To own a capship, will be much like a special RP request. If your RP sucks, you don't get one. End of story. A server I once played on had a similar setup. If your RP had holes in it, or didn't make any sense at all in correlation to what you wanted to use the ship for, it was denied.
But those few cases where it made sense and was GOOD, the ship was given to the player and the owed credits were taken from the player.
That's what I think would work, but, won't ever happen on Discovery.
At first I though 'thats what happened to me in alpha' and I sympathize, but then again there some diffences:
- They actually talked to you before blowing you up, for 5 to 10 minutes? In alpha ur lucky u if u get 2 sentences spoken about you in the 3rd person with the word 'noob' instead of 'lol' in it, if have anything with the same rp status as a guardian ship.
- The persons that blew you up were indies, not factionalized
- Seems you only got blown up once, not 3 or 4 times, and you ended up getting chased to fp10 by a death mob who told you you should either change your name which refers to an african tribe or get off the server.
- did you see a large faction of which half its members actually didnt speak english (not that other faction I was talking about)?
- obviously the people who blew you up werent forum whores, or they would already have posted here?
Why always the strings against the Corsairs? Im not there often since I dont have one, but...