I am also having a similar problem with the IONCROSS character editor when I try to use it with Discovery (latest) activated. I get runtime error 76 when I start it.
Runtime error 76 is "path not found". Seeing as it immediately closes and won't let me specify a path, this seems like a pretty big glitch. Any workarounds?
I have looked through the forums and I found nothing relating to this particular error, I have copied across the gamedata text files, I have got VB installed but nothing is fixing this.
When I first installed IONCROSS on my new computer I got the same thing, I got it working and then all of a sudden it destroys itself again. I uninstall it and I am currently trying various methods to get it back to working.
i have also had problems with using the ioncross server operator and i posted a topic, but i cant find it any more. cannon told me that it was old and glitchy and that i should use freelancer acount manager (if memory serves). there is a link to the download in the topic, but as i said i cant remember where it is. i however could not get that to work either, and by chance tried ioncross, and it suddenly worked. (i had th same problem as final dragon i think. also if u are using windows 7 i think it causes problems with the save paths etc