Ah, a shame it is indeed, what the world has come to...
But fear not, for the LORD cares about his creation, and
he shall not bow his head to the abominations seeking to
corrupt it. Behold! Redemption comes not through empty
words but through deeds, and by His divine will, justice
is what we shall carry out! Never should these mutants
have been allowed to live, to spread their sickness to
the innocent, to dare walk among us like not even the
Wicked dare to! Nay, I say, the LORD shall not bow His
head to this vile mockery of what He created in His
own image!
Watch out! Our cleansing rays of light shall demonstrate
what happens to those who dare mock His perfection,
his glory. Mankind has enough suffering on it's shoulders.
We shall remove some of it.
Ah, how lovely all these race talking morons. These days, all we have is love, love, more love, and oh how much more green and pink we get... how much hypocrisies I have read down this petition, I care not even to count, it makes me sick, for all of you morons enjoy killing each others among you humans, own a warship with each, just about enough to blow up an entire city, but in a public statement against some hybrid monsters that have, as far as we are concerned, seems to be -alien species- or freak accidents - neither of which, might we add, goes in the category of "citizen" of any nation, as far as we are concerned, you, hypocrites, dare call those speaking the truth, that we be all hating and biggots?
Well, I tire of seeing how lovely multimedia entertainment that serves as news for your brains have degraded the human race. Time to clean our home of the pests, sentient or not.
As to you furred lover sexual deviants, what the hell are you waiting for, slaughter some more humans for your own petty egoistical beliefs, while we clean the streets...
Incoming transmission...
Sender:Mystic Location:Eighth Arcanum Hangar, Los Angeles, California System To:Anonymous Fool Subject: Hypocrisy?
Hypocrisy? Hardly. But then, I'm sure you wouldn't understand my reasoning.
No, more accurately, you don't care to try, because in your narrow mind your opinion is the absolute truth of the universe, and anyone who disagrees must be wrong.
But, I must give you a chance. The Lady wishes for all her subjects to give people that much.
My combat record is pretty clear: I've taken out pirates and a Nomad. I'm not helping with any of your petty squabbles over empty space; my faith precludes that. I fight in defense of those who cannot defend themselves; my faith demands that.
Think what you want. But when you start attempting to infringe on the rights of others... when you start to incite violence against others... that is when I will interfere.
I have wasted enough time on you. The Lady in Violet has clearly given up on you long ago, and now I shall once again follow her lead.
Who the hell are you, anyway, mister worship-lady-I-dont-know-who?
We don't give a damn about your religion, or whatever it is. We aren't philosopher, alright? We are just common folks that want to live a life, work a honest job and feed our family. We have a right to live a peaceful, normal life, alright? That's why we have a damn police, a damn military.
We don't want hazardous material in our life. You want to live with a nuclear reactor in your backyard? Don't think so.
Well you want to live with a genetic monster, or some unknown alien being? You want to take that goddamn risk?
We want em out, and we want em out now. They can go back to wherever they came from, but we didn't agreed to live in a country that gets filled with half breed and monsters. There ain't nobody here that can guarantee anyone that these things are peaceful, harmless. They are sentient, and different.
Those two words make just about enough risk. Enough is enough, we don't want to live with mutants.
With the nomads invasions, who knows if those furred freaks aren't just lures the nomads are giving to us, trying to bring down our vigilance so they can try to assimilate us once again? The furred freaks might just cause the ruin of Liberty. Better safe than sorry.
>> Comm. ID: Jan Markus, (Polarstern)
>> Source: Planet Manhattan, New York
My friend,
I'm speechless. Seeing this much ignorance, this mindless hate...
One thing I have to ask you - do you really think those beings are send here by the S...by the nomads to bring our vigilance down?
You seem to be paranoid about a nomad attack.
I see no reason to fear them. Why do you? Just because of their appearance?
Who knows, but maybe you are more dangerous than them!
