Glad the trip to Marne worked out. Currently on planet enjoying some fine wine with the natives. Although wine cant compare to a good old Borderworld Beer. It has its merits. I have been thinking a lot about our presence on Marne and have decided maybe I should pass on the old Eagle to someone here who may want to fly the TAZ flag. I have also been talking somewhat to the Marne Government about a lodgings here. Open to use to all TAZ peoples visiting Marne from Siruis. A home away from home you could say. At any rate, I hope to return home soon after the LCOG talks are over.
Regards, Xavier Triton Marne Council Communications, Planet Marne, Champagne
++ Source : Gabriel Angelos, Captain of the Tau.Ceti.Central ++
++ Destination : TAZ popes ++
++ Derivation : none ++
++ Encryption level : mu ++
++ Transmission begins ++
Hello my good sirs.
Just finished a nice trip to Macon to help our Council friends. I shipped Nuclear devices there.
I was escorted by a nice fellow, and we ended up in Macon bar. You all know how much i appreciate gallic wine, and i must confess i finished totally drunk.
I provided some basic informations about the different houses of Sirius, the politic relations and the story of the Hispania.
It was a nice conversation and i hope our Council friends will find those informations helpfull.
Ah, before i forgive about it, i was contacted by an Independent Zoner complaining he was targetted by Mollies in Dublin. He claimed Mollies started a war against Zoners traders. After having a conversation with the said Mollies, i did conclude our zoner friend had a big mouth, and just didn't want to play nice with the Mollies.
I received today a support request from our friends of the Zoner Trading Consortium. They stated Mollies were violating the NFZ of Freeport 1. I decided to cruise there to support them.
As i arrived, Charles and Rachael were holding near the Freeport, while several mollys ships were flying around.
I think the 'lads' wanted to give us a clear message :
Quote:++ Corrupted Data ++ [MR]Celt: Chuck all the Corsairs, ex or not, off Gran Canaria
[MR]Celt: Are ye gunna do that?
(]c[)Rachael.Ericson: You want us to chuck all the Mollies off an all? [MR]Celt: There are none there
(]c[)Charles.M.Burns:: You pretty know that would cost a lot for us, wont be easy
(]c[)Rachael.Ericson: Cause, they ain't gunna like you for that.
(]c[)Rachael.Ericson: Yes, there are. [MR]Celt: Even ask Doc, we asked about movin some folk over there
(]c[)Rachael.Ericson: If you bothered to look... [MR]Celt: And he said it were possible [TAZ]Epsilon.Eridani: Then my good sirs [MR]Celt: Doc Holiday didn't seem to think as much [TAZ]Epsilon.Eridani: Why making demands and threatening, when you can ask our ambassador about all this?
(]c[)Rachael.Ericson: Just because you deney them, does not stop them from living their new, peaceful lives. [MR]-Liam.Mac'Ceallach.: if yar seen molly's there, then I am a fairy [TAZ]Epsilon.Eridani: Or are you simply willing blood? [MR]Celt: Choose
(]c[)Rachael.Ericson: Your a Fairy, well done. [MR]Celt: Chuck the Corsairs off Gran Canaria
[MR]Celt: Or don't
[MR]Celt: Which ye doin?
[MR]Celt: Yes or no [TAZ]Epsilon.Eridani: This is not to us to take this decision [MR]Celt: Well it's on your head [TAZ]Epsilon.Eridani: If you really wanted to get this through, you would ask to Zoner Alliance [MR]-Liam.Mac'Ceallach.: blast it, lads open fire, they can answer in the time they are busy calculating their decision is bad,
[MR]Dara.O'Gara: Oi tellt ye, shure oi did. Ye'll never git nuttin' frum a Zoner cept wurds [TAZ]Epsilon.Eridani: Or start some diplomatic relations with us [MR]Celt: Ye choose now, war or peace
[MR]Nickbrock: dis wun be fir dem hoo support da Corsairs! Fir Cork! [TAZ]Epsilon.Eridani: Instead of that you are pointing guns toward us [MR]-Liam.Mac'Ceallach.: for the republic!
