Dear Miss Halden,
Dear Mister Stinson,
Dear Mister Roush,
your applications have been checked and I am glad to tell you that we have accepted you as an Agent in Training (AiT). Please make sure you have your Guardian/Avenger VHF ready and set your transponder to broadcast LSF. The proper ID papers will be handed to you at the next LSF station you will come across. Also I need you to sign a document to say you wont pass on any knowledge you obtain during your time in the LSF.
That is all and welcome to the Liberty Security Force.
we've received your application and the Board has made a decission.
Unfortunatly, I have to inform you that your application has been rejected. Thank you for your interest in joining the Liberty Security Force and all the best for your future
Sonya Mosby
Secretary of Internal Affairs
Application Review Board
Liberty Security Force
[font=Agency FB][color=#CC0000]
Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...
Name: Raffaello Black
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma system
Skills: Escorting, Diplomacy, Informations gathering
Previous Jobs: N/A
Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History: N/A
Department Interested in Joining: Special Operations Division
Have you ever piloted a fighter craft and/or a bomber?
Why are you interested in joining the LSF?
I have received so much from this great nation. Time has come to give something back.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
Speak multiple languages, cold blood in any situation, extreme determination.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far.
Both my parents are Corsairs. I just didn't have the same moral values as them. I was allowed to leave without any hindrance thanks to my mother. I am now a proud and committed Libertonian.
Ingame names: [*USI*]G.Sanderson. Leo, Sev, Bourvil
Skype/Xfire username: ombladon_91
Join Date on the server: Sep 19 2010
Region: Central Europe
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?
An LSF agent's job is to protect Liberty's interests at all costs.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Then explain why the following rules are important:
3.1: Posting comms that are insulting in any way are prohibited. This is simple common sense.
3.3: Discovery is a role-play server, thus comms that are not IC are prohibited. Exception is in private chat, when both sides agree.
3.4: Threatening is forbidden, unless inherent to role-play. Also using an Admin's name without permission is not allowed.
5.2: As stated, Discovery is based on role-play. All engagements must the result of some sort of role-play.
5.6 to 5.8: A player who was killed in a PvP, which includes fleeing, must not reengage with any of his characters within 4 hours. Exceptions to this rule are traders and escorts.
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the threads if so.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
Transmission Source: Planet Erie
Transmission ID: Jay Berli
Transmission Scan: Complete, no virus
Transmission Decoding: Complete
Transmission Starts:
Signing on, Jay Berli.
Requesting to join the LSF to keep it's outerwalls and innerwalls safe. Details required below.
((IC Information))
[*]Name: Jay Berli
[*]Age: 21
[*]Gender: Male
[*]Place of Birth: Planet Erie
[*]Skills: Modeling, mining, spying, tracking
[*]Previous Jobs: Mining, escort
[*]Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History: Extreme training in escorting.
[*]Department Interested in Joining:Special Operations Division
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you ever piloted a fighter craft and/or a bomber?
Why are you interested in joining the LSF?
I am interested because without order and safety, there is no liberty. Without order, there will be chaos. Without safety, it's enemy will crush it.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
I have 1 week worth of pirating on my records. Why? Because I got angry at my dead father. I was thinking it was dumb of him to throw his life away serving liberty so I just kept shutting down jobs until I reached pirating but now I understand the reason why so I'v stopped. In redemption, I'v started killing pirates or sending them to the navy for arrest for over a week now.
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
Yes. For 1 week I have traveled between Liberty and Rheinland pirating so I know many hideouts, escape routes, and fighting areas incase you get caught. I also have skill at staying out tracking range, 10k, but keeping them in my sites while im at it. 1 last thing is that I have been a pirate so I know how pirates act. This will make an easier hunt for pirates.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character, minimum 2-3 lines)
I was born 797A.S. January 8th, my father died at age 6. He served the Liberty navy and got a disease that killed him. It made me angry, knowing that he constantly went to work even though he was sick. When he died, I just didn't know why he just threw his life away even though he knew he could stop it. At age 17, I started C++ and attended a flying school. When I reached 19, I got my mining ship and started mining which lasted 1 year until my anger at my dad came back which made me switch jobs. I entered the escorting business which also lasted 1 year, then my anger formed anew again and I started piracy. On the 2nd day of pirating, I suddenly woke up in a strange feeling and people with purple eyes hanging over me. They put something inside me which I delt with for 5 full, dreadful days. On the 5th day, a LSF agent tried to bring me somewhere to get it out. Unfortunately, it didn't work so she chased me to Bering in which the inside monster took over me and tried to destroyed her. Luckily, she fled from me so the alien wouldn't harm her. For the rest of the day I fought it then finally, I managed to break it's hold and I quickly looked for a LSF agent who took it out of me. Never again shall I pirate if that is the punishment, I must keep liberty safe from aliens like that and others that would try and harm the people.
