Incoming transmission
To: Trade Clerk
From: Captain Hoshi Tanaka
Ship: MikumaMaru
Re: Trade Report MikumaMaru completed one round on the Kusari kouhoushien contract. Hold of 5000 utilized during the trip.
Two GMG fighter pilots offered escort at various points, names were Kako and Jasha. No resistances were encountered in the Tau or Liberty systems.
Ship name: GTS Monbetsu-Maru
Cargo capacity: 4687
Route completed: See Below
Ino.Otsu (Senior Representative): "One or more stops for food replenishment are required to maximize passenger capacity, health, and safety. Taking Synth Paste through Kusari is high risk."
No resistances were encountered.
Route details:
4687 Units HFuel procured from Fujisawa Mining Facility were delivered to Glasgow Outpost in Leeds
4687 Units Consumer Goods procured from Glasgow Outpost were delivered to Holmann Outpost in Tau-31
4500 Refugees boarded from Holmann Outpost in Tau-31. Resupply food rations on Roppongi Station. Refugees were unloaded on Fujisawa Mining Facility.
To: CEO Hoshi Tanaka
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Trade Report
Priority: Routine
Message reads:
Konichiwa my friend,
I completed the Zoner Omega Ichimoudajin route bringing 4970 units of Plutomium there and 4970 units of Deuterium back. I ran by a Corsair. Part of the OPG gang who began the chase for me. He had help when we reached Omicron Theta. They both continued to pursue me into Omega 41 where I went right of the star. I believe they were hassled by a Hunter patrol and I slipped into Omega 47. They didn't pursue from there.
I also wish to submit this route:
I brought 4970 units of Plutonium to Philladelphia Station in Pennsylvania
I than brought 4970 units of Robotic Comp. to Toronto.
From there I went and picked up a little over 800 units of Gate parts and brought them home to Okinawa at the Gate Construction Site.
I was pirated in California System by an Outcast. Appered to be a member of ESS and managed to extort 500 k out of me, the vile Hispanic.
To: Commander Taro Katsuo
From: Ensign Jin'ko Hayate
Subject: Patrol Report
Priority: Normal
Message reads:
I am pleased to report that all went well during my shift. I've encountered a few suspicious ships in our Sigmas but they left without incident and no harm was done to our operations and our clients coming through. I'll brief you on my encounters:
I was patrolling about in Sigma 13 when I came across the emmisions of an inefficient engine. I knew from experience that such engines were distinctly Rheinland in nature. I began following this tell-tale trail and sure enough I came across a Rheinlander in the Yanagi debris field. As soon as communications began between us I knew from the signal that this ship wasn't RM or RFP. To be honest it was the first time I encountered that signal. I enquired about his identity and he told me he was currently running from the Chancelor's regime as a known unlawful, LWB. I never met these LWB before but he didn't like the RM or RFP. He also seemed to have a dislike for Corsairs and destroyed a few while there. I kinda like this guy. I told him that if he was neither a friend of the Chancelor's regime nor a friend of the Corsairs than he may hide but to not upset any trade in our system.
Later I received reports from patrols that a Hogosha enetered Sigma-19. I immediaely set course to investigate. I made radio contact with the Hogosha but never seemd to be able to find the ship. The capt of the ship designated [|]Horokyu was respectful and apologized for my accusations that they aided the Corsairs in betraying us, that it was a misunderstanding as they were not aware that the Corsairs were planning to sidestep. He assured me he wasn't there for artifacts but traveling for simple supplies. He also mentioned that they intentionaly ignored Samura's plea to hinder our efforts in Okinawa. Curious statement, maybe the Hogosha have real gaijin to deal with or maybe I was duped, that didn't matter as I learned of a unworthy gaijin was in our space.
In 13 an ESS ship was coming through. He was a hired merc but on off time. This merc seemed to be carrying the colouors of the ESS which pirated our sensei, Raikoke. I CD'd his engines and began probing him with questions. He was a merc, a hired gun and not a pirate. He said that members of his group may have been hired by Raikoke's aggressor's but that was part of his job. I assured him that if his employer's had hired him to cause trouble in our Sigmas that he'd find himself overwhelmed in numbers real quick. He assured me he was passing through and not under contract and left.
All in all it was a routine day and our businees continues uninterrupted.
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Strategic Analysis of Outcast Space
Priority: High
Message reads:
Today I have taken command of the Ayakashi adn with the Karura and the Tartary as my escort along with my bay full of ready fighter's we set forth to acquire tactical knowledge of Outcast space as we continue our efforts in driving the conflict aganst them further away from our developed space and gain a foot hold in Beta.
So with both of the Guild's best equipped GB's at the Ayakashi's side we set forth for Outcast Space.
Within Beta, the first destination and always preferred destination was to orbit Planet Elysium. It is a great staging ground for the Ayakashi's strike forces as the flagship itself isn't susceptible to enemies firing under cover of the asteroid field, doesn't suffer manoevrabilty problems when bringing turrets to bear on targets as well as having an entire flank protected by a planet.
From the orbit of Planet Elysium both Tartary and Kuraru set out to scout the path to Imcron Alpha which we discovered on Ayakashi's first voyage. There were many patrols of Outcast grunts but no significant resistance seemed capable of slowing the Ayakahi's advance so we pressed forward into Alpha: home of the Outcasts.
