' Wrote:Not using "TV" language is making the server Better in my eyes, adding the F bomb every 2 words will not increase the RP.. Using richer language will.
What if you're roleplaying someone with a limited vocabulary? We don't all RP educated, well-mannered folks.
' Wrote:so find the words.. You can, and should be able to tell someone to "HGO%^$#OT#%&^)@" in more than one way dont you think?
Yep. Buy a thesarus.
I like colorful language as a way to enhance an already engaging statement. If what you are saying is lacking to begin with, inserting a F bomb will not help.
The "racial" statements are much more nuanced. I see no problem with "Sushi eating Kusari", whereas using terms such as "yellow" or "slant eyed" are.
When in doubt, best to just revert back to good 'ole "scum".
<span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms">I love the smell of carbon emissions in the morning...</span> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms">It smells like... WIN! Or something.</span>
its an unfortunate truth (and a shame) that if mild language was permitted it would be abused. Personally I find it fun to invent cusses that are more baffling than insulting.... making the other person have to figure out if your insulting them or not is so much more fun that the F-bomb. As a plus, inventive cussing without swearing or insulting can give a boost to RP mostly 'cos I find it easier to do when in character.
On a different note... Aren't we attempting to represent a particular society when we RP? A society in which wars are going on. Mild racism should almost be a little expected whilst in RP, although not condoned. But then again, it would be all to easy for people to abuse.
Hypothetically Mild racism and language should be expected in RP, but is impossible to condone either in or out of RP for fear of abuse.
im still confused as to why i got sanctioned for calling someone stupid.
oh yeah thats right, the admins use favouritism to decide the outcome of sanctions, therefore a least favoured persons input is disregarded.
Long live Disco?
oh what about calling people Bastards in-game and in-RP, in england calling someone a bastard can be quite the offense, yet the NPC in-game say it all the time quote "One of those Bastards, jsut took out one of my men!"
[22:50:33] ☆ҳ̸̲Ҳ̸ҳEternalâ Nightmareҳ̸̲Ҳ̸ҳ☆(illi): i cyber with leather torps (smoking)
' Wrote:The problem is that people cannot seem to differentiate between personal attacks and roleplay. Because of people who run around screaming **** **** **** **** ********* at each other, other people - who are good roleplayers - get slapped with the sanctionstick for using terms like slant-eyed yellowbellies, tea-sipping queenlovers, or donut munching piggies.
As a Earl grey drinking, non english, cross dressing police officer I take offence at your remarks ( I do enjoy the occassional donut though)