Continuing from another thread. Basically, I am not fond of your approach to "indies".
' Wrote:Sure, be glad to. As a matter of fact, yes, the flag has been planted. Aeon (previous), and now Koolmo (current) had an idea way back before of a Coalition surviving and becoming a part of Sirius, and Disco. And they created the faction, wrote and RP'd the history (and there's a LOT of history on this server), and built the faction to the storied heights it is now.
Yes, you are a yahoo who writes am I. The "problem" is people writing and RPing things with a Coalition tag that are against the ideals of the faction for which it was created. A basic tenant of SCRA code is that we do NOT shoot civilians (traders) unless they're hauling cardi or slaves. What happens when some yahoo writes a bunch of fiction, gets his Coalition tag by some miracle, and starts blowing up a bunch of transports in Kusari? We would get blamed for it, that's what.
There have been many attempts in the past for Coalition indies, and each time we've tried to block the SRP because of something like this. It's supposed to be a SMALL insurgency gaining allies and footholds in the Houses, not some sprawling organization that has people everywhere.
If the SCRA is such a "small" insurgency, how did it ever get its own system, tag, ships and guns? Such factors are more than an indication of the factions strength in-RP.
The fact that you arrived first and wrote your RP means absolutely nothing. Splinter groups pop up like ducks at a target range. Just take the Legacy, for example. The Congress wrote a bucketload of faction RP regarding both the Congress and the Junkers as a whole. The way they act, their life code, values, technology, the works, yet some blabbering buffoon can just come in, throw those values out the sidewalk and do whatever the hell he wants. And what did we do? We delt with it IN-GAME. Denying such a thing from the start is killing great RP potential. You don't want to deal with idiots? Well, too bad, every other faction needs to deal with them, some more than others. What makes you think you are above them?
' Wrote:OP to me is Original poster. The gent who posted about our ships is an idiot, don't pay attention to him.
PS, way to +1.
I thought you mean OP as in overpowered, which I think the Coalition ships are not. A small misunderstanding.
' Wrote:Sure we can. That's a huge part of the RP of the SCRA, and Coalition. If you're going against the state, which in this case is the military, you're going to get hauled away in the night and never heard from again. Shutting the door on those going beyond what is OK'd by the State is exactly what we should be doing.
I am a prick. And so is the government of the Coalition to those going against the regime. I don't see how that's hard to figure out.
btw AJ, take this to the feedback if you want to crusade some more. Original Poster's question has been answered.
As I stated before, if that is the case, I would expect you to deal with things in-game like every other faction in the mod. Chase down the betrayers, guns blazing, or whatever your methods are. A lot of people choose to go against a factions RP, heck sometimes even vanilla cannon. That is no reason to shut down those people OORP.
' Wrote:Just as a heads up, the SCRA's political monitoring branch, the Commissariat is brutally effective, as are the intelligence networks. Any splinter group that was trying to break away from the main Coalitionary body would be discovered, the leaders arrested and summarily executed, with any followers placed on trial.
' Wrote:I am expecting to be fleeing from them the whole time, as any rl terrorist would.
' Wrote:No my point is, if you are a splinter group from the civilian portion of the SCRA, you'd all be dead before you got to your ships to escape in. Even if you did get to the ships, you'd be dead before you left the system. Not that the civilians have ships, or have access to ships...
Sorry, but the RP system, and history of the Coalitionary movement simply doesn't allow for indys. They just won't ever happen.
AJ, the difference between the coalition and your example is that the JC never intended to become the entire nation of Junkers.
And yes, we do deal with these things by not allowing them to happen. Why? For myself, I believe that when most people think of or see the "Coalition" tag, they will assume that whatever it is is sanctioned by the SCRA. At the moment, and for as long as the SCRA has say in the matter, that will be true.
Other factions deal with idiots because those idiots did not require admin repping to become idiots with tags. The phantoms don't, the nomads don't, and we don't. I may have forgotten someone, but you get the idea.
Killing Idiots is not "RP Potential" Killing Idiots is killing idiots, and it gets old really, really, really fast, believe me. The SCRA is not my only faction, and I've been in quite a few of them over the years.
