' Wrote:This thread is So Simple and So Repetitive that even the Single Line Title says it all, but the point is, Its not getting any better. Its just getting worst.
This thread is so much not needed, since there is a thread already made for this kind of questions. http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?sh...=69359&st=0
I wonder why you didnt post there - Could it be because Cannon allready answered your gripes contained here :
' Wrote:We are on a Better Server now, that supports more NPCs without causing Lags. That is a good thing, but main question is, Should we allow MORE NPCs just because Server lets us to? NPCs were already causing trouble before all these changes, but At Least Back then you could go and RP in Hostile Space without NPCs ruining it all, when Server was half full. Now, look at This. Server is Full and I have 9 NPCs hammering my ass while I try to RP and fight, that means even if everyone just sit and watch, I'll die after 5 mins - Because even 9 Ships with Class 5 Guns have enough firepower to blast a Bomber in matter of minutes - Not to mention when they have Death Hands and Debs.)
@ Cannon: You want more NPCs? All good with me, but before increasing their numbers, write a new command to get rid of them when needed. This way, We'll have more NPCs, but when they are ruining everything because they are not controllable, we can just get rid of them with a simple command.
Like, the player with Order ID types /EFF-NPCs and all the Order NPCs disappear.
That way, these nice pretty Bots that can take a class 10 shield out in Less than 2 seconds, wont ruin all the fun for the Actual Players who are trying to RP or PvP in Hostile space.
in post number three of that thread ?
Turning down strength and numbers of spawned NPCs means mod file editing. That means 4.86.
The switch there is on the server when it is running, either spawns NPC's or doesn't spawn NPC's. That switch depends on the server load. It doesn't allow us to specify where, or how many NPCs spawn, nor what kind of them. That is in the mod. Which is why it needs to be taken to the Devs, so they can make the corresponding changes for 4.86. Which again means that it must be balanced, and that the Devs need to take into consideration that not all Discovery servers are running on the same hardware as Discovery RP 24/7. As you can see, it is not just a case of *RAGE* *IMPLEMENT*. People actually THINK about what is being done, and how to implement it.
Because that thread is there to report Server issues, NPCs are something that technically are working just fine, or even better than expected! Also, this discussion in a separate thread would get more chance of being discussed, than a Q_Q Post about NPCs in that thread (which would either be ignored or lead the thread into complete off-topic). Yes, if server would crash when I had 12 NPCs on me, I would post there, but now, there is no technical issue with them. That would make an off-topic post for that thread.
Oh, and about reading Cannon's third post, been there, done that! That is why I'm saying reducing number or firepower of NPCs is not the solution, because I've read cannon's Post.
So, wait, you want to take the game part out of the game? Is that what you're saying? NPCs make it challenging and fun. If you're out to hunt Order, try going outside of the patrol paths in Minor and lure them out there. Much more challenging and rewarding, 'eh?
NPCs are an essential part of the game experience. Who likes to fly right up to a base and mash all the strafe keys and watch the Isis miss while you just laugh to yourself? Not I, says that Bacon. I rather like the challenge of the game and the satisfaction that comes with it. Running around Kusari and then cursing my luck as 4 Blood Dragons come down a lane instead of 4 KNF is all part of the fun. If you don't like it, go where the NPCs aren't bloodthirsty killers...
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
' Wrote:Because that thread is there to report Server issues, NPCs are something that technically are working just fine, or even better than expected! Also, this discussion in a separate thread would get more chance of being discussed, than a Q_Q Post about NPCs in that thread (That would either be ignored or lead the thread into complete off-topic). Yes, if server would crash when I had 12 NPCs on me, I would post there, but now, there is no technical issue with them. That would make an off-topic post for that thread.
Oh, and about reading Cannon's third post, been there, done that! That is why I'm saying reducing number or firepower of NPCs is not the solution, because I've read cannon's Post.
Trolling much, JD?
You seriously suggest that there be a player command which will make NPC's dissappear ?
Nice idea.. Lets see how many ways that command can be abused :
Every powertrade who wants to go through Gallia during low playercount hours will spam that command all the way through their powertrading mission.
Every pirate who suddenly finds that a player near a base gets support from friendly NPC's will spam that command during their fight.
Every nommi who wants to prevent any kind of specimen harvesting in Kappa or Iota will just spam that command every time an Order, or Core or other specimen collecting ship comes into those systems where nommi specimen harvesting takes place.
That was just 3 ways of abusing that command, without really going in depth analysing it.