If this application is approved, you will be put in our AIT (agent in training) course for two weeks, where we will determine if you're fit to be a agent in the LSF.
OORP part
((OOC Information))
Ingame names: Bamburg_berli, Jay.Berli
Skype/Xfire username: I don't have any.
Join Date on the server: July 29, 2008
Region: Eastern USA, -5GMT
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?
Keep liberty safe and it's people safe, stop pirates from pirating. Make sure all trade lanes are clear from pirate scum and if Ln or the LPI are in need of assistance, help them.LSF also gather information on enemies, aliens, pirates, smuggling, people, ect...... LSF, however, do not show themselfs in broad daylight. They work behind or between the scene but never in front unless it's a must. They also are an intelligence branch for the Military.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Then explain why the following rules are important: 3.1: This is a game, not somewhere you can curse and let your feelings out. Also, if you said something right about the person, you might offend him. 3.3: This rule is important because then people would just be talking about real life or movies or whatever instead of rping ingame which makes fights/encounters fun. People would get annoyed if someone, like a pirate, came up and started talking about SAW and kept cding the person so he would have to listen. Then, after many minutes, he finally demands. That would be a very boring situation. 3.4: This is important because the people who would do this would completely take the fun out of the game because then everyone is worring if he/she will get sanctioned. Eventually he/she will quit because they are jerks and it's no fun. 5.2: People wouldn't play if this happened because if you were a lawful military and you needed to get a drink because of the hic ups then come back to find your ship is destroyed, that person will just look to see who/what killed him and if it was a human then he'll basicly will just quit because he is now annoyed. Not many people would play if this rule wasn't in play. 5.6 to 5.8: These rules keep the fun in the game because if 3 bombers took down a cruiser but the cruiser responds to attack them again, they will be annoyed at them because of all that work they did. Same with switching characters. If someone just changes from a cruiser to a bs to kill 3 bombers, the bombers would have no fun. Expecially if it's one of their systems that they are mostly active in.
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the threads if so.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
8. I can't rate myself a 9 because If I meet new kinds of factions, I quickly have to go and look them up on wiki. I know most of the major ones though that are required for Liberty or Rheinland.
Terms and conditions
The =LSF= reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: yes
Details complete. Awaiting approval of application. This is Jay Berli signing out.
Transmision ends.
Source: Scrambled
thank you for your interest in joining the Liberty Security Force. Your applications have been received by our personnel office and has been relayed to the Application Review Board. Within the next days we will decide if you're going to be accepted to become a part of the intelligence branch or not.
Further informations will be sent to you on this channel once a decission is made.
Thank you for your comprehension.
Sonya Mosby
Secretary of Internal Affairs
Application Review Board
Liberty Security Force
[font=Agency FB][color=#CC0000]
Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...
Firewall Status... [color=#33CC00]Online Verify Encryption Keys...Ok Confirm Identity... Mike Edwards Recognised Initialise Video Uplink...Established
Jay Berli: We found disturbing elements in your past, both shown in your application and discovered later, which point that your previous criminal activity was worse than we expected. For that reason, your application has been rejected.
Raffaello Black: <strike>Unfortunately your origins are too shady to be given the trust required to work for the Liberty Security Forces. You will be welcome if you wish to collaborate with us by handing information regarding corsair activities which may result in a harm to Liberty or our allies, but your application for full membership of the Liberty Security Forces has been rejected.</strike>
Mike Edwards
Chief of Operations
Application review board
your applications have been checked and I am glad to tell you that we have accepted you as an Agent in Training (AiT). Please make sure you have your Guardian/Avenger VHF ready and set your transponder to broadcast LSF. The proper ID papers will be handed to you at the next LSF station you will come across. Also I need you to sign a document to say you wont pass on any knowledge you obtain during your time in the LSF.
