***Incoming message***
***Source : Mr.Stile-Captain of the "Garbage-Hunter"***
***Target : Mr.Taro Katsuo, Guild-leader of the GMG***
Greetings there, just to say that i am not forgotten our contract and i am still around, i am just taking some time to enjoy spending this hard earned money heh...Right now i am resting my body and my mind on luxury liner above planet Gea....I will contact you soon again.
Com ID: Ben Meddows, GTS Novikovo Location: Isehara Terraforming Outpost To: Aomori Station, Honshu , Guild Archives Subject: Trade report.
Report information:
Ship name: GTS Novikovo
Route completed: Fujisawa Mining Facility - Planet Gran Canaria
Escorts: None
Resistances encountered: None , Just a Junker who was asking a lot.
Fujisawa Mining Facility - Planet Gran Canaria
Planet Gran Canaria - Fujisawa Mining Facility
As the first flight of the "Novikovo", it was really quiet and peaceful. I hope it will stay the same.
I was out patrolling okinawa, and i decided to take on a few missions to get a few quick credits, but the weapons that are at my disposal are not that great for the stinger, and carrying tons of missiles just isn't cutting it for me.
so that brings me to my request, i would like to ask for 3-4 CODE NAME weapons for my stinger. it doesn't matter on which one's you wish to give to me cause I'm not picky about it.
Com ID: Ben Meddows, Location: Aomori Station , Honshu To: Aomori Station, Honshu , Guild Archives Subject: Patrol report.
Taking off from Aomori, I headed to the Sigma-19 System. Didn't have to go long, I ran into an Outcast Gunship, wondering around the Sigmas.
I tried to knock some sense into him and ask him to go home. I really didn't want to get into a fight with that ship. However, there was no other way to make him leave.
Things were going well, Nuclear Mines did some damage to the hostile ship, however those gunboat turrets cut my fighter in two faster than I could notice. So I ended up flying in a pod back to Aomori.
To: GMG Private Archives
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Gas Miner Naha, Sigma-13
Konnichiwa, brothers and sisters!
I went on patrol duty tonight, keeping the Sigmas clear of troublemakers. I was glad to find the lanes free from disruptions and the gas miners unhindered. I enjoyed skimming through the Crow Nebula while avoiding the volatile gas pockets. Nothing beats the view of the Crow! Shame I can't see it with my own eyes from the cockpit of my Kaichou!
Patrol pattern. Starting from Frankfurt jump gate, along the lanes all the way to Honshu jump gate. Amber patrol then engaged cruise engines, and set course to Sigma-19 jump hole, Sigma-17 jump hole, New Berlin jump hole and Chugoku jump hole in order. Finally, our route took us to Naha.
An area I call The Clearing, is void of gases, and the sight would be relatively unhindered for a ship with actual view ports! I could only capture camera shots from my guns. Still, an magnificent view!
After the initial system sweep, Naha forwarded a transmission hailing from Ogashawa in Sigma-13. Apparently, heavy traffic passed by the station, and Ogashawa reading suspicious scanning results of some passer bys. Our patrol were dispatched to Sigma-19.
Several ships travelled through the lane, and some passing by in cruise. Nothing out of the ordinary, until my scanners and, thank the Crow, the Kaichou's sensors detected a large amount of Cardamine on-board a trader passing by Ogashawa. Vessel designation: -=)ATF(=-SeKeL
The vessel failed to respond to my demands of him halting his engines. A cruise disruptor made him stop, but not completely. Worse so, he started mooring sequence with Ogashawa! Failing in handing over the contraband to our security on-board the station, he undocked and tried to make a run for it. Cruise disruptor at the ready. He wiggled on, remaining deaf and mute while managing to yet again dock with Ogashawa before I could land a devastating blow with my Antimatter Cannon.
Suddenly one of his friends I'd presume, entered the system from Sigma-13. This one too hauling contraband, but Slaves instead of Cardamine. Vessel designation: -=)ATF(=-_Tolisk
This one could at least speak when spoken to, but even after my warnings, he moored with Ogashawa just as his friend did before him! I knew they would try and make a break for it, undocking together. I had no intention of killing over one thousand innocent people on-board the slave ship, so I would pay my attention to the Cardamine smuggler.
As I had predicted, a few moments later they both undocked, trying to make a break for it. I turned my attention to the Cardamine smuggler. He didn't last long.
