' Wrote:Dude the cardirun was already challenged by the lost star folks and more - the key to that route has always been to avoid detection altogether. That doesn't change if the ship you try to avoid is a cap.
You don't get it, this means now you can have the navy stationed in JH's just waiting for pew-pew you.
<span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms"> Being in NY sistem all the time, means you are a lolwutt...</span>
' Wrote:Go Colorado - Ontario - Cali - Cortez - Coronado - Baffin - Tau 29 - Kyushu - New Tokyo.... see its no prob.
How many of those are single entrance and exit or just one lane?
Colorado - okay multiple paths in and out
Ontario - chokepoint one exit for Colorado
Cali - chokepoint one exit for Ontario
Cortez - chokepoint one lane
Coronado - chokepoint one exit for Cortez
Baffin - chokepoint one exit for Coronado
Tau 29 - chokepoint one exit for Baffin
Kyushu - okay multiple paths in and out
New Tokyo.... okay multiple paths in and out
True a jumphole-camping Cruiser (not BS) would be a problem. However, LF scouts are perfect for checking jumpholes.
EDIT: I guess it can be put like this: Gameplay has changed for the trading-game. Now you have to work in groups or be somewhat competent in what you do solo, or you have to stick to less risky trade routes with less of a payout. You have to do more to earn the reward, whereas before trading was a guaranteed no-brainer way of making an unlimited amount of credits. You could hardly fail at being a trader no matter how hard you tried, as you could just try, try and try again. Now there is an actual challenge, an actual game, for smugglers and traders alike. There might be some issues for certain groups and ID's but this is a trial and it will probably get sorted out.
' Wrote:Well... just from my personal experience, I'll tell something.
Usual dull day on a Ptrans watching the line. A wild cau VIII BS scanner Renzu Liner appears. He starts to run away. I use the 3-4 /setmsgs and start to shoot him. Half an hour later, he is down to 10% hull left, no regens. "Time to earn some cargo after the hard job", I thought. Lies. He docked right in front of me, just to undock 10 seconds after. I, in RP, tried to tell him about "such a fast repairs". He said the following, copy paste:
"You cant shot me, I trading".
ZOMG. This is just what we needed. Thanks, devs. No irony.
Such fast repairs exist. I don't see people complaining about getting fast repairs after a won battle or after having docked out of range of the opposition.
"Oh gossh, some pirate on a cruiser can extend a time until I get my another precious CAU8 BS with rudely pirating me and I can't just run to fast dock coz he'll waste me in a seconds, gosh gosh gosh Q.Q"
Hello gentlemen. Let's not chaotically throw around complaints.
Situation is very simple from the side look. That was coming anyway, many transports are already having a CAU8 or so mounted which gives them a chance to escape a pirate while they should not escape that easy since Space is Big and Dangerous . However the game mechanics do not allows us to have a 10-100 times bigger space (And even of it could - who would like to fly for hours through one system?). Traders are fling cash pockets and nothing else. Cash is your weapon - hire mercs, place bounties, share the profits with navies so they extends their patrols to the region of your interest.
But hey, It's easier to cry out a river in order to get the good 'ol solo 5k power trading to keep the billions going for nothing.