You shouldn't judge them without even knowing them, instead of trying to kill them, get to know them.
Why do you always try to solve problems with anger, hate, fighting, killing...
There is something you do not understand and the first thing you want to do is to destroy it?
Why so? Why not try to gain knowledge about the unknown, instead of just being afraid of it and seeing it as a threat...?
I believe they have a right to live too!
And don't wonder that everyone and everything tries to kill you and other humans, your behaviour seems to leave them no choice but to defend themselves!
Maybe...maybe that's even why the nomads ... why they attacked ... instead of trying other ... ways...
*thinks a moment*
You and your petition aren't solving any problems, you are creating more problems.
Your hate against them makes them outcast, though most of them are nice "people"!
Open your mind, don't just be ignorant!
It could make this world a better place, with less fights and less wars, if everyone would be more open-minded, thought more about their actions and were less ignorant...
My "friend"...your behaviour makes me sad, because I know, many are like you. Many are like that...for no reason.
*sighs and waits a moment, but remains speechless*
*shakes his head and turns off the communication device*
Hey, mister Markus. I recognize in your so called friendly tone - everyone is a friend, even if we disagree with em, right? that you are one of those smart-talk liberals trying to change the world.
Well you call us paranoid, let me expose a scenario for you.
You fly a ship. We are all humans here, aren't we. Suppose we are. Suppose your ship doesn't have any shielding, any guns. You still want to fly out there?
Not so sure.
Suppose now, you fly a ship. We have humans, and also a bunch of "things", they look different, they have fur, they look like, half animals, half human beings, they have animal behaviors, yet they seems to have human ones too.
Still want to fly gunless?
Hope you are smart enough to see through this, but if you can't catch up still, lemme expose yet another something.
If those half breed were to turn aggressive one day, you want them to take have taken advantage of us by infiltrating all level of our society like the nomads did, or you want to take no risk at all?
Incoming Transmission
Source ID: Aperture Laboratories
Location: Research Vessel Borealis
Hello, Greetings, Hola, Meow, etcetera. Aperture Science is committed to progress, not trivial time sinks such as "safety" and "race". Science isn't about "why" its about "why not". Aperture Laboratories sees the existence of these beings as PROGRESS, Progress which we intend to continue pushing forward.
In light of this, Aperture Laboratories is pleased to announce that we will be offering long term employment to any living thing that wishes to apply. If you were rejected by some Liberty companies due to your genetic orientation, look no further. We want you. Expect high salaries, excellent benefits, and a career that will make a difference in the lives of many. Our rigorous employee testing will give you on the job training AND education. We simply don't care if you were rejected from every school and college in Liberty just for having a tail. We will give you what you need to succeed, and find a place for you.
Contact us via private channel for more information.
******************Incoming Transmission*************************
Source:Aboard LNS-Douglas, Houston orbit
Sender: Captain Remus Sius, Texan Armada
Encryption: Medium
Mr Jan Markus it seems that your statements reflect a possibility that 'you' are influenced by the Nomads. Let me quote your statements.
Quote:It could make this world a better place, with less fights and less wars, if everyone would be more open-minded, thought more about their actions and were less ignorant...
My "friend"...your behaviour makes me sad, because I know, many are like you. Many are like that...for no reason.
Now I have seen many of these words being said by the squids... "Less fights and less wars", "Making this world a better place" and the most intriguing "open-minded". I don't know if you've come in contact with them or have been infected but I seem to sense that.
As for the petition for those "freaks" you so called, its useless. Now petitioning for the war with Rheinland to end, now thats something.... but I fear that it will continue for many years.
"Welp... If someone's gunna put a bounty on them I got no problem collectin'. Might even make it me priority. Sounds like fun, runnin' em outta town... Or just plain killin'!" A hoarse laugh is heard. "Hell, both'll make me happy! I do love to kill Misfits!"
The open transmission ends with another laugh and the sound of a man spitting.