The slaver got away, slipping into Omicron Beta away from my reach. He must be a bit thick, but I think I managed to beat it into him: Don't run contraband through Guild space. Still he questioned my authority, and I told him to consider himself and his friend enemies of the GMG and not return to our systems if they valued their lives. I'll make sure none of our stations allow them shelter, as their docking rights will be removed and their ships hunted mercilessly while smuggling through our space!
Com ID: Ben Meddows, GTS Novikovo Location: Isehara Terraforming Outpost To: Aomori Station, Honshu , Guild Archives Subject: Trade report.
Report information:
Ship name: GTS Novikovo
Route completed: Isehara Terraforming Outpost - Philadelphia Station - Planet Erie - Aomori Station - Planet Honshu - Sigma-19 Gate Construction Site - Isehara Terraforming Outpost
Escorts: None
Resistances encountered: None .
Isehara Terraforming Outpost - Philadelphia Station
Philadelphia Station - Planet Erie
Planet Erie - Aomori Station
Aomori Station - Planet Honshu
Planet Honshu - Sigma-19 Gate Construction Site
Sigma-19 Gate Construction Site - Isehara Terraforming Outpost
No resistance or hostility was encountered during the route, however we had to hurry up in Liberty due to the large number of Outcast ships present there.
Ah were to begin. well i was sitting off naha having a coffee and i got a report of unauthorized personnel in sigma 59 from Sakahalin station.
i promptly headed to the sigma 59, while accidentally spilling my coffee in my lap. i arrived at the jump hole to find him arriving in sigma 19 and i scanned is ship and to my surprise it was a freelancer in a corsair ship .
i then told him he was in restricted space along with the fact he is flying an unlawful ship.
He replied with "and?" and i could tell he was just a rookie.
so i told him what the fine for trespassing would be and i asked him if he would comply and there was radio silence for about 1 minute, and then he said he wouldn't comply so i said that i would engage if he didn't and he fired the first shot. so i engaged, he got my shields down but i got him with my nuke mines.
Once the hostile was down i quickly checked sigma 59 for anymore hostile contacts. i made my way around sigma 59 and found nobody there that shouldn't be there.
so i returned to naha for another coffee.
Long Live The Guild!
***message end***
From: Paramilitary Ensign George "Tex" Austin
To: General Circulation
Subject: Furball over GM Naha
I'm sure ya'll all heard about the little tiff we had over the GM Naha today, 'specially since that junked engine pod nearly went through the mess deck window. Myself an' Ensign Nagarokie were sitting idle over the Naha, observing traffic and managing a security perimeter for a thirsty Dragon who came callin' for some fuel. We let him in the back door and the ground crews got him turned around double-quick in the secure hangar.
And then a fighter brazenly blaring an "Order" IFF signal came sailing out of the Helgoland trade lane. I fired up my scanner and got a good sweep of his hull. That boy had some dang strange guns. I've never seen the like before.
And then, without a word of warning or demand, the dang fool opened fired on Ensign Nagarokie. The following is an excerpt from my Karasu's black box.
I should make a note that the master of the GTS-Abashiri made a masterful high-speed moor under high-stress conditions, putting his ship inside the safety of the Nahas' defense guns.
This image was the one surviving file from my gun cameras. My fighter took a heavy hit from a debilitator-type pulse weapon, wiping out the camera and most of its memory backups.
At this point the Naha got its alert fighter into the air, and GMG pilot Yungai scored the killshot on our homicidal visitor.
And that was that. Regrettably, SAR crews from the Naha were unable to locate his escape pod, though they diligently searched for at least five minutes before breaking for lunch. With any luck he'll die the long, slow death of asphyxiation out in the clouds of the Crow.
Ensign George "Tex" Austin
GMG Paramilitary
--End GMG Internal Memo--
Reminder: GMG Internal memos are the private correspondence of the Guild. Do not distribute GMG Internal Memos to any outside sources or factors. Breaches of security will be tracked and prosecuted.
The Austin Clan: George Austin, GMG Paramilitary Ensign; Frank Austin, LPI Recruit Officer
I'd recommend taking a load of toxic waste on the Aland, discharging that on Dortmund in New Berlin, and then taking Terraforming Gasses back to Isehara.
The Austin Clan: George Austin, GMG Paramilitary Ensign; Frank Austin, LPI Recruit Officer