...Incoming Transmission
From: Major Adolph Hessler
Guten tag Claudia, welcome aboard, i can assure you that the revenge will be sweet on the Kanzlar, his houndz and on the others aswell. Meet us on Vogtland!
Herr Dimitrov! While i appreciate your offer i'd like to ask a few things first, you know we all must count on each other in every situation. I must be sure that you're ready to shoot, get shot, kill and maybe even killed for our cause. So allow me begin with the required ones. What is your connection with Rheinland? Who are those people you mentioned, the ones you admire? Are you familiar with fighter class dogfighting we should train you from the very beginning? Have you ever killed someone?
' Wrote:...Incoming Transmission
From: Major Adolph Hessler
Guten tag Claudia, welcome aboard, i can assure you that the revenge will be sweet on the Kanzlar, his houndz and on the others aswell. Meet us on Vogtland!
Herr Dimitrov! While i appreciate your offer i'd like to ask a few things first, you know we all must count on each other in every situation. I must be sure that you're ready to shoot, get shot, kill and maybe even killed for our cause. So allow me begin with the required ones. What is your connection with Rheinland? Who are those people you mentioned, the ones you admire? Are you familiar with fighter class dogfighting we should train you from the very beginning? Have you ever killed someone?
Major Adolph Hessler
Name- Sophie, Nickname[Wolf-Girl] Origin- From New Berlin
Bio- Born and raised on New Berlin. I was raised in poverty, working just to keep the family alive. The government came by on its tax runs and everytime they did was another day of dread. Would we make it through the week was the only question. The only thing that mattered. One day, the officials came, started talking to my parents. Something happened, a theft of some sort, and they were intent on blaming my parents. They said they would take them in for "questioning" but we all knew what that meant. They resisted and were killed on the spot. I escaped, forever swearing vengence on Rheinland.
Flight Exp- Experianced pilot in anything gunboat or smaller, skilled. Participated in a battle to aid RHA vs TBH. Names of some RHA pilots i assisted: Thorsten.Weber, Johannes.Claus. Many many more, cant list all their names here. The battle started simple, just merely 2 corsairs prancing around on our terf. They refused to leave and Hessians opened fire, then a few seconds in a huge mass of corsairs appeared, at least a dozen. Maybe more. Against us, numbering only 7-8. Joker and his gang saw our blight and came to the assist. It was a little more even in numbers, but it was clear who was more skilled. One by one corsairs were shot down like flies, one by one driven back. During the whole conflict only 2 or 3 of the RHA were shot down. Corsair casulties mounted over 7. Unsure on the exact numbers, but they were massacred. With only 2 left they retreated back. I was one of those who helped the hessians drive them back.
//Timezone- US central.
Additional Note- Johannes will give recommendation for me.
ID SIGNATURE.... Leutnant Johannes Claus
Encryption Level... MAXIMUM CAPACITY
Message Level.. Non-Emergency
To: RHA Recruiting Central
"Sophie has my backing as a competent Hessian pilot. Her enthusiasm for the Army and the Revolution is a refreshing sight in the younger people now. She fought well alongside us in the Omega-11 battle of 30-01-10."
- Leutnant Johannes Claus
End Message Body
Signal trace...Somewhere in the Omegas
Transmission source..offline.
Shady characters that Kanzler use to eliminate its enemies is a tactic we all know too well.
Your fast response and determination to help us rid of that threat near Freital today earned you a recruitment to our movement. Proceed toward Vogtland for identity change, our patrol should be waiting you outside of base after you're done with all that paperwork. Welcome aboard!
:::Transmission begins:::
::Input- Joachim Liam::
::Output- Red Hessian Army Recruitment Centre::
My name is Joachim Liam from New Berlin. My family was part of ALG waste disposal, and my father was up in the buisness. Once of age, I took up a job offered by my father. I worked there for two year when I discovered my father was doing smuggling in his lifter ship. He said not to say anything and I dared not, but I was worried about him. After another month or so I talked to him about stopping his smuggling and he agreed for my sake.
About 6 months later my father disapeared. I found he was arrested for smuggling and murder, which I know the second was a lie. I tried to get him out with a bail, but he was in jail for life and couldn't get out. I'm sick that the goverment could do this after he change his ways, and I want my father back.
I have piloting skills in heavy transports, but I have had my share of being an escort. I'm still not a great fighter, so I guess I would like to join the RHA. Thank you for reading my message.
Transmission begins
Source: Mike steel
Receiving end: Red Hessian recruitment center
Hello Hessians,
I am Mike Steel, born into a misrible life, knowing not where to begin. When I was born at New Berlin, my dad was a Dauman miner. He always used to come home with tons of cash when i was 5 until he came down with a a heart attack and died. Doing so, my mom had to become a part time transport pilot making little money and so, all the stuff we had, was taken away.
One day when my mom took me on a transport, pirates came in from top. My mom was killed and I just managed to escape. Then I wondered, "where were the Rheiland police?" because non came until 1 day later. After that I was adopted and when I was grown, I turned into a Junker which was dirty work. I mined scrap metal and when attacked and good at killing and called myself MasterofDeath, until one day, a hessian came buy and told me about your revolution and so I am here now before you, to ask to join the revolution against these lazy rhielanders. To rid them and to restore it to a more active rhieland.
Mike Steel
Transmission endind
//5+ mostly on PM
//no skype
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering!
Message to: Joachim Liam
Comm ID: Major Ernst Neurath
Seems like small fish always gets caught while profiteers stay at the top. Kanzler's unwillingness to reform his corruptionist system will cost him dearly. For now, we cant save your father but chances are he will be transported to Vierlande Prison and then you'll have your chance.
We can always use more pilots, versatile in piloting both, fighting and smuggling vessels. Proceed toward Vogtland for picking up your identification and equipment. Welcome!
Message to: Mike Steel
Comm ID: Major Ernst Neurath
Sorry to hear that you were part of what is now obvious - Rheinland is falling apart and no police or military force can control it anymore. Kanzler doesnt even know, or want to know whats happening with its fellow Rheinlanders. System is desintegrating and you will now have a chance to fight for new Rheinland, for Volkrevolution!
Vogtland recruitment staff is waiting for your arrival, proceed to pickup your standard issue rekrut equipment.