We want NPC's, in order to make a lively universe. Even with 200 players on, Sirius is vast - And empty. NPC's add spice to that emptyness. Furthermore, having the possibility of spawning NPCs, friendly or hostile, makes fights interesting. RP likewise...
Imagine this transformed into a real world situation : You are pirating (mugging) on the tradelane (the road) to Manhattan (a busy mall).. That tradelane (road) is patrolled by police. You jump (mug) a trader (tourist), and you won't have all the time in the world to do it, since a friendly patroll (policecar) could appear anytime.. With NPC spawn off, after the server is half full, like it used to be, pirating close to bases were fairly secure. It isn't now, and thats how it should be. Thats amongst the things we want with the NPC spawning even with a full server.
As for trolling. I never do that. I am just tired of Q_Q threads.
No, not really! ... Not in my book at least, and many others who posted in this thread.
' Wrote:If you're out to hunt Order
I was there to RP.... with 12 NPCs on my Ass!
Now you see the point? Its not about "I was there to do this, I was there to do that", its all about, "I was there to do Something, that could go along Really well and turn into a really enjoyable experience for both sides, But didnt happen. Thanks to NPCs!"
' Wrote:challenge of the game
If you really enjoy 'Interacting' with NPCs, then you should select either first or second option in Freelancer Startup Menu, instead of Third one. I'm here to Interact with Players, and anything other than that (Those Players who dont interact, or those NPCs who cant, even if they 'want' to) Are not why I'm playing, I don't mind them, as long as they don't hurt the actual Interaction I have with Real Players. - Which is the point of this thread. They do!
Oh, and if you think it's just about Minor, no its not. Same thing applies to Kusari, Rheinland, Liberty, Bretonia, Omegas and Omicrons. Did I forget anything? oh yea... And The Taus! The only system the NPCs wont bother you is Connecticut!
*** Edit:
' Wrote:- 3 Ways to abuse the command -
' Wrote:the player with Order ID types /EFF-NPCs and all the Order NPCs disappear.
- If a Player who's trading in Gallia can stop a faction's NPCs from spawning, In that area, it means he has that faction's ID, so the NPCs of that faction wont even attack him in the first place!
- The Pirate in second scenario can read what I quoted from my first post.
- And if the Noms who are meant to be some of our best RPers in the community want to do that for no reason... then we have such a nice community!
The idea for that command was just an "On-The-Go" suggestion, it's in no ways perfect or even meant to be perfect. But read the quoted part of my first post again, even That covers the 'Abuse' cases you pointed out.
Oh, and about the trolling, I raised a point that you don't agree with, You might have answered with some points that I dont agree with. It's not a Pointless Q_Q Thread, I'm raising a valid point, so, Discussing it is really good... But trolling? It's low! If you cant stand a thread, there is a little cute red " X " on top right corner of your screen, that is your solution!;)
' Wrote:im pretty much a full time BPA officer on this server. i have to say that enforcing the Leeds embargo in a Hussar when you have 8 chimeara's TOTALLY raping you is impossible.
not only is it impossible to stop blockade Runners, its also impossible to Role Play with anybody nearby unless you dock on the Planet or the Battlship Derby and use system chat, which is annoying.
yea I understand Leeds is "under siege" but do the NPC's really need to be this numerous as well as this frequent?
what makes it worse is trying to kill 1 of those chimeara's in a hussar is a very long and arduous task with nothing to gain at the end
Actualy, when there on my BAF indie cruiser Ive had NPCs even drain my shields some before. They're all but guard NPCs.
My two cents, places like leeds that are 'under siege' should be like the calm in a storm. The area around the planet has minimal combat NPCs, but going away from the planet means more show up.
Gallia..... the multiple bomber patrols with high respawn rates are pretty annoying, that said adding the occasional NPC bomber in reasonable numbers thruout house space would make sense.
Using New York as an example: Badlands, give them the occasional LR fighter wing with a Barghest NPC. Around the lawful bases, the occasional patrol with a cupholder or two, with the area around Manhattan (or any house capital really) having a few bomber patrols (lets face it, sitting around a house capital planet is dangerous when yer hostile)
edit: also, is there a way to stop NPCs from pirating or inspecting in certain places ? For example my lib lawfuls seem to always end up red to Junkers because of junker NPCs demanding cargo, or my Zoner chars getting randomly told (usualy by BHG NPCs, sometimes BAF NPCs at FP1) to dump cargo while I'm still in the undock screen. For the Zoner issues simply removing said patrols from that general area would fix it of course.