That is all and welcome to the Liberty Security Force.
Good day mr. Edwards. I do understand you reasons, however I fell like I have not been given a fair chance to prove myself. What can I do to show I am as true a libertonian as you are?
Requesting to join the LSF to keep it's outerwalls and innerwalls safe. Details required below.
((IC Information))
[*]Name: Josh.Ling
[*]Age: 23
[*]Gender: Male
[*]Place of Birth: Planet Manhattin
[*]Skills: Modeling, mining, spying, tracking, escorting, hand to hand combat
[*]Previous Jobs: Mining, escort, trading
[*]Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History: Extreme training in escorting along with hand to hand combat.
[*]Department Interested in Joining:Special Operations Division
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you ever piloted a fighter craft and/or a bomber?
Why are you interested in joining the LSF?
I am interested in joining the LSF because lately the pirates in liberty have been growing. Many people are starting to become unhappy because of them so I am going to help stop them and keep liberty safe from intruders.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
Yes. I know many routes in and out of liberty because I'v been a trader, escorter, and miner. My skills when defending or attacking is to end it quick before reinforcements arrive with a Razor.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character, minimum 2-3 lines)
I was born 795A.S. June 15. I went to the top collage on Manhattin for 3 years learning about math, flighting, and combat. When I left collage, I got myself into martial arts and won a bunch of tournaments. When I got bored of hitting and being hit, I went into the escorting business in which I escorted traders and miners from Kusari to Liberty or Liberty to Kusari encounting many pirates and killing them. Soon, I got enough money so I got myself a mining ship and went to all the mining places to mine silver ore and stuff but soon I was getting pirated so I stopped. After doing all of this stuff, I finally went into trading but that didnt go to well either with the pirates. Finally, I just ditched all the trading and went into law-enforcement to stop the pirates that make life miserable along with intruders and aliens. Now I am here, at your doorstep, to protect liberty from aliens, pirates, intruders, or anything that might hurt the people of liberty.
If this application is approved, you will be put in our AIT (agent in training) course for two weeks, where we will determine if you're fit to be a agent in the LSF.
OORP part
((OOC Information))
Ingame names: Ling_smith, Josh.Ling
Skype/Xfire username: I don't have any.
Join Date on the server: July 29, 2008
Region: Eastern USA, -5GMT
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?
Keep liberty safe and it's people safe, stop pirates from pirating. Make sure all trade lanes are clear from pirate scum and if Ln or the LPI are in need of assistance, help them.LSF also gather information on enemies, aliens, pirates, smuggling, people, ect...... LSF, however, do not show themselfs in broad daylight. They work behind or between the scene but never in front unless it's a must. They also are an intelligence branch for the Military.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Then explain why the following rules are important:
3.1: This is a game, not somewhere you can curse and let your feelings out. Also, if you said something right about the person, you might offend him.
3.3: This rule is important because then people would just be talking about real life or movies or whatever instead of rping ingame which makes fights/encounters fun. People would get annoyed if someone, like a pirate, came up and started talking about SAW and kept cding the person so he would have to listen. Then, after many minutes, he finally demands. That would be a very boring situation.
3.4: This is important because the people who would do this would completely take the fun out of the game because then everyone is worring if he/she will get sanctioned. Eventually he/she will quit because they are jerks and it's no fun.
5.2: People wouldn't play if this happened because if you were a lawful military and you needed to get a drink because of the hic ups then come back to find your ship is destroyed, that person will just look to see who/what killed him and if it was a human then he'll basicly will just quit because he is now annoyed. Not many people would play if this rule wasn't in play.
5.6 to 5.8: These rules keep the fun in the game because if 3 bombers took down a cruiser but the cruiser responds to attack them again, they will be annoyed at them because of all that work they did. Same with switching characters. If someone just changes from a cruiser to a bs to kill 3 bombers, the bombers would have no fun. Expecially if it's one of their systems that they are mostly active in.
