The Taishogun wishes all His Dragons to be clear on their attitude towards Samura and their cronies.
The only demand to be made of these rat-traitors is that they publicly denounce the Emperor.
His Dragons shall brook no offers or bribes, nor shall they demand tribute in credit or cargo.
There shall be no quarter given, and no mercy!
The Taishogun has seen fit to offer a bounty on such filth. Therefore they are worth more to the Dragon dead than alive.
The Shogunate Office
In Hideyoshi's Memory
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Konnichiwa Brothers,
Today I was in Space for a long time, but I will make it short. In Honshu, I ran into a Gaijin in an Armored Transport, I Greeted him, but dishonored captain of that vessel - who called himself a 'Warrior' - answered me with a manner not suitable for a Warrior. So I asked him to mind his manners, but in return, he started clearly insulting Blood Dragon Warriors, So I gave him one last chance, to apologize, which sadly, he answered with his weapons ... Therefor I decided to teach that dishonored Pig some Respect, in the way he deserved.
After that I was contacted by one of our sisters from Golden Chrysanthemums and decided to join her in New Tokyo, She had received a Transmission about a Possible convoy of Gold being moved through the System, so we waited there together,
and after a while an Interspace Tagged Trade Vessel was pushed off the lane, who generously donated Two Million Credits to our cause - Appreciating his Donating and Respect to our Warriors, we wished him safe travels and let him go.
After waiting there for some more time, Two Naval Forces Vessels came to our Position, and ordered us to leave - Not realizing we do Not obey a corrupt government. So they tried to Force us to leave, which they failed. Katherine one of our Sisters, just came in time and Helped me to finish the Gunboat, and meanwhile our GC sister took the Naval Forces Fighter out.
Right before Gunboat's explosion we heard a Transmission, which was covered in statics, but I heard Navigator of the Vessel saying something about the Captain being Dead.
So this was a Great Victory for us today - We managed to kill a Naval Forces Captain.
Also at the last moments of Battle I noticed 11 of our Dragon Brothers in the Gunboat's Hold, so after the Ship's destruction, I Beamed their Pods in to make sure they'll return to Kyoto Safely.
After the Battle was over we decided to return to Kyoto to return our Brothers and I offered our GC sister to come with us and rest a bit, and also Repair her ship. Return to Kyoto was a safe trip and as soon as we arrived, we left our ships for repairs and I came to upload this message. I believe Katherine and Sister Sei are having a chat down at the Bar now.
In the name of Amaterasu and Yuyu Matsuda i swear to speak the truth about the incident.
Your accusations brought to us are incorrect at one big point you have not even thought of mentioning.
The accused sister which after your words had nothing to do at the said moment has reported about this incident directly to me.
Her report includes that at the time the said Corsair Cruiser shall has entered Tau-65, the accused sister was dealing with a traitor of the Golden Chrysanthemums and did not notice said Cruiser unlike you the person which apparently has reported the incident to you without mentioning all facts.
This leaves me wondering if the person that has reported this to you was blind enough to not see this.
Again, i have speaken the truth about it.
Oh and by the way, we also have a special channel for such matters. You are invited to look it up.
In a brilliant tactical movement, i charged backwards.
▲►▼◄► Incoming Transmission◄►▼◄▲
╙Identification card: ]bd[Miyamoto.Musashi
╙Target: Blood Dragon Shogunate and the Golden Chrysanthemums
╙Subject: Tau 65 breach
Konnichiwa Sisters, Matsumoto-sama,
I was not directly involved in this incident, but it is most troublesome I must say. While I do realize that occasionally you may have to worry about some rogue Chrysanthemum and that this requires the upmost attention, you must also realize that this kind of a breach to your most guarded system cannot and must not go unnoticed!
I despise traitors, and I do understand your efforts in making judgement on one that betrayed you, I however do not understand how the said Chrysanthemum that was dealing with this traitor, did not respond to my brothers hails!? A cruiser class capital ship breached your most guarded system, and was a potential threat to hundreds of lives, hai? And yet a single traitor is more important to be dealt with then this! I do not want to think of what would have happened if the cruiser opened fire on one of your bases.
As I said, dealing with traitors is one thing, but not answering hails about such threats is not easy to let slide! We have been fighting alongside each other for many years now, and this alliance I wish to keep. We will return what is ours rightfully, it is only a matter of time. Because of this I would suggest that these kind of things do not happen again.
Today I was docked at Mito Shipyard, and was spending my time in quiet, meditating on the status in Kusari, enlightening my mind. I received a hail from our brothers at Kyoto base, that two unknown targets are in Chugoku, and are refusing to identify themselves. This was outrageous! I quickly took my blade and proceeded to the hangars. My ship was ready.
I undocked and proceeded to the Chugoku Jump Hole. All was prepared for my departure, and Kyoto was expecting me. As I jumped into the system, and proceeded to Kyoto base, I found the two mentioned contacts outside of Kyoto itself! They were either very brave, or very foolish, and I determined that the second epithet was the more correct one.
