I am not denying that people in these factions like to roleplay, but people also like to kill. Several of these factions have a very large ZoI, and are largely free to engage anyone.
Let's say that some random Joe went decided to go out on a killing spree while flying under the banner of one of these factions. Suddenly you get tons of "ZOMG PVP WHOER!11!11!!" flames because these factions (generally speaking) have better tech than ones that are not invite only, and the poor guy who was out on a killing spree ended up killing somebody who would rather not have been killed.
The solution is even more damn simple than the answer. Don't care to get slaughtered? PM the guy(s) in a calm, mature manner saying that you don't want your roleplay being interrupted. If you simply don't want to get shot because you're bad at PvP or what not, then run and don't bloody complain about it.
Well as a Keeper, whenever I logged on alone I got ganked without even being able to RP. So, I decided to use /setmsg 0-9 for pre-planned RPs to use for people who gank immediately.
I am also in Order for a long time, longer than Keepers. I remember only once or twice that I asked to myself "is this a bit whorage" while on my blueberry, unlike while on Order, I had to keep people from whoring almost constantly. Not with faction players but with players who have no idea what is going on were simply going like "Red, dai." Almost ALWAYS. who am I kidding, faction players as well.
It was the reason I stirred the place with lets merge indies and faction stuff.
I think I have a screenshot of my keeper being uberpwnd by 5 Osiris once in Delta and while I was trying to write a RP with a seldom BHG Core player (I guess he was Dashiell that I was RPing).
However, people seldomly accept their mistakes and always blame the other, its a fact.
I didn't apply to Keepers, Mike invited me in back in April or so. I accepted because I wanted to see the other side of things. Being on 2 ends at the same time gives you a good view of things and you can see both ends of the tie, have the chance to look yourself (as in your faction / group / id) and judge things more objectively.
This helped me to fix certaing things I saw in Keeper stuff and in Order stuff as best as I can as a player.
People who are complaining 90% of the time need to be on the other end as well to see what is going on at their own side while they stay outside of its bubble.
And its also true, people die 10 times in a PvP and get a personal grudge towards the other guy(s)/gal(s). I know several people who don't accept this but showing the signs of it all over their actions in my past time.
Me, if I know I cannot beat someone, I simply flee. Its a game, you cannot be the best and there is always a better one.
Quote:Now try to check Immortal Hunter. Last communicational channel log I saw was few sentences how you all will burn and die. Very contstructive. Just epic... (sorry couldn't hold my self) perhaps he preforms well sometimes, but sorry al I saw was that I mentioned here.
Yes, because I can totally force you to be scared of me, I can totally make you act like the person in a ship cockpit, instead of a person sitting at a computer. Thanks for having a go at me because of game mechanics.
If a known madman in a Dreadnought is telling you he is going to murder your family, burn your house down and laugh while doing it, most people would be a bit scared. I sure as hell would be. You however are sat at your computer, so every single damned person in Sirius is a cocky, arrogant guy who says "You can't hurt me hahahaha" because yes, it's true, I can't hurt your character except a PvP fight, which I suck at.
' Wrote:Probably becasue their Roleplay isn't sufficient to join one of these groups and they thought "I can't get in, nobody should"
' Wrote:One word my lovely Schlurb: Jealousy.
These are the kind of comments that add fuel to the fire when people talk about these groups. These comments are ignorant and made to agitate people.
' Wrote:I can really only speak from the position of a keeper, as I've never had a terrorist ID or been in the wilde/phantoms, but to all those complaining about 'us' I will say this: We -always- have a reason for attacking someone or something. It may not be a reason you agree with, but we do not simply run around and attack people just for the lulz (well, unless you're a lolwutter, that's usually a reason we might end up shooting at you =)
I accepted that I might die. My grind? You don't let a person know why they were killed. Do it inRP or do it ooRP in PMs. Or post something on the forum. As an average player I shouldn't have to SS something and post in your feedback thread saying "WTF dudes." To find out how I played into your RP. It is your responsiblity as the elite RP'r to clue me in.
The problem is for most players, we don't see your RP. You aren't required to post it on the forums for some reason. You don't bother explaining it to us inRP or ooRP elsewhere and when we do complain we get comments like what Birdtalon and Zeltak said.
Now, I cannot comment with any merit on Wilde or Phantoms but going on what others say in Skype and such this is the general problem. You pew pew them and they never find out why other than because you have a "PvP free card." This isn't true of every playing in all of the factions, but it does happen within them.
I think all of the closed factions should be -required- to use their message dumps even more so than the normal factions. If it get killed by a Keeper with a few lines of RP and he doesn't bother explaining it to me afterwards then I can stroll on over their dump and find out why myself.
I don't have a problem with the factions as factions. I have a problem with the fact that they are suppose to be the elite of the server but aren't policed and their RP isn't visible.
