"Incoming high priority transmission..."
"Subject ID: Ensign 'Augustin-Louis Joule', Order Primary fleet"
I just cannot look at all of this. I completely agree with words of admiral Mirage, and don't want any more insultings from both sides! Admiral Tovig Kelt, with all my respect to you, I want you to forget and forgive all violations and breakings of cpt. Jim Barnes. I am trying to be impartial. This story was tough, I must admit. Perhaps, the main thing why I don't want all of this is because I weren't there, didn't hear that and didn't saw it, except of rumors. I want all this insanity stopped and captain Barnes' violations forgotten.
As a member of the Order that has been threatened with the KOS list by Kelt, and who saw the Waratah fire on the Bastet, I will side with neither. Well, I side with Ophidian and Kaylee. And I agree with Augustin. Forget the crap of the past. LEARN from it, dont remeber just to have justification for actions. And Admirals, this is with all due respect. I have the utmost respect for all admirals. But this is why the BHG kick our asses like EVERY FRAKKIN TIME. We infight and argue and freaking throw accusations with each other. WHY is it so hard to try to trust someone anymore? OUR ENEMY IS THE NOMADS, NOT EACH OTHER FOR GODS SAKE. WHY is it so hard to settle our differences, forgive for the past, and move on?
When we finally stop trying to kill eachother, then we might get something done. WHy the hell do you all think I am rarely in Minor anymore, that im away? Im tired of the crap that is thrown. I stay away so I dont have to hear this and have to see this. I stay and sit and talk with the enemy, who, surpisingly, treats each other better than us! I get more politness from the LSF then Kelt. For the Waratah, I talk with Barnes, who said his goal was world domination. Weird, yes.
The sight of this communique sickens me. This is why we are losing, why the only victories we have are when we are friends? If we all just sat in MInor, accusing eachother of anything and everything, the Nomads would watch the BHG roll into us, destroy us, and happily raze Toledo. I dont care if I wasnt there, and honestly Im glad i wasnt.
Kelt, i repsect you, but try to be nicer. I get called a rebel, and you are all ready to tear...tare...you know what im trying to say-me to shreds. THe only kindness you gave me was the option of Leave Minor. I come back to turn myself in and I get immediate hostility, no suspicoin, no benifit of the doubt.
Waratah, just stop threatening. If they attack, DONT FIRE BACK. It may be against your ethics and crap, but it'l prove YOU ARE NOT AN ENEMY.
..:: Incoming Transmission : The Order Primary Fleet ::..
..:: Neuronal Identification : Rear Admiral Tovig Kelt ::..
..:: Signal Location : Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor ::..
To be clear, i'm not a babysitter. No one in the Primary Fleet is a babysitter. If people can't support our decisions, they are free to leave our organisation. Many members of the secondary fleet follow our orders and cooperate with us without any problem.
So why some people, always the same ones, can't act like the others ? The problem isn't on my side, on the Primary Fleet side, but on yours.
I'm not a dictator. I'm nice with anyone who is serious and motivated.
The rogues peoples, the immatures, stupids ones have not my primary interest.
The Order isn't a corporation, if you are in, you don't have a job. You have a duty. And this duty is to protect Mankind ! It's not nothing.
.:[ Incoming Transmission ]:. .:[ Comm ID: X ]:. .:[ Location: $^#&#%@%R":}> ]:. .:[ Encryption Protocol: Nehebkau 1 ]:.
To all on this channel,
It seems there are problems on both sides of the fence in this issue.
Until either side can provide evidence, solid evidence, in the forms described in my original transmission on this channel, no action will be taken.
Have a little more faith, for the sake of The Order.
This channel will be closed within 48 hours if no evidence can be provided by either side. Goodness knows what would happen if those hostile to us hack this channel.
Order High Command
Xander Aaron Ainsley Augustus Jacen Bastian Eadbhard Alexander Qayshon Dabney von Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorf
[color=#FF6600].:[ Transmission Terminated ]:.
.:[ Signal Disrupted ]:.
TO Kelt, it seems I insulted you a bit too far. I didnt mean a big insult, and I apologize. Well, i didnt mean to insult at all actually.
But I stand by my message earlier. Lets get along or not.
If there is a rift between Primary and Secondary, then we have another Order Rebellion scenario on our hands. And that will cause a headache.
So, can we all just forgive and move on now? Remember that the more we fight, the more the Nomads and BHG have the upper hand. We are already emulating the Alliance near Jupiter, NO?
If thats classifed, remeber I have my connections and my own trio of super smart braniacs who are not even old enough to have gone through puberty on my side. And dont make me sing the "Why cant we be friends" song over the comms when You, Kelt, and you, Waratah, are in the same systema dn sector.
This crap has gone on long enough. Dont submit proof and lets forget this. neither wins, niether loses. Best thing to do.
Now can we go back to blowing the hell out of Nomads together?
..:: Incoming Transmission : The Order Primary Fleet ::..
..:: Neuronal Identification : Rear Admiral Tovig Kelt ::..
..:: Signal Location : Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor ::..
How funny. Now, I'm equal in making problems than the Captain of the Waratah. We're really walking on the head.
Agent Hunter, the possibility of another rebellion is impossible. We put a new device on each ship producted by the Order. Nobody can lauch a rebellion against us now. (// http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?sh...=51157&st=0 )
I will get some proofs, soon or later, because I know Barnes can't change. He proved it many times. It's just a question of days.
The problem here Kelt is that you need to change. I have said i am not hostile and you persist with this rubbish, more and more people are noticing this aswell. And i agree with Hunter, i now will not fire on anyone even if i am fired upon, because im more of a man than you Kelt. Remember that....