While I do not wish anyone to believe me to be stupid, I do admit that I am not as well informed as I would wish to be, and thus, beg you to forgive me any and all omissions that I may have made during the inital stages of the treaty. If I had not forseen this, then I wouldn't have even opened it to discussion, and simply launched it into Galactic Parliament. Seeing as how I refrained from doing so, I hope that you see me as a person who understands her lack of knowledge and is willing to learn.
Now, I wish for one delegate from each party involved, criminals notwithstanding, to continue deliberations here. I also ask that anyone not recognized as being a spokesperson for an organization backed by an intergalactic Government, or being a recognized intergalactic Government, refrain from attempting to speak here. While I do not wish to discredit your opinions, it seems to me that we each have our own agendas, and that these are so radically different that trying to cater to each would be impossible. Therefore, by only involving those who have a vested interest in Tau 31, and not the destruction and degredation of a major political party, can we attempt to solidify peace.
Should a criminal or terrorist group wish to speak, then please do so in a civil and nonagressive manner. By pinning blame on someone, you will only act to inflame this infection that is war. And no, that is not to be interpretted as being a veiled attack on Britonia or Kusari. It is simply a choice of words.
On to more important business. I need to see the facts. I would like each delegate to present his or her own view of why this war is here, and then give me his or her vision of a solution. If this vision involves the destruction of a political group, then I request that you refrain from giving us that description, as it does us no good. Thank you for coooperating. Furthermore, these descriptions should not involve other's descriptions, and should be nonagressive and nonconfrontational. That way, we all can see what we have in common, and from that we will be able to synthesize a treaty.
Before I end this transmission, I feel it important to say that I am not here to try and 'gain glory and honor for the Shogunate', or anything of that matter. Indeed, I came here only to establish a lasting peace. Is that such a bad thing? We all want peace, in our own way, and I believe that my views are not entirely unsupported, even though I may not be the most informed person. So please, give me a description of why the war started, and how it can end in peace.
Thank you for your time, delegates, and thank you for being here.
Madam Fiona H. deLuna
Ambassador of the Kusari Naval Forces
The history of the Blood Dragons goes back to the fourth century. The founding members of the group were the Shoguns Royal Guard during the Hideyoshi family dynasty. In a bloody coup during the celebration of the revived Sakura festival in 321 AS, the Shogun was surrounded in the palace by Samura-backed elements of the military and asked to surrender, along with the Royal Guard. The Shogun, humiliated by the shame he had brought his family, committed suicide. The guards, headed by Kozue Okamura, did not acquiesce so easily. In a bloody battle, they fought their way out of the palace and retreated into the darkness of northern Kusari space. Here they regrouped and began a long guerrilla campaign aimed at overthrowing the Samura-controlled Kusari government.
In light of these facts, Madam Fiona deLuna, as a Blood Dragon I rightfully challenge your relevancy and the relevancy of the government you represent in this matter. You should fall together with your petty allies.
If this nonsense doesn't stop I will be forced to increase the number of our strikes against your fleet and infrastructure.
Best Regards,
Hotblack Desiato
(Blood Dragons, Nova PowerGen Group)
If people don't stop calling me corrupt, I might get angry. I am not corrupt. I wish to believe the government I represent it not corrupt, either. I, not being from Kusari, am not to be grouped together with the Kusari Government in any way other than being their Ambassador. That being said...
I do not have the power to give you what you want, which is control of the government. Your tale, sir, says that you were the Shogun's elite guard, and that doesn't exactly put you in the position to become the next Shogun, does it? Furthermore, assuming that Samura did cause a coup, then it would be their right to rule. Last time I checked, a military coup works in an empire. A democracy? That wouldn't allow for it. But an empire? There is nothing wrong. After all, what you are doing seems to mimic that which was done in the past. Well, assuming that it occured at all, which I cannot seem to find any primary-source documents, that are unbiased, retelling the tale.
