I don't know if anybody thought of it already, but I have no idea where CODIES come from. Sure, you get them from wrecks, but where do wrecks get them from? Yeah.
Zurich base was a secret Rheinland Imperial Navy facility hidden away through a jumphole that could only be reached through the Alps cloud somewhere... it was the source of all the Navy's codenames. Then people started taking them from their ample wrecks after the 80 Years War and they got distributed all over Sirius.
Well I'm assuming because they have project names that they would be rare experimental weapons made by unknown scientists long ago. They made so many because they could never quite make one of the guns perfect.
There. Made up on the spot especially for you. Enjoy.
And with this damage it would fail.. couse some other guns will overpower codes... so if adding "broken" codes then add them much much more damage if they are going to fail.. make them fail with nice boom.
God created the earth and everything on it in 6 days on the 7th he gave us codename weapons as a response to his wife always yelling at him being too lazy