I always saw Corsairs as working by an honour-bound system. Seems to revolve more around he-who-has-the-biggest-whip in practice.
I'm not saying that they're all bad, more that many people there won't listen to a faction member's requests. However, if you happen to have a bigger ship than them, they'll gladly oblige.
In regards to the 'ratio', unfortunately it's higher. But that's still related to the high populations. The concerned go there because there's more stuff to pewpew.
And the Corsair ID? Sure, it allows pirating and whatnot, but you could try role-playing for a change? Yeah, I know, sounds harsh. But pushing a poor trader/fighter/bomber/gunboat/godknowswhat into an engagement is hardly role-play. Instead, take time off and listen.
The shorthand language? Only way to truly stop that is to lay each individual's hands out upon a slate and hit them with a baseball bat. Or maybe steal their keyboards.
This is how it is. Omega Pirates Guild now forces its people OUT of Gamma. Gamma is the biggest cesspool of lolwhutting ooocing retarded brainless noobs on the server. I gave up there. Completely. If i had a ban hammer id have muscles like he man from hitting so many people.
If you do expect to be shot down by cap spamming retard noobs in legate who rule lawyer you while re-engaging and cruising after you with caps. Then no doubt when you inevitably go bang your demise WILL be marked with a round of 'lol'
If i could exterminate every ****tard in Gamma with a ray gun of retribution I would.
Since I cant either accept its a crap system and dont go there or accept its a crap system and do.
The rest are probably in Gamma eating each others LOL with hungry spoons.
' Wrote:This is how it is. Omega Pirates Guild now forces its people OUT of Gamma. Gamma is the biggest cesspool of lolwhutting ooocing retarded brainless noobs on the server. I gave up there. Completely. If i had a ban hammer id have muscles like he man from hitting so many people.
If you do expect to be shot down by cap spamming retard noobs in legate who rule lawyer you while re-engaging and cruising after you with caps. Then no doubt when you inevitably go bang your demise WILL be marked with a round of 'lol'
If i could exterminate every ****tard in Gamma with a ray gun of retribution I would.
Since I cant either accept its a crap system and dont go there or accept its a crap system and do.
The rest are probably in Gamma eating each others LOL with hungry spoons.
Real corsairs arent in Gamma.
See OPG for more details.
Well I didn't want to be the one to say it. Shall we pin this?
Wow, seems it is not uncomon, best take Gentle's advice, the only ones you will ever be able to RP with are the more veteran corsairs, who are now sadly few and far between.
Also, i dont think all outsiders should be shot on sight (i remember having an hour long RP interrogation with some [*USI*] person that strayed into gamma), its just that the very large percentage of people do not fully know/understand the rules/RP/fair play.
Sad to say, but it seems Gentle is right about the fact that gamma is now progressing rapidly down the proverbial lavatory.
Hmm.all are typing about indies ib gamma,but why noone type about one sad,but true thing?
In past,there was TBH,OPG,Benitez to enforce laws and rp in gamma but now?
TBH are only group of talkers (group of radical corsairs are first words in tbh faction status)
OPG are caring only for omega 5 (yes,i read that answer in corsair emergency chat)
and benitez dropped in activity
so who can teach the indies in gamma?who can lead them?noone, only themselves
so its not their own fault that situation in gamma is so bad.
Where are strong united factions able to lead,teach,enforce laws?
and yes,i know that it is my failure too...
Maybe one day factions unite again(as in past)and then they can make from gamma good place for game again...
I personally try to avoid Gamma on most of my chars.
On my corsair, I go there only when I need some equipment, or when RHA/BHG/Outcasts are invading it and Im in mood for some PvP.
On my BHG, its only when we are bored and decide to raid Gamma.
To sum it all up, I enter Gamma only when I need to satisfy the PvPwhore in me :D (everyone has a PvPwhore hidden somewhere deep inside, admit it:P) but I never enter it and expect RP. There is little to no RP to find there. Its almost like the Connecticut of Omicrons.
Last time I was in the Gammas I RP'd with Montezuma for an hour, it was very nice. After he escorted me out of Gamma and told every other corsair to leave me alone at that time.
And I totally agree with Globalplayer-svk, about a year ago I was apart of TBH. I was the 3 Arigo brothers, if anyone remembers. And when I was with them, every Indie corsair would listen to either TBH or BENITEZ (cause at that time, both were trying to have more power). How it use to work was whenever anyone came into Gamma, an indie would shout it on system chat and either TBH or BENITEZ would tell him to halt him and wait for one of our ships. Then we would ask him his reason for being there. If it wasn't a 'good' reason, we would charge him a Tax and then escort him out of the system (unless of course he just wanted to PvP, then we would destroy his ship).