Hiding quietly in the nebula we kept the Ayakashi at the edge and let the escorts press forward into open space but remained not too far behind. There were swarms of Outcast Sabres but these were skirmishers and ill prepared for the Guilds Flag Ship. Taking a wide route to the planets in our view, we managed to keep awayfrom most detection untill the forward scout reported a Destroyer patroller and the need of assistance. Ayakashi was able to bring down the Destroyer with two well placed shots of her Mortars. One finnished off the shields that the two GBs already worked on and the other put the ship to rest. We continued on with our tactical survey of our enemies space, clearing a path throught the lessar resistance and foind the most incredible sight!
It appears that rumours may be true! Outcasts seem to be the descendants of the long lost Hispania! GMG will debate on this new news. We couldn't get much more as the escorts reported an increase in activity from the Outcasts and we set course for Beta.
As we neared the JH to Beta, our scaaners picked up a movement of Outcast forces heading our way. Pushing trough the ever present Sabre that continued to hinder us, our hope was to make it the clear space surrounding Elysium. We made it and just in time because just as the kumbering Ayakashi broke free from Beta's rocky clutches 2 Destroyers began opening fire on the Ayakashi as well as a small strike craft.
Fearing the attacks of a bomber, the relatively new crew began firing the Flaks to keep Ayakashi safe with a wall of explosions. This was more than successfull as several Flak shots hit the target dead on. Turning to one of the Destroyers the Ayakashi began unloading with Primary turrets but had to re-adjust it's position to bring it's Mortars to bear. Once set the crew hit the other Destroyer with it's Mortar's and was able to finnish what was left with Primaries. The last destroyer had made a break for it with Ayakashis's 2 GB escorts right behind. They were able to finnsh off what was left of it and we were free to return home for repairs.
This was a two-fold success for GMG as not only did we get a chance to field test the Ayakashi's capabilties with both small strike craft and larger caps but more importantly we got a chance to gain a good survey of Outcast space to plot our tactics in driving them back.
Incoming transmission
To: Trade Clerk
From: Captain Hoshi Tanaka
Ship: MikumaMaru
Re: Trade Report MikumaMaru completed one round for the Zoner - IMG chokuhai contract. Hold of 5000 utilized during the trip. Kako supplied escort during this dangerous trip. Lucky for us no resistances were encountered in the Border or Omega systems. The Corsairs must have been sleeping.
Later MikumaMaru finished Kasari joryuko and Plutonium chokuhai II routes. Kako hired a mercanery pilot (named Righteous) and together provided top notch security. We were still holding luck in our hold as there was only one pirate encounter and (ESS Outcast) he decided to keep clear. Some Outcasts are wise it seems.
On the return trip home we passed a Phantom at Planet New Tokyo named Harleguin. She was 6k above the planet and fortunately had another agenda. She cruised off in the opposite direction. We must be living right.
Over the past two weeks, I have conducted three Zoner Omega Ichimoudajin route bringing a total of 14010 units of Plutomium there and 14010 units of Deuterium back (4670 units per transaction).
I expect a diversification of my routes to Kusari and Liberty, depending on local traffic reports.
I began by intercepting my regular Hogosha patsy "Medler". Believe it or not I actually feel sorry for this poor sap! Clearly he is a mentally challenged captain, punished by his superiors to face certain doom as a hapless artifact smuggler. I found him limping through space on half hull, begging to be spared and pay what pittance he could afford. I always fine him varying amounts of credit, then send him on his way with a SNAC up his tail for good measure. He keeps as regular as Renzu Corp Rice Bran Crispy Puffs...
What better way to follow that up, than a slave-running Camara-class freighter in Sigma-19?
I attempted to intercept him, but the smaller freighters are equipped with fast thrusters that meant pursuit was slow. Furthermore I detected a ship on an intercept course.
It was an ESS tagged Falacta. I understand the ESS hae been flagged as hostile by Guild Master Raikoke. This cretin had the nerve to warn me off pursuing the slaver. Naturally I told him it was not his place to be giving the orders in our space!
As luck would have it, I was flying in my Eagle - within a few passes he was in cruise headed back to Beta...
Barely had I started my return path to Ogashawa, when Naha issued a commuique that another slave ship had been sighted. I anticipated its course, and had time to radio Ogashawa and have my Kaichou prepped for launch.
And right on cue, an ESS tagged Train, packed full of lost souls was headed towards Outcast territory.
I attempted to divert the slaver to Okinawa. Frankly, his lack of cooperation in the face of the choice between making a profit in Okinawa - or facing justice at my hand - aroused my suspicions.
And sure enough, it was a stalling tactic! An ESS pilot in a fighter was on an intercept course! It was not enough to save the slaver...
The escort ship also fled back to Beta. I contacted Ogashawa for search and rescue party, then resumed my patrol.
Upon arriving back to Ogashawa, yet TWO MORE ESS craft were converging. The cowardly fighter pilot returned to 'just look' whilst an ESS tagged Outcast Gunship moved to engage me. of course, the fighter 'looked' for about 2.3 nanoseconds before re-engaging me.
To my good fortune, a nearby Freelancer offered his assistance. I have made the necessary posting on our bounty boards for his payment.
I recovered two Rhineland Federal Police pilots from the wreckage. They would certainly have been destined for a lifetime of slavery in Outcast lands! I asked Ogashawa to send word to the Rhineland authorities, and I arranged to meet one of their officers near Fulda Station to hand them over.
It was no less than a Vice Admiral! I know I am just a Corporal, but in the spirit of our current negotiations with Rhineland, it was a fitting gesture on my part.