You have no right to question the relevancy of my government in this matter. Peace in a war BETWEEN BRITONIA AND KUSARI does seem to encompass the Kusari Government. So, you can do what you please, but your justification is flawed. And you might say that mine is, too, but then again, we are all entitled to our own opinions.
Now, in conclusion, you have no say in this treaty, nor do you have the slightest reason to be envolved! If you want to be included, then please, do so in a way that is civil. This entire rebuttle I present to you is about as savage as I intend to be, but by the Gods or Deities that you may or may not believe in, I do not care. You have stretched me to the limit with your allegations of corruption that have yet to be supported. So please, if you want to claim something, provide proof!
And for the last time, I am not corrupt.
Now, if a Blood Dragon, Corsair, Outcast, Phantom, Rogue, Junker, Farmer's Alliance, or any other criminal faction tries to enter these delegations with the intent of undermining my reason, which is, I will remind you, to establish peace, then I will do everything in my power to have you imprisioned. I may only be a single person, but your trickery and treachery will not go unpunished. Now, I repectfully request that you do not attempt it again! Thank you.
My fellow delegates, I beg forgiveness for my brusqueness in dealing with criminals. I have had my share of them in the past, and by the Gods or Deities you may or may not believe in, I will not deal with them in any other way. Until they can provide adequate and indisputable evidence proving that I, or my Government, is corrupt, I will deal with them in the manner you have just seen. I do not believe that we need to have talks of peace clouded with talks of anything else; that is best left outside this delegation; perhaps, say, in a bar. However, this is no bar, and so, let us leave such talk outside. Thank you.
Once more, please forgive me, but I must be harsh in my words should we ever wish to gain peace.
Madam Fiona H. deLuna
Ambassador of the Kusari Naval Forces
(OOC: I am a lawyer in real life, and I love me some diplomatic debating. However, this really isn't the place for it. Let's say that armed guards are now in place around the perimeter, and that if you want to get in, you'll have to be a little bit less conspicuous than the leader of the Blood Dragons. Thanks. I mean, I value your views, and I love to read your writing style, but you don't have a place in these peace talks. Now, if you think you do, then you can post here OOC, and then we can chat about it and see. Otherwise, please refrain. I really am here only to establish peace. Thanks for your cooperation in advance.)
(OOC: Ah, yes, I seem to have just thought of something. Let's say that all the proper delegates are here in person, and therefore, if you have posted so far, then you, too, are here in person. Okay? Okay. Thanks!)
My position and status in this august body is uncertain. When I made my opening statement suggesting that Ambassador Gideon be included in these discussions, I was myself in the process of divesting myself of any responsibilites to a Faction. That Faction's place here would have been questionable as well.
That having been said, I will hold my peace until such time as I am asked to be a "Delegate-at-Large", am asked to present a specific opion or view ex-camera, or am summarily booted bag and fishcreel out the door.
I await the decision of the Conference.
No titles,
No agendas,
Only shared realities.
I was monitoring the frequency and I am not surprised with your disregard for the Children of The Hispania. It was done in the past and it is done now. Your arrogance in this matter is an ill thought issue at least. You're repeating the mistake of your ancestors before you.
The only ones talking about being offended are the Blood Dragons and the Children of The Hispania bar the Corsairs and their minions as they are known to widely support your corrupt government. I will ignore your missing the fact that I represent the Outcasts, not the Blood Dragons. How did you get to be Ambassador without knowing basic facts? No need to answer. Learn first, act later, Sirius is not going to be a cage of lab rats for corrupt Kusari experiments. As for your said wish to not discredit our opinions, it is certain that we all have our agendas, thank you for admitting to it, madam. Further, just for your information, the Outcasts do have a vested interest in Tau-31.
On a second note, you've already gotten angry, a bad virtue for a diplomat in my humble opinion. Same goes for your wish to believe the government You represent not to be corrupt, you must be playing the jester in the parliament.
