I find Gamma oddly compelling. I go there as an hypotherapy victim who thinks he is a moth, and uses such analogys to collect data and RP. Then I go 20k above the clouds.
There are some that RP, like Joe one time had an insane-ramble off between me and him, and others are all like "OMG WTH r u?!1"
JihadJoe Wrote:Xelgion, you have done a marvelous thing. Eppy is begging for mercy, in full caps.
Quote:Neutron Radiation Effects: Highly ionizing, and thus capable of causing alot of damage to biological material and tissue...neutron radiation is also only able to be blocked with a hydrogen rich substence, like water...normal radiation shielding will not affect it
neutron bombardment on metals causes their crystal structure to become irregullar, causing the metal to become brittle... this would be the actual part that would cause damage to the ship
neutron radiation occurs naturally, but can be generated by bombarding a metal plate with high amounts of energy, dislodging neutrons from atoms in the structure... I would think that vaporized graphite would be generated as a small bubble around the burst of neutron radiation in order to keep it together in flight, as graphite is a neutron moderator and slows down the faster of the neutrons...turning them into slower thermal neutrons (hoping they could stay together in the graphite vapor shell).... this would slowly render them more and more tolerable...creating a range limit
this weapon would be "ammo dependent" as the metal emmision plates and the graphite gas would have to be replaced often
Is it possible that the salamencas Leak Radiated gas, Killing brain cells?
' Wrote:What they mean is these problems happen mostly in some places. Yes lolwutters are everywhere, but they mostly concentrate in some hotspots aka, liberty, Alpha and gamma.
The first one since they know it well, the other one because its "cool".
We can make a show on Discovery Channel about this....
"And over here, we have the lolwutting capwhores. As you see the- OH GOD! THEY SPOTTED US! RUN, JIMMY! THEY GOT EIGHT DREADNOUGHTS!"
I was just RP with a ghost ship, who I won't name incase admins block it out, and he said 'lol'
I was utterly horrified he never noticed I was RP'ing with him, in fact, I made it really obvious that I was RP'ing him by putting the names of the ppl who spoke on my ship.