This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )
It obviously isn't rehinland
1. It's not rheinland design
2. The signature is criminal
From the other pic: is that the liberty gunboat?
People have the right to be stupid but some people abuse their rights
I don't suffer from crazynes, I enjoy it every moment.
Artifical intelligence does not compare with natural stupidity.
Nobody's perfect, i am nobody.
T H 3 K ! L L 3 R 0 F 8 U N N ! 3 2 H 4 2 2 P 0 K 3 N