The Nebraska is not my ship. It has it's own captain and crew.
Either way, the Nebraska will operate wherever it needs to.
It does not report to Admiral Hale, nor the Liberty Navy. It comes under the sole jurisdiction of the R&D Department of the LSF, under classified protocols.
Lieutenant Commander, i saw Admiral Hales orders. My crew and my ship is at his service. Fulminata is a fully equipped Battle cruiser stationed at West Point mainly for defense purpose. It will be docked there until there is a significant threat for Liberty or until Admiral says otherwise.
I have recently put into commission a Siege class cruiser, and am going through the official channels of registering her.
The ship's callsign is 'LNS-Little.Bighorn', she is fully kitted out with weapons and armour, and has been deployed to the front line ready for active service.
The cheif officers are as follows:
Captain: Myself, Cpt. John Grey-Owl XO: Lt.Cmdr. Frank Spotted-Eagle Gun Captain: Lt. Jimmy Red-Foot Cheif Engineer: Lt. Archie Black-Moon
Total Crew:300 (including Marines)
Armament consists of:
1 x Cruiser Foreward gun
7 x Liberty Cruser Turret
1 x Cruiser Graviton Sheild
1 x Standard Mk IV Capital armour plating upgrade
1 x Enhanced Thruster (configured for cruiser class warships)
Standard Sensor/Tractor Beam array
I have been informed that my 5.K.Y.P.3 details may be required, if so, please let me know and i will supply them via private channels.
The ship is ready for action, it is currently deployed in texas to bolster the defences and help defend against Rheinland forreys.
If anything else is required, please contact me via private channels.
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Captain Philip Kolhammer
Location: Norfolk Shipyard
RE: LABC LNS-Fortuna
Message Reads:
Sirs, I am happy to report that the LNS-Fortuna is fully operational, with a crew being assembled as we speak. She should be ready in the next few hours, and her purposes have been mapped out already.
Primary purpose(s):
To stop pirates in Liberty from being able to tax traders, harm civilians, or harm officers of the LPI, LN or LSF.
To be the presence of the Navy when no other LNS ships are operating at the time.
Secondary purpose(s):
To provide support in the war against Rheinland.
To provide temporary quarters for officers on patrol.
Tertiary purpose(s):
Provide re-fueling and re-arming for passing lawful ships in need of it.
[font=System]Message Ending
Transmission Terminated
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
LNS-SilverLeaf reporting for duty. Siege cruiser, soon to be converted into assault.
Independent cruiser, acting only for the greater good of Liberty.
Don't care about stuck up petty fleet commanders (don't get me wrong they arn't all like that), not joining official squad but will continue to put more thought into it. Willing to help out and join ops though. We don't like being ordered around like slaves.
Basically we are a bunch of folks who uphold an ideal. Freedom and democracy. And so me and my mates joined the navy. Life was hard but it was worth it. Many years slogging in west point finally paid off when we busted one big pirate invasion plan, and a capship was put in our hands.
Whatever it is, we have pledged ourselves to defending the civilians of Sirius, particularly Liberty.
I have recently been put in command of a Liberty Assault BattleCruiser, the LNS-Utah. She has been outfitted with the following weapons array:
1 x Cruiser Ballistic Missile Launcher
2 x Light Mortar Artillery Batteries
1 x Cruiser Battle Razor
6 x Cruiser turrets Anti-Fighter/Bomber Point Defence Turrets
2 x Battleship Primary Turrets
Crew are as follows:
Captain: Cpt. Andrew Hunt
Executive Officer: Secretary Julia Wolfe Liberty Security Force (Intelligence Advisor to the Utah)
Engineering: Lt. Cmdr Shamus O'Brien
Total Crew: 500 Including LSF Agents, Civilian Medics and Marines
Access codes for the ship have been officially handed over to myself and Secretary Julia Wofe. If the captain or the XO do not answer hails this ship is to be disabled or destroyed if necessary.
This is Cortana, the A.I. aboard the L.N.S. Hammer. i am making this transmission on behalf of captain adam, who is busy with the dock crew on norfolk shipyards, getting the final allignment of the forward gun completed.
The hammer is a siege class cruiser, with a modified version of the standerd forward gun. the modifactions are classified, and are not to be discussed over transmissions with an encryption rating of QTR 9 or less.
Quote:<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]
liberty seige cruiser
one antimatter torpedo turret.
six hypersonic cannons.
Hull rating.
Nemisis VII scanner array.
that is all the information that can be disclosed on a channel with this level of security.