As for the first question, because we pushed for it, and pushed for it, and played our roles well. Also notice that we're extremely restricted in what we can and cannot do. The SCRA, and the coalition as a whole, isn't very small anymore either.
EDIT: And, for posterity, the Charlist, not counting secondaries, people who've joined since blunt updated this, et cetera.
Grand Admiral James McIntosh - Head of State - Koolmo (CO)
Comandante Adrian 'Ares' o Jovem - CO of the Fighter Corps (CPW Havana) - Bluntpencil2001 (XO)
Admiral Dieter Zehn (Retired/Injured) - Axe (High Command)
Commodore Oleg Brezhnev - XO of Fighter Corps (CPW Savarona) - Kress (High Command)
Captain Luis Gellantra - Bloodsword (High Command)
Commissar-Captain Alexi Karchov - CO of the Gold Wing, Fighter Corps Training Officer (CPW Saratov) - cmfalconer (High Command)
Captain Yuri Striatov - Fighter Corps Strategic Command - Blodo (High Command)
Captain Bjorn Thorvaldsson - Recruitment Officer and Fighter Corps Commissariat Liaison (CPW Akula) - Bjorn (High Command)
Commander Norman Bethune - Logistics and supply - Dieter Schprockets
Commander Yue Fei - Chief Engineer of the Coalition - (CPW Great Wall) - Yue Fei
Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz (CPW Social Credit) - arvg
Lieutenant Commander Vasiliy Prutko - Spear
Lieutenant Nickolai Alaric - Tic
Lieutenant Yuri Gagarin - misterjman
Lieutenant Viktor Heinz - Banza
Lieutenant Gabriel Mao - Turkish
Lieutenant Pavel Medvedov - Sprolf
Lieutenant Julio Quinetillia - Jammi
Lieutenant Stenka Razin - roly
Lieutenant Viktor Sotskov - Education -Athenian
Lieutenant Zachary Quirm - JakeSG
Sub-Lieutenant Youri Alibiev - Herastean
Sub-Lieutenant Grigory Breznev - ACER SPACER
Sub-Lieutenant Mark Donovan - Nostalgia for Infinity
Sub-Lieutenant Heinrich Geusau - Zig
Sub-Lieutenant Vicenta Gonzales - Pieguy
Sub-Lieutenant Rose Moreau - Drake
Sub-Lieutenant Ymir Molotov - cobraSting
Sub-Lieutenant Mikhail Petrov - Andre
Sub-Lieutenant Nex Vesica - Nex
Sub-Lieutenant Alexandra Volkova - Pilgrimage
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
For the same in-RP reasons that you presented that the Coalition does not have indies I could provide a number of them for other factions to not have them as well. Do you think the Order has indies in-RP, for example? No, I don't think they should, due to the nature of their group. There also should not be Gebs parking Ainu looking for revenge kills because we killed their traders.
The Congress may not be the Junkers as a whole, but we are the ones who represent them. For the same reason that you said it would be impossible for coalition indies to appear I could forward that there are no Junkers with the mentality of power-pirates or that parade themselves with contraband in front of the police authorities ( all of which go against cannon RP, may I add). In-RP we would find them and lock them away until they started behaving in a way that wouldn't damage Junker reputation. Does that mean that we can restrict the Junker ID as well?
You assume from the start that all people that don't fall under the original Coalition are idiots? Nice mentality you have there, really... Take the Jackal Wing, for example. It does not fall under the usual Junker RP, yet it provides great RP encounters, going where Junkers usually wouldn't dare. By shutting down indies you aren't just killing idiots, you are killing idiots and possible great RPers, hence killing potential. Heck, when I first came to disco I was a complete jackass with a Red Hessian Cruiser with a Rogue tag and Outcast weapons, see what I have achieved in one year.
I have whacked my share of idiots as well, believe me (not directly, of course, I just payed someone off to kill them, or else it would be OORP) but as old as it can get it is one of those things that we are obliged to do as official faction members. As it stands now, I feel that the Coalition is getting special treatment.
I already gave up on this matter, though. After some chatting on skype it seems that the communities mentality is already deeply carved in place.
