Tell that to the people designing ships that end up with info cards that read 'this ship is not sold outside the faction and if it is seen being flown by non members then actual members will begin persistent flame wars on the message board complaining of un-RP like behavior and required rule alterations based on actions made by non english speaking, estern bloc PvP whores'.
Besides, if you could get a Ferrari that was as cheap and accessible as a Toyota Corolla then I imagine everyone would be driving that one too. :cool:
I have seen a dozen of Order "Geb" LC in Minor....i was freaking afraid to get close to Planet Toledo at that time.
Liberty Assault Cruiser. TOOO MANY!!! Where are the Siege Cruisers?!? HMMMM??
Zoner "Jinkusu" Juggernaughts. One day i have seen 6 in diffrent systems when i was exploring. If i had only knew how to use screen shot at that time:P