[MR]Celt: Fer Dublin!
++ Corrupted Data ++
As you can see, a big part of my logs were corrupted, due to the damages my ship received during the fight that followed.
The Epsilon Eridani was heavily damaged, and i had to leave the area. The mollys did let my ship go through.
Although, i lost a part of my crew, as i ordered them to use drop pods before it was too late.
The ship is currently being repaired in Baffin system. But it may require a lot of time, since we have no shipyard.
As some use to say, Eris is not hateful or malicious. But She is mischievous, and does get a little 'bitchy' at times.
It saddens me to see such battle occured. I'm afraid i couldn't do anything to peace this out. If only Doc was there, maybe he would have been able to use his strong diplomatic skills to avoid this confrontation.
Mr. Holiday, i think it's time to initiate heavy negociations with the mollys. They are pissed we help the Corsairs, and they may become a pain for us, since we use Dublin system a lot to supply Gran Canaria.
I therefore humbly recommend a high priority for that matter.
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Joined: Aug 2008
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Location: Tombstone Estate, Gran Canaria
On a rainy night over the the Estate, John Holliday turns his com system off after reading the report from Captain Gregorious Adagio. With his wife asleep in bed, he sits momentarily in thought after reading of yet another Molly attack. But, he doesn't get angry as he normally would. He rises to his feet, goes to his bar and pours himself a glass of bourbon. He then walks over to a window and while he sips his drink, he stares out, talking into the sky.
"How, just how?" he asks, "instant results aren't possible. That and I'm but one man for one faction."
He takes another sip
He then gives a snicker, "Kick the Corsairs out? Oh that'll fix a lot of things!"
He begins pacing
He paced for an hour in deep thought, refilling his glass twice. Why did the Mollies and Corsairs hate each other so with such common enemies? Could he broker a truce? Many thoughts ran through his mind. He also knew that he faced what he believed to be a no-win situation which was only compounded by another attack on a TAZ ship. Finally, he put his glass down, secured the Estate, turned out the lights and retired for the evening.
Comm ID: E-Prime, "Vortex Central", Geode
To: Doc Holliday
Cc: All TAZ
Doc, while meditating on this recent Molly "incident", I received an "Eris-Gram".
After translating from the Erisian, and censoring out the nasty bits, the message is essentially this: The Chao is out of Balance regarding relations with the Corsairs and Mollys.
I'll be drafting up a letter to the [MR] suggesting ways to minimize the Wobble shortly. I'll send it via private comms for your comments before shooting it to the leprechauns.
In the meantime, I've instructed our Popes privately, and now via FnordNet, that all TAZ vessels should avoid Dublin until further notice. It's unfortunate that the Epsilon.Eridani was damaged, but sometimes Eris has to shout to get the message through my thick skull.
Regards to Midori. She is but one of the many priorities you're currently juggling, friend. Hopefully, at the top of the list.
Because of the increased tensions between our people and the Molly Republic, I have redeployed the bortaS to stand guard over Planet Gran Canaria. Until such time as the threat passes, we will make the Mollys pay dearly for any attacks on our people, or on our world.
I have also dispatched the Fearless Templar.Daleth to Freeport 1, to be on high alert until Doc is available to work his magic. Hopefully, neither of you will be placed in any "compromising" postions before that occurs.