Koolmo I'm sorry to butt into your thread here but I just had a point to make.
AJ you keep comparing the Coalition to the Junkers.. Not a good comparison. The Junker ID is lacking one major line that the Coalition ID carries:
* Can attack any pirate, terrorist and lawful targets throughout Sirius
That line alone makes this an ID that needs to have a shorter leash. If everyone and his mother could get a Coalition ID then you would be right here in this thread whining about how people are abusing it. This creates what is called a conundrum as it seems you are going to whine about it either way... What to do, what to do...
This debate has come up many times before, the ID is restricted. Period. End of story. It makes sense. It's not a "boys club", it's for the well being of the server.
' Wrote:Koolmo I'm sorry to butt into your thread here but I just had a point to make.
AJ you keep comparing the Coalition to the Junkers.. Not a good comparison. The Junker ID is lacking one major line that the Coalition ID carries:
* Can attack any pirate, terrorist and lawful targets throughout Sirius
That line alone makes this an ID that needs to have a shorter leash. If everyone and his mother could get a Coalition ID then you would be right here in this thread whining about how people are abusing it. This creates what is called a conundrum as it seems you are going to whine about it either way... What to do, what to do...
This debate has come up many times before, the ID is restricted. Period. End of story. It makes sense. It's not a "boys club", it's for the well being of the server.
The Junker ID is allows for a lot of freedom as well. We can pirate anyone we like, attack every pirate in terrorist in close to any situation and Xenos, Hogosha, FA and Pirate IDs at will. PvP isn't the main of the faction, of course, but we are well served now, I guess.
If the problem is with the ID then I believe it should be changed to allow independents, even if that means just creating a new Coalition Civilian ID or some crap with other restrictions. That would allow people outside of the SCRA to have their Coalition RP and not have it be abused.
Whining, at least from my perspective, would mean that I were doing this to further my goals, which I am not. As I said before, I have no desire to join the Coalition or do anything remotely related with it.
Oh, and for your information, I never "whine". Check the thousands of threads that popped up about the Zoner Guard ID or any other ID for that matter. I doubt that you will find any posts there made by me. Well, except for the Phantoms, but you don't want me to get started on them.
' Wrote:Who owns this faction?
Who runs it?
Who put all the hard work and arr pee into it over the years?
Shut up now, SCRA are extraordinarily awesome.
I never have a dull moment with you guys, keep it up.
Thank you Akura, for your remarkably relevant and polite post.
' Wrote:I'm not terribly sure I would mind going this route.
Same here. If the Coalition ID is restricted then I am sure a ton more should be as well. The Order one for example.
I give up. As I said before:
' Wrote:I already gave up on this matter, though. After some chatting on skype it seems that the communities mentality is already deeply carved in place.
So don't expect me to post here again. Blame me for striving for fairness, I guess.
I'm not in the SCRA, nor do I spend much time out in their neck of the woods, but:
If you really want to play someone who thinks that communism is the way forwards and who goes out spreading the word about it, what's wrong with a Freelancer ID? And what on earth is unfair about people who have put a lot of effort into something not having it messed up by others? It's certainly not a vanilla faction. Have you had this rant at the Keepers, Wilde, Phantoms, Harvesters, Hellfire Legion, Colonial Remnant and the Angels too?
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' Wrote:If you really want to play someone who thinks that communism is the way forwards and who goes out spreading the word about it, what's wrong with a Freelancer ID? And what on earth is unfair about people who have put a lot of effort into something not having it messed up by others? It's certainly not a vanilla faction. Have you had this rant at the Keepers, Wilde, Phantoms, Harvesters, Hellfire Legion, Colonial Remnant and the Angels too?
When the SCRA has it's recruitment thread closed, it's still possible to be accepted by doing exactly what's stated above. Make a Freelancer with pro-Communist ideals, then try to catch our attention. We haven't got a lock on socialist/communist ideologies, but we do have a lock on Coalition originating characters.
Feel free to RP an indy Communist, using Freeports or something. But if you RP them from the Coalition, you'll run into a brick wall. That just happens to be running towards you at the same time.