So I think one of the main factions for Corsairs should step up to the plate and teach these indies how to follow a leader and RP well. But in the mean time, for anyone who wants to RP with the corsairs in Gamma, I would personal message someone there (Preferably someone you know who has power) and tell them your intentions before hand. That way the corsair can calm down the PvP-craving indies and contribute a little RP.
My freelancer has gone into Crete many a time with loads of food, and while I've never been shot at, I've had good RP with the people there about bringing in food and such. While I'm in system, I've seen some atrocious (as in non-existant) rp from others in system, too. Minor detail - unless something has changed, the Council edict on people bringing food in should still be valid.
It's been interesting because I've gone in with my Junker IFF'd / AI ID'd Hauler and had people going what? (That unit brings in bio-unit resources (food) and leaves with defective alpha-code memory modules (artifacts)).
And just a comment (again) to the Ghost guys and anyone else that doesn't know - Harvester 24 is a ROGUE Harvester. It's posted in the special RP section. It's listed in other places. Harvesters are either neutral or allied with Corsairs. Don't shoot the machines - we're not using up your resources...
' Wrote:This is how it is. Omega Pirates Guild now forces its people OUT of Gamma. Gamma is the biggest cesspool of lolwhutting ooocing retarded brainless noobs on the server. I gave up there. Completely. If i had a ban hammer id have muscles like he man from hitting so many people.
If you do expect to be shot down by cap spamming retard noobs in legate who rule lawyer you while re-engaging and cruising after you with caps. Then no doubt when you inevitably go bang your demise WILL be marked with a round of 'lol'
If i could exterminate every ****tard in Gamma with a ray gun of retribution I would.
Since I cant either accept its a crap system and dont go there or accept its a crap system and do.
The rest are probably in Gamma eating each others LOL with hungry spoons.
Real corsairs arent in Gamma.
See OPG for more details.
Okay seriously... You've offended me like hell... I KEPT SITTING IN DARN LIBERTY TO LEARN HOW TO RP AN INDY AND THEN MADE A CORSAIR INDIE... Now what do I get? I get put in a basket with those lolwuts who love to spam caps...
YES I FLY A PRAEFECT! But also YES I DO RP! I can post the RP story behind this ship any time you want! It's named in correct way... Corsairs are Spanish, my ships name is Navarra (a spanish navy cruiser in 18th century if I remember well), my ships captain name is Julian Sanchez, ships crew is roughly 400 with 15 men engineering crew led by Chief Engineer Franco Fernandez, ships counselor name is Deliana Sanchez, captains cousin... Want some more info? Go ahead ask!
I always try to RP my playing... Always try to talk as one of the crew members (captain most of the time, but Deliana joins sometimes to talk with those psycho capspams and persuade them to think), when I get killed I do respect rules and switch to some totally different character or just leave... I've never said lol, omg etc on system chat... VERY RARELY do I even talk like this on group chats... Am I playing the bad way? Am I offending your sense of RP?
I can only recall ONE TIME I actually shot down a player ship with only engagement notice... It was an indie trader who flew into Omicron-91 and did not care to respond to my requests to leave and docked on Rhodes... Yes I did chase him for quite some time! But NO that wasn't OORP! I did it cause he violated a restricted Corsair system and I've felt that I'm obliged in-RP to kill him for that...
It's happened dozens of times in Gamma... Yes I've read lots of OORP chat in there, yes there was lots of lolwutting, capspaming, and violating every single server rule, but NO that's not all there is!
I've scanned and cleared dozens of traders carrying food and stuff... I've tried to stop my so called "amigos" from destroying that ghost ship... I've defended Crete from a few Outcast attacks, joined OPG in a raid on Outcast base... I've always listened to the orders of Elders, or senior officers, or members of OPG... I haven't violated a single rule during my time in Gamma... And you dare to put me in the same basket as those capspam idiots? I feel INFURIATED by this!
I do also have another Corsair character... Captain Diego Sanchez flying in a gunboat named Minotauros... I may have done some mistakes as this one, cause it was my first pirate char, but I still did try to be as rp-wise as possible...
WHY do you claim that Gamma is useless?! Can't you try to FIX IT instead of ignoring it? What stops you from holding the indies in line? You are the OPG! You have to capabilities... A single indie cannot do as much! :-/
Oh and what gives you the right to say I'm not a real corsair cause I'm indie?! What is that?!