Well some people can't take a beating , for example when I was a noob I spent all my savings into the cargo I had , and then Phantom comes and kills me , yes I did /Ragepm him , but its kinda lame to kill someone who has invested all of his money into something and just loses it like that. As for others, they just cant accept that its the way its supposed to be...
' Wrote:Edit2: Zeltak mentioned being jelous. Alright, tell me how you won't then you realise that you ro half of community can do just same or even better, but you can't have ID even if a peep whos doing not good enought has it? It's natural feel like this in this case.
Don't take this as an insult, but I'm having trouble understanding what you mean here, but I will guess and try to answer from this guess...
What I'm basically saying is, from personal experiences and thus this opinion is not only subjective on its own but very personal so to speak. I think, that after being around for like three years, the majority of the complaints that have been filed against the "invite-only/more privileges" factions have been nothing but pure finger-pointing which basically makes me come to the conclusion that many are simply jealous. Now, as I said in my earlier post, even these Factions do make mistakes and yes, sometimes when they get complained at - the complaint itself has some value in it that should not be ignored. However, notice that I used the word "majority" when I said: "...the majority of the complaints that have been filed against the "invite-only/more privileges" factions have been nothing but pure finger-pointing..."
And I still believe that this is the "usual" whine-scenario:
X Player gets killed by "Privilge/Conspiracy" Faction.
X Player complains due to being defeated in a battle.
X Player dosen't get as he wants, starts making prejudices and becomes jealous.
X Player continues to hate these factions and try to bind them to every problem on the server.
Now to answer what I think your question is, you are completely right. Most probably there are people who can Role-Play much better the roles that certain members of these Factions have themselves, however, your statement that at least "half of the community" can, I don't really believe in. Perhaps a few individuals open-minded enough to understand that from the "invite-only/more privileges" factions' perspective, things might be harder than you think it is.
And also one last thing - I would like to point out that I personally don't have a Terrorist ID character and I'm not in the Phantoms/Keepers/SCRA/Wilde/Whatever. If you think I'm advocating for something here, you're gravely mistaken.
' Wrote:These are the kind of comments that add fuel to the fire when people talk about these groups. These comments are ignorant and made to agitate people.
Nope, that is my opinion, it just happens to consist of one word. Now I developed it further since you called it out for being ignorant and possibly provoking people. Sure as hell it will provoke people, but I don't really care about that part, it's up to them to get fussed over my opinions. Now, your opinion of my comment being ignorant, as I said to AJBeast, opinions are opinions mate, you say one thing I say the other. And I leave it at that.
The thing is. As a person. I expect roleplay as well as the guy with terrorist ID.
But you know, roleplaying after you were pwned by a cruisser then you use, lets say transport. Is nearly impossible in game. I just don't understand why terrorist ID owners are exempted from keeping game fairness, 0.0 rules and even can go on legal lolwutting rampage.
I'm not talking about SCRA here. Those people Roleplay. I don't mind them
Phantoms. Well there was good times and bad times. But you see as for such faction you are expected to preform better than open ones.
Keepers... I don't really enjoy their rp, so I just avoid any encounters. They do not bother me, I try not to bother them too
Wilde. Last encounter (not mine, but other guy from sails) was similiar I said "we dont like <insert player name / faction name / your dogs name>" pew pew..
@ Seth Karlo: I think by keeping such power you should be able to come up with something more than just burn and die. I hear such threats in rl too. Once in a while, not by friend and not in joke form. And you know what? most of them are just talking loud. Similiar looks the character of yours D: (sorry if I insulted, didn't wanted Q_O
That's what I mean, if this was all real, Salazar's actions would be all that was needed, but because actions mean nothing in Freelancer, he has to use words.
If you have a better suggestion I'm welcome to hear it.
' Wrote:If you have a better suggestion I'm welcome to hear it.
Well I don't own terrorist ID equiped cruisser (or what you are flying there). So I don't feel a need to worry my head about it. But surely there is a lot of other ways how to rp mentaly disordered person. I believe it. Joker found his way. Hack I had pirate ID'ed Richard.Coldwin around too. Alltought, he didn't yelled "kill, burn, burn" neither he did a lot, but I can guess that his behaviuor was disturbing.
Come up with something original, after all it's your character not mine. If it goes only about killing and burning, how I said a lot of people can do the same, which doesn't justifies the Terrorist id's restriction there.
Unless there is a priviligiuos estate in disco afterall, and since you contributed to server a lot, you have it as a reward, I don't know.
Salazar Kithe is damn fine. I don't know what you have against him. As you just even said: It's his own Character, it's his own Roleplay. I like him as it is and I think he doesnt need a Change.
After all it is his own Decision how to roleplay, you are just telling him that he is unoriginally, but then you tell him you don't have to think about his Roleplay and what he could do better. Which sounds hblkawibble.
"Who is it doing this synthetic type of alpha beta psychedelic funkin'?"