---Ship Name: LNS-Guam
---Captain: Jordi Farragut
---Crew: 1 on-board capitan, 3 comanders, 6 luitenants, 12 ensigns, 36 gun crew, 20 engineering crew, 20 communications and exploration crew, 10 petty officers, 20 other military personal
---Ship Class: Liberty Assault BattleCruiser
---Armament: TBC (probably 2 flak, 1-2 pulse, 1-2 light mortar, rest Std Liberty Cruiser Turrets)
---Protection: Cruiser Graviton Shield + Capital Armor VIII
Capitan History:
Jordi look at the photo of his great-great-great-great........grand father, Admiral David Farragut and wondered how would he had felt knowing his great-great-great-great........grand son had just been promoted to BC captain. The only problem, is that his ship had not been comissioned yet, and he would have to go on the painful process of supervising the final construction, and recruiting the man-power needed to make the LNS-Guam work as a sole fighting unit under his command. Jordi expects that all those years at the command of a gunboat, and later of a cruiser, will make some good on the new adventure
The LNS-Guam is for the moment in dock, with the main structure, armor, engineering, electronics already installed. Luckily Jordi arrived on time to decide what kind of weapondry could be given the Guam. She must have some heavy guns to be able to hold the line, but also must be able to protect the BS against the bombers so specially designed Flak may be mounted.
And for the moment, Waiting for the high command to give the OK for the LNS-Guam to go ahead finishing construction and start shakedown cruise.
// Actually I did not build this character yet, but I'm submitting this post as an official request to have a Liberty BC. Once I'm approved, I'll build the character and get the ship.
I do not like to name names...i'm no grass at all, but all i will say is more than one person said that LNS are unregistered, there is no formality, no rank and no-one you need not register anywhere....
Thats all I am saying and that was almost the day I bought the ship...about 3-4 weeks ago now, the Day after being denied access to Alaska/Liberty by David Hale.
WHS LTD. (Wild Horse Services)
W.Commander Ravenolle De Rameriez
Merchant Navy Capital Ship Leader(Armour/Supplies/Shipping Co.)
Commander (1st Class) Avalon De Rameriez
Merchant Navy Supply Director(Armour/Supplies/Shipping Co.)
I have now chosen to remain independant yet lawful/loyal to Liberty Region and will come to aid those in distress or Traders under Attack.
I do not want to join [LN] or LNS since I have been discusted at some of the actions at I have witnessed against me and others. I left LNS since with infighting within a region, how can we ever defend ourselves. the leadership need to be taught restraint/patience/manners and not just answer with the gun. Saw one Female Commander lose her temper over nothing then order LNS-Justice to kill a LABC who offered no resistance...not mine I might add...I called for calm and a ceasefire and was ignorred.
I now just wish to be left alone... I do not follow the banner of LN or LNS, but RCMP Canada Group
WHS LTD. (Wild Horse Services)
W.Commander Ravenolle De Rameriez
Merchant Navy Capital Ship Leader(Armour/Supplies/Shipping Co.)
Commander (1st Class) Avalon De Rameriez
Merchant Navy Supply Director(Armour/Supplies/Shipping Co.)
---Incoming Transmission---
---Source Indentified: William von Darkmoor, Lt Commander---
---Subject: Independent Capital Ships---
Appologies for the delay, this was caught in a backlog of paperwork.
Can you provide some substantial evidence that you are in fact the commander of this vessel, as well as evidence that it is no longer in service? We cannot seem to find the original registration details. This does not look good when you come to us with no reason and very little detail on the matter par a demand that borders on a threat.
The [LN]'s competence is astounding. Lost the files regarding a military warship? Liberty only hopes that Rheinland's military follows suit.
The Nebraska is no longer under the Liberty Navy's jurisdiction. It is now under the Liberty Security Forces' jurisdiction. That is all you need to know.
---Incoming Transmission---
---Source Indentified: William von Darkmoor, Lt Commander---
---Subject: LNS-Nebraska---
You will find that where such ships as yours are concerned, that is the same thing. Your ship will be removed, but without an order from Admiral Hale stating otherwise, it will not be allowed to operate within Liberty space unless it is once more registered.