++ Source : Gabriel Angelos, Captain of the Tau.Ceti.Central ++
++ Destination : TAZ popes ++
++ Derivation : none ++
++ Encryption level : mu ++
++ Transmission begins ++
I was contacted today by a pilot of the molly republic who was flying in Omega 49. He stated he was ordered to give back to the TAZ the crew of the Epsilon.Eridani :
Quote:[MR]Nickbrock: Perhaps.. til den I need ta return dis crew ta ya's [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Oh. Do you have the crew of captain Gregorius Adagio? [MR]Nickbrock: I gut a couple o em [MR]Nickbrock: da res be on da hood lass [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: I see [MR]Nickbrock: Ya know? da bettleship ood? in dublin? [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Yes [MR]Nickbrock: aye. Dey be der [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: We members of the Erisian church aren't allowed to go to Dublin for now though [MR]Nickbrock: I eard.. dat be why I gut em [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Until our good Mr. Holiday clear all this with the Molly republic [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Well i guess you can release them on Gran Canaria [MR]Nickbrock: Sad ta say dat we ad ta get e lill rough wit em ta get im on me ship [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: I will tell Gregorius he can pick them up, when his ship will be repaired [MR]Nickbrock: If it be all da same ta ya. I gut orders ta return em personal lioke [MR]Nickbrock: en tek e photo en all dat [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: I see [MR]Nickbrock: I'll wait fir ya ta get beck [MR]Nickbrock: en I need ta give a message ta whoever I give em ta [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Alright. I will head back as fast as i can my good sir then
As i was shipping Deuterium, i stated i would come back as fast as possible.
When i met Nick, he transfered 40 people of the crew, and asked me to follow him to Dublin, since the rest of the crew was held there.
So i was escorted to Battleship Hood. I have no idea how many people Gregorius was missing after this fight at Freeport 1, but i hope they are all there.
Quote:[TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: A shame, i have no idea how many people were in Gregorius ship. But i guess all the missing ones are there [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: *Taking the crew members in the Tau ceti* [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Alright, ready to go [MR]Nickbrock: elreet..lets get ya outta ere [MR]Nickbrock: Elreet lass.. der be en envelope wit a message fir ya leaders on one o dem crewmen [MR]Nickbrock: En dunt tink just cause I elped wit dis changed anytink [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Yes. I will let our Episkopos open it if you don't mind [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: It changed a lots of things actually in my opinion [MR]Nickbrock: It dunt [MR]Nickbrock: We be very angry lass.. [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: It's a good base for futures negociations, don't you think? [MR]Nickbrock: Well...I wont say nuttin [MR]Nickbrock: elreet.. off ya go den
As stated in this Communication log, one of the crew member had a sealed letter. Certainly some Molly Republic demands. I will wait Mr. Holiday or the Episkopos Prime tell me what to do with this letter.
After this, i jumped back to Omega 49. I'm actually taking a break in Gran Canaria.
I have another minor thing to report here :
As i was flying before all of this, i had a quite long talk with a Kusarian captain, a weird crazy girl. The ship name was Chikuzai.
We talked about Discordia and different things. She seemed to be curious about our Goddess, and i tried to enlight her.
Quote:Chikuzai: director made me bend over desk and lift up skirt *smiels vaguely* [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Oh my Chikuzai: Hai! he always yelled that after a couple of minutes [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Good boy Chikuzai: sometimes I was sick next day, and director gave me a pill that even made me more sick *sad* [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: How come you left that asyleum Chikuzai: Director let me go [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Surprising Chikuzai: I brought him his diner and accidentally spilled it all over him Chikuzai: then he yelled "Get out of my sight you useless mongrel, go back to where ever you came from!" Chikuzai: so I crawled over fence and left [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Shame how unguarded such houses can be Chikuzai: no no, there are alot of guards! Chikuzai: but director told me to leave, so I did! Chikuzai: I only encountered 3 guards on my way to the fence *smiles vaguely* [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: What happened to them? Chikuzai: stab with knife made them fell asleep *proud voice* [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: In the eye? Chikuzai: Hai! [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Good girl Chikuzai: and it gave my white uniform a nice color aswell! *proud voice* [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: And you still wear it i can see Chikuzai: Hai! *steps back to show the entire jacket, spins around* Chikuzai: you like it? [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Not bad. Ya know, red goes fasta
Cute girl, but definitely crazy. But she said she would give me Gallic wine!