I am not aggressive, I'm pinning blame on no one. I am pointing out that this is a good time to straighten the wrongs that your ancestors have done. I am speaking for the Children of The Hispania. I am simply telling you that giving out what is not yours to an enemy of both, the Bretonia and the Hispania which the IMG is, you are acting towards fueling the fire that has been ravaging through that system. Do you have the right to cancel so many lives? Erase so many from existence even before they were conceived? A war, madam, is not a mere choice of words, it is a reality at this moment and people are dying somewhere in that system as we are debating 'words'. You are good with the words, I have to admit, but the deeds and truth of the words are yet to be seen. I see a grim future following your words.
If there's anything that is of greater importance to you than the peace of Sirius, please, don't let me hold you, attend to it.
Bernard Fokke, Outcasts, Duke of Corsica
ooc: if you cared to look into the role-play, the Hispania IS a house and that's what the Outasts are fighting for, to become a fully recognized house. If you cared to look even more, you'd find out that the war isn't gonna end soon (stated so by Igiss, if he does change that, I will see to change my and GoR RP) for now, we are obliged to react, IMG are our enemies, so are the Kusari, and we are friendly to the Blood Dragons and allied with the Golden Chrysanthemums. On another note, the Kusari as it is now, it's a corporate rule, not a shogunate. (Where's marauder when you need him, he knows Kusari more than I do). Don't take offense, I'm just RPing something I found to be a great RP.
If you don't want me in, say so. Don't hide behind hollow threats. You're going against the basic RP set by Igiss. Enough said.
edit: corrected double negation. not english myself, nor the Outcast is english. the point was made nevertheless.
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
(OOC: Oh, I know about Hispania and all that jazz. But Fiona doesn't; there really aren't enough books on it in game, sadly. And I call it a shogunate because, as stated hitherto, that is what Fiona has been informed. I love reading what you write, Nightfall, so please do not stop. It really is fun to butt heads with people that are as skilled, if not better, at debate as I. Also, Fiona does not wish to do anything that would do anything that would destroy any chance of peace. She is naive, yes, but then again, most idealists are. I, too, am simply RPing. And I severely hope that if we can get this peace treaty worked out, that Igiss will choose to incorporate it into the future mod. If not, let him speak now and delete this thread. Because if it's all for vain, then let's stop it now.
Furthermore, Fiona has a healthy disrespect for criminal groups, which she views the Outcasts as. To think anything else would go against the RP set by the original game. In my writing, I have tried to be cordial in my dealings with such criminals, and I also believe that I've incorporated an air of either superiority or perhaps disdain into it. Once more, these are for RP purposes only.
And I think that Fiona should be flustered because she began this delegation to establish peace, only to find that no one is even willing to negotiate, only to throw insults back and forth. And yes, she even joins in, but under much protest.
And while this doesn't really matter, you used a double negative. "I'm not pinning the blame on no one" means that you are pinning it on someone. Just thought I'd point that out.
Anywho, back to IC. Thought some clarification wouldn't be frowned upon.)
Mr. Fokke,
Fine. I beg you, join the delegation. Give us your view on how peace should be brought here. I beg you.
I mean, if the Outcasts do have a vested interest, then you are entitled to join. However, if you make mention of disrupting a government in the process of gaining peace, then hold your words. I thank you.
I will admit that I am lacking on the information that would be critical here. I understand that. But you know what? You all aren't; or rather, you appear to not be misinformed or ill informed. So please, enlighten me! Let me understand! Impart that knowledge unto me! I am not here as the sole propagator! I did not call this meeting simply to convey my personal point! I am here because I am the only one who has attempted to gain peace. And if I'm wrong, then please tell me so now, because I have yet to find another person who has tried to be open about this, and try to smooth things over.
Here are the facts as I see them. The Outcasts and the Blood Dragons hate Kusari. The Britonians hate Kusari. The Kusari hate Britonia. The Cosairs hate the Britonians, but not the Kusari. The IMG wants control of Tau 31. The Outcasts and the Britonians don't like the IMG. Did I miss something? Or is that about it?
