How do you create a new account?! I have two, one was from a a different computer, but i can't make another one. Will generating accounts be available in v2?
Can you give a month that this will be released in? If so, may you?:D
How do you create a new account?! I have two, one was from a a different computer, but i can't make another one. Will generating accounts be available in v2?
Use the control panel and there would be a User accounts section from where you can make additional accounts.
The name of the link varies based on which version of windows you have i.e XP, Vista or Windows 7.
<span style="font-family:Century Gothic">Spec - Independent Trader</span> Small Transport - Hauling without earning
Current Status: Inactive - Too Much Work and Travel
' Wrote:How do you get FLACC to work on windows 7... when i try to boot it up i get an error that says ComDLG32.OCX or one of its dependencies not correctly registered.
plx halp D:
' Wrote:fixed... supposedly windows 7 has some sorta security measure that blocks freelancer from accessing files in the c:/users/program files section of my computer... moved it to my documents/my games and it works fine
*edit* now for some reason it cant find the registry file for my account... and i think it is because freelancer isnt installed in program files.... and i dont know how to change the fl location in FLACCM >.<
"1/4/2010 - 4:40:38 PM [-2147024770]: Automation error The specified module could not be found. main.form_load"
I created a new account with another user.
FAM registered it, but when i activated it and start FL with it, it generates an ID.
The problem now is, it is the same id, my first account has.
Any ideas ?
EDIT: Well, i made it. Exported/Imported it from guest to admin account and it worked.
But still, is there a way to generate "manually" an account id ?