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the threads if so.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
8. I can't rate myself a 9 because If I meet new kinds of factions, I quickly have to go and look them up on wiki. I know most of the major ones though that are required for Liberty or Rheinland.
Terms and conditions
The =LSF= reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: yes
Details complete. Awaiting approval of application. This is Josh.Ling signing out.
Transmision ends.
Source: Scrambled
thank you for your interest in joining the Liberty Security Force. Your application has been received by our personnel office and has been relayed to the Application Review Board. Within the next days we will decide if you're going to be accepted to become a part of the intelligence branch or not.
Further informations will be sent to you on this channel once a decission is made.
Thank you for your comprehension.
Sonya Mosby
Secretary of Internal Affairs
Application Review Board
Liberty Security Force
[font=Agency FB][color=#CC0000]
Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...
Skills: Expert Mechanic, Extensive training in hand-to-hand combat.
Previous Jobs: Mechanic, Security Guard
Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History: Security guard helping to keep order among the miners on planet Pittsburgh.
Department Interested in Joining:Department of Homeland Security
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you ever piloted a fighter craft and/or a bomber?
Yes, I occasionally fly a Patriot to escort cargo ships through Pittsburgh's airspace.
Why are you interested in joining the LSF?
I feel that it's time for me to finally leave my home on Pittsburgh and contribute to all of Liberty.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
Well, I tended to get in fights a lot as a child. This got me in trouble a lot with the local authorities. If it means anything, I always won.
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
As I said, I'm not your average little princess. I grew up on a colony with mostly boys living there, so I know a thing or two about defending myself. I'm also a skilled mechanic, so you can count on me to keep my ship in the sky.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character, minimum 2-3 lines)
Well, I grew up on Pittsburgh and lived my entire life there. Being the only girl in the housing block, I was harassed to no end by the only children. I got in fights often as I grew older, eventually becoming the "alpha dog" of the pack after beating up the ones who had the nerve to bully me. During this time, I also helped out my dad, a mechanic. He taught me the basics of engineering, and I caught on quickly. Thus, it wasn't hard to find work on Pittsburgh. I worked to support my parents, who were both retired. However, even working two jobs, I just couldn't make ends meet. That is, until my Grandfather died. He left the entirety of his savings to my parents, who could now live out their retirements without me having to support them. Free from this responsibility, I began looking for new places to invest my skills. I decided upon the LSF, as you can see.
If this application is approved, you will be put in our AIT (agent in training) course for two weeks, where we will determine if you're fit to be a agent in the LSF.
OORP part
((OOC Information))
Ingame names:Walter.Emmerich, LSFC-Heroic, LSFC-Shenandoah, iKytec)Prometheus|T343, [HF]-Marco.Sera (and several variations of that)
Skype/Xfire username: Recovery_One
Join Date on the server: I believe around January of this year, not sure though.
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?
Patrol Liberty, take care of secret operations, and help to combat Rheinlanders. They should RP sort of like the FBI or CIA.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Then explain why the following rules are important: 3.1: This server is frequently played on by children who do not need to hear any sort of potty language. And insulting is just mean. 3.3: This is an RP server, it is perfectly reasonable to enforce that. 3.4: Posing as an Admin to get what you want isn't fair at all. Just learn to play like everyone else. 5.2: A lot of people would be upset if someone just flew around and insta-killed people without any RP. 5.6 to 5.8: Rules about PvP death are important because nobody wants to be stuck fighting the same person all day because they want revenge.
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the threads if so.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
Terms and conditions
The =LSF= reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: yes
Everything else you need to know is on the liberty forums, which will be linked when accepted.
Firewall Status... [color=#33CC00]Online Verify Encryption Keys...Ok Confirm Identity... Mike Edwards Recognised Initialise Video Uplink...Established
Josh Ling: We have considered your application, but your priorities and what you are looking forward doing fit more other branches of the Liberty security agencies. I personally consider Liberty Police Inc. as a more suitable agency for you to join, given your personal defence qualification, and your desire to keep the sovereign space of Liberty safe from threats based on Liberty itself and piracy.
Leslie Wilder: Your application has been forwarded to our review board. Expect an answer shortly.
Mike Edwards
Application review board
Chief of Operations
[font=Agency FB][color=#CC0000]
Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...