Well, the point is that they are not server rules like ID restrictions are, they are RP laws, with RP consequences. Plus, some of the law documents, especially the Liberty Laws are rather long, and while not as long as the server rules for example, they would make reading IDs terribly tedious.
Also, having thought about it, one group that would probably benefit quite a lot would be Police factions, who would be able to carry a copy of the laws of thier respective house around in thier ships for reference, making enforcing House laws much easier (i remember having a Piloce char and having to alt-tab on a regular basis, not much fun), as well as people being easily able to call out Police or Navy pilots attempting to enforce laws that dont exist (which in my esperience happens a lot, especially in Liberty).
Is there any way to implement some sort of test for a newer player to take, to see if the player is Cap-worthy? Either ingame, or on the forum, they would have to show a degree of knowledge of the respective faction rules in order to purchase a cap. Certain factions already implement a testing system to weed out ignorant players. It's sort of like taking your drivers test, you have to show a certain degree of knowlege before you get behind th e wheel.
I don't know, it's kind of an 'out there' suggestion. But, if it could be implemented, it might decrease the lolwuttery that goes on.
Add one of these documents, like the ones you get when you start the game.
Discovery RP rules i think its called. Like, all stations/bases that sells Corsair ID also sells Corsair Law
Right, i just thought i would add this little statistic to show the kind of difference i feel something like this would make:
In the past 2 days i have had to PM and explain to 3 Corsair indy caps who were outside of the field of operation designated in the law document that they were doing something wrong. Now, most people would expect them just to be lolwutters, but after speaking to them, it became clear that all 3 genuinely didnt know they were doing anything wrong, and had an entire conversation about it over PMs in RP.
So i think that it is people like these, who dont want to cause trouble, but have no idea that they are doing things they shouldnt be, because they have never taken the time to trawl through the forum to find the Laws of Sirius thread, that i feel would benefit the most, seeing as in all honesty they didnt strike me as lolwutters, but as people who would read the laws if they were in-game. And that was only 3 in the past 2 days, and seeing as in my experience, the large percentage of people who would be labled "lolwutters" are just people that dont know that they are doing something wrong because it hasnt been explained to them.
Something like this, in my opinion as someone who deals with lots of "lolwutters" (comes from being a Corsair), would really help a lot (and i mean a lot, as the vast majority of newer players dont really want to cause trouble) of people get better aquainted with the various areas of Sirius, and prevent a lot of trouble that simple 'not knowing' can cause.