Their transponder signatures were matching those of the Outcasts! To hell with them! As I was trying to remain calm to their presence in our system, they were however not trying to be so polite, nor calm. After trying to reason with them and talk to them, I quickly scanned one of them only to determine that they have Cardamine on board!! Docking with our base with Cardamine!?!!! Hah! They refused to drop the cargo, so I refused to leave them alive.
It is suffice to say that the drug addicts are no match for a Dragon! Hai their guns are powerful, but without a proper pilot to use them, they are useless! As I always say, it is not the carriage that counts, it is the one who drives it that matters.
I am currently docked at Kyoto, and will be meditating on this and many other matters. This is all brothers.
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Konnichiwa Brothers,
Today, I again, left for space to gather some Donation for our cause and blast some Naval Forces if possible.
As I jumped to New Tokyo, I Ran into Two Hogosha ships, and as those dishonoured Rats always do, They started insulting Dragons and thinking I will obey if they try to Command me.
As we were talking, Kintaki-San came by and Helped me teach one of those Dishonoured Rats.
And the Other Coward ran away as we killed the first one.
After this, Kintaki-San left and after a while Akuji-San and Sum Gok-San joined me, So we waited by the lane, a few gaijins came by and Donated some Credits to our Movement, and we let them go. An Hour later one of our scouts informed us about Nomad Activity in the System, So we decided to Go back to Hokkaido to stop them incase they decide to come close to our Home.
But seems they were headed to Liberty Space, so after making sure Chugoku is safe we returned to New Tokyo and gathered some more Donations.
Feeling a bit tired, I decided to depart and Return to Kyoto, and I am enjoying a fine Sake as I am filling this Report.
Today I met with Yuji.Yamasuto and Sum-Gok-Li, we taxed an Ageira trader headed to Okinawa, then recieved some reports of Nomads in Kusari. Around Kyushu it seemed.
We moved up to Honshu and Sum-Gok-Li exchanged his Katana for his Nodachi, we then set out in pursuit into New Tokyo.
They moving into Shikoku so we followed, almost catching them before they disappeared into Kepler, then Liberty Space.
I warned a resident [LN] Capital ship in the area, letting them handle the situation.
On our way back to New Tokyo I encountered a Bounty Hunter passing through, he fled though, crying as he went.
Next we watched the lanes again, catching some punk trying to haul Cardimine to the Rogues, he wasn't too happy about giving it to the GC, so I made him drop it.
My brothers decided to retire for the day, I dumped the funds we had collected into the bank. By mere chance I bumped into the Lady Ookami, a Lady whose skill in battle match her beauty finely.
We patrolled New Tokyo, then moved to Kyushu, causing a KNF Gunboat to flee. Next Ookami challenged a Hogosha to combat, but just as she had the upper hand, an Ion Storm hit us.
We retreated to Hokkaido to avoid the worse of it. I hope to see more of Lady Ookami in the future, she is a powerful ally, and will be of great assistance to our cause.
She did express interest in aquiring four Daito Laser cannons, to replace her rather weak Civillian Cannons she was using. I talk favourably of her, perhaps she can prove her worth to earn them?
Sending Transmission...
Transmission Source Found...
Attaching Encrypted Datafile... Decrypting Encrypted Datafile...:
The Taishogun is most pleased with the work of His Dragons.
He reminds all Warriors that Outcasts are to be given a good-faith opportunity to deliver their cargo to the GC. Should they refuse this generous offer, they may dealt with as the Warrior sees fit.
As for Lady Ookami, if she flies the flag of the Dragon, she is entitled to whatever of our weapons she sees fit.
It should also be noted that the Wasupu is a very easy ship to acquire through our Civilian contacts. This ship is neither better nor worse than the Katana - rather it should be used to suit to an individual Warrior's fighting style.
The Shogunate Office
In Hideyoshi's Memory
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Konnichiwa Brothers,
Today I returned to Space after a short rest, and Joined my brothers - And sisters, we got reports of a Hogosha Convoy moving through New Tokyo, and that was a Good chance to hit them, so we moved out to intercept. Sadly they were lucky and could run away, but we will get them later.
But as we were moving through the system, we ran into an Outcast Gunship. Captain of the said Gunship dared to insult one of our sisters by calling her 'Toy' and continuing his insults with some rude words. That sort of behaviour will not go unpunished by Dragons.
I should add a note here, that The Outcast Gunship was the one who attacked us first, but still, he made us a clear excuse to Open Fire. In middle of the fight Chiba-San arrived showed manners of a true warrior and stood out as we had already Three Fighters attacking the Gunship.
After the Gunship was destroyed, we decided to return to Kyoto and rest a bit - as the fight was really tiring.
Our Sisters decided to dock at Ainu and me and Chiba-San returned to Kyoto and we are both enjoying a fine Sake as I am transmitting this Report.