You seriously think, people would fight MORE when they could lose their ship maybe in the next fight? Please think about that is just stupid.
I think, at the current server, when you play long for a day and fight a lot, you will die about once every day, many sure will more often. (If you're really having some action for more than one hour) Do you really want to rebuild your ship every day again and again and again?
And all fights which would still happen would be even more fought with unfair measures: Going 5 on 1, spamming the hell out of your ship (As lame as spamming is, it *does* improve your chance of winning getting chased like 500k out of the system and so on. Have i already mentioned ganging 5on1?
And you actually CAN control a system for some time with the current rules: Whenever a ship gets killed, it has to leave the system for 4 hours. (Except traders) So you can win a larger battle and control the system for some time. That this is only a temporary control is just fine, or do you want to see the Rogues controlling NY as well as Bretonia ruling in Kusari?
With all respect, i really read all your posts and tried to understand your arguments but still i consider it as one of the most senseless suggestions i ever read here. The idea behind it may seems logical at first, but does not fit into Freelancer at all . It would just ruin the server and any pvp. Period.
And yes, as mentioned often before: Freelancer is NOT Eve and never will be. And that is good.