We are focused in on the negative. Let's look at the positive.
Hmm, it seems few people have given me anything positive to work with that hasn't been countered so far. We must remedy this. Now.
You all can call me whatever the hell you want. I mean it. Go ahead. But my cause is just; I wish for the peace of Sirius. So, Mr. Fokke, what can I do to gain peace with the Outcasts? What do I need to do to try and get you to agree to a peaceful resolution? Please tell me, and I'll try to cater to it.
And if you all are unwilling, then we should just blow the entire system up. Detonate the star there, and close the jump gates and jump holes. I mean, that is a sure fire way to end this. You all are continually advocating your own position, which is that you want peace, but can't tolerate the others. Am I the only person who wants peace, and doesn't care what the cost is, barring the destruction or radical alteration of a government? If not, speak so now.
The floor awaits a response.
Madam Fiona H. deLuna
Ambassador of the Kusari Naval Forces
I rise for the purpose of gaining information and insight on the issues as well.
I have had occassion to "know" the Outcasts and their history to a small degree. In the early days of the ELF, our attempts to balance the forces of Order and Chaos throughout the Sector required us to know many of the unrecognized factions and splinter groups that inhabit this space with us. Because at that time, Order seemed to be the darker face of Janus.
I know that the Children of the Hispiana sufferred the worst fate of all the refugees of Terra. I know that they were forced to struggle in a remote northern part of the Sector to survive. With only a small piece of this vast sector to call their own, they have perservered with great courage.
If our Hispanian Delegate is passionate, we should be considerate of the reasons for his passion. It is well deserved. His claims for Tau 31 may also be worth considering.
I would also ask Mr. Fokke to review the text of his speech again, and tell us how he could claim to "place no blame", yet questioned the Kusari Ambassador's "arrogance", competence, and "virtues" on more than one occasion. Might I suggest a retraction is in order, Bernard, old fellow?
I point no fingers when I say that the Balance has changed. Strife and Chaos now seem to be our daily bread, our lot in life. Eris Herself has seen this tilt in the Sacred Chao. She instructed us to become missionaries, and we set out; both human and cyber-sentient Epopts, and we once again melded with diverse and sometimes competing Factions. But this time, as less chaotic pie throwers, and more sedate bringers of the Word.
We, however, did not minister to the forces of Order themselves. The Houses, the large Corporations, The persons of power and control who maintained that Order. Therefore, other than knowing the limits of their territories, we knew little to nothing of their Governments, their goals, their common ordinary citizens.
This is the information I seek. We know that Kusari is heavily influenced by financial power and the "Keiretsu" mentality. We know that Bretonia is monarchial in nature. Liberty is in theory a democracy. I know little of Rheinland other than the Chancellory. But these are just words and titles; and they do not lend themselves to debate without the understanding of what they "mean". What dreams and possible futures do they embody? What do their legislative bodies, or board rooms, or royal conclaves feel about the prospect of neverending war and suffering. I would ask the Delegates from the major Houses to enlighten me on this issue. To enlighten us all.
To: All
From: Office of the Second in Command and XO of the Helghast
I would like to just stick my head in here with all the big boys, and say that, the Helghast have no interest in paying any tolls.
********End Transmission***************
**********Incoming Transmission**********
From: K. Olsav, Grand Admiral
To: All
Aside from my representation in an official capacity,
On a personal note, to Corsairs and Kusari: Sod Off as you Bretonians say, never known the corsairs to fight with honour. I respect the outcasts, but never the corsairs. In my navy days i saw your brutality, all over money, not ideas, but money. You and your Kusari allies sicken me.
In regards to the talks, i saw let the 2 houses fight it out. It only stimulates the economy, and allows the arms trade to keep on rolling....
********End Transmission***************
fmr Lord Solar Admiral of the Helghast, fmr.RAHF-Olsav-[Cpt], fmr. {Helghast}(LSA-vhf)~Olsav, fmr.{Helghast}(LSA)~Olsav, aboard HCS. Kesselring