Transmit To: SCRA Command
Transmission from: Lt. Cobalt
Well, it did it again, those Hessians keep thinking I'm friendly even after I start shooting them. The whats worse is Interspace Commerce keeps branding me with their IFF. I would enjoy teaching them a lesson but they keep hiding in there big metal boxes to keep me out. Well with my "rep" all settled I think I can finally get back to the action.
Transmit to: Commodore Chernekov, SCRA Fighter Command
Comm ID: Lieutenant Eugen Weise
Sir, someone has stolen my Light Fighter! I left it on Cadiz, flew off with my bomber, and someone jacked it! So, to give myself something to do, I took one of the unused ships out of Storage Hanger #17, and I've been testing it out. Its called the 'Viper' or something, and it's quite usefull. Apparently, the Zoners and IMG developed it jointly, but it looks like nothing I've ever seen out of a Zoner shipyards. I suspect it's more Alien technology adapted by those capitalists to serve their needs. Now it will serve the Coalition, although I hope my Scimitar shows up soon...
Looks like I nailed AW's newest 'hotshot' pilot. I conducted a standard reconnnoitring of Theta, and was engaged by AW-Staggart and AW-Blazer. Blazer pulled out quickly, possibly due to electrical interference (extreme lag), or maybe he was just smarter than his comrade, whose ship was severely damaged by my blasters.
That's me another one up on the killboard, and I'm sure Commander Zehn will be pleased to find out which AW pilot I dealt with.
Transmit To: SCRA Command
Transmission from: Adm. Korr
I'm still awaiting that transfer, I guess I can get a lot of paperwork done and help logistics and what not now. I would like to get this done sometime soon, I'm starting to get board now.
Transmit to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mcintosh
Priority: RED
My Brothers, I have many things to address today! First and formost, decorations and promotions.
Lt. Commander Ares, for dedication to the cause of the Coalition, Gallantry and Victory in the Face of terrible odds, and for extraordinary fighting prowess, is awarded both the Golden Halo of Dedication with Starburst, and the Star of Terra. He is also the recipient of the associated reward of 8 Million Credits, to do with as he pleases. For the Honor of being wounded numerous times in combat in the service of the Revolution, he is awarded a third Wound Stripe, being one of only seven to recieve a third commendation of that type. Your Fighting spirit must be keeping your body alive, to further the goals of the Coalition! [color=#FFFFFF]Blunt (Player), you're promoted to Commander.
Commodore Britanov, for self-sacrifice and dedication beyond the Call of Duty, you're awarded the Golden Halo of Dedication, and your first Wound Stripe. Wear them well. Also, in light of recent conduct among senior officers, you're hereby promoted to acting Admiral, your new hat is waiting. [color=#FFFFFF]Axe (Player), you're promoted to Commodore.
Commander Zehn, for fighting on despite horrible wounds and incredible pain, and for decimating the enemy ranks in outnumbered glory, you're awarded both the Wounded Lion of the Coalition, and your second Wound Stripe. Wear them well.
Lieutenant Cray, for leading his gunboat into the teeth of the fire again and again, and for the destruction of a Hellfire Legion Battleship despite terrible odds, is awarded the Star of Terra. You are a credit to all the warriors of the Coalition who've gone before you.
Lieutenant Weise, for a near-suicidal attack on a Rheinland Military Battleship Group, and for inflicting terrible losses on all servants of the Capitalist Alliance, is awarded the Golden Halo for Dedication, and your first Wound Stripe. May you continue to destabalize the Alliance through vicious and unrelenting attacks.
Lieutenant Voronov, for single-handed raids on Hellfire Legion, and Asgard Warrior space, is awarded the Red Badge of Valor. This award is rare, given only to warriors who force the enemy to drown in his own blood. Lieutenant Voronov is also recieving his third Wound Stripe, the Surgeons are unclear as to how much of you is still man, and how much is vicious fighting spirit.
Now, in light of recent Hellfire Legion activities, I've decided its not worth the trouble to carry the fight to them. They appear to think sitting behind their defences is a grand way to win a war, but as soon as they venture into Our space, they die. So, leave them alone if all their willing to do it cluster in Vespucci. if you find them in our area of operations, dispatch them, but don't go out of your way, we've bigger fish to fry. The Fish in Question? The Asgard Warriors. All units are to focus their attention on the AW, especially in Omicron Theta. The Brotherhood appears to think that they need to go as well, so for the purposes of attacking the AW Only, the restriction on grouping with other factions is limited. However, when not actively attacking the AW, DO NOT group with anyone but other SCRA.
Go to 'em boys!
Oh, and some of you on the sharp end will be pleased to know that the Sleeper Cell II has been deccomissioned, and Admiral Korr relegated to paperworking duties. This opens up a cruiser slot in the fleet, capital ship captains who're interested in something a little heavier, contact me, and we'll start another one up in the yards.
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
Comm. I.D: Lt. Commander Ares
Transmit to: SCRA High Command
Message Begins//
I won't bother with gushing over decorations, sirs, you know that I am obviously honoured and that this is only the goddamn beginning. The Asgard Warriors will realise that they don't run Sirius soon enough.
Now, I would like to make a relatively minor request, for personal reasons.
I would like permission to group up with Corsair pilots in the defense of Gamma and on attacks against our enemies. As you well know, I have many childhood friends and even family in these wings. Whilst I am Coalition through and through (My arm being made with Coalition blood, sweat and tears.), I don't wish to refuse aid to my brethren from back home, especially considering their hungry state and when it will coincide with our own goals anyway.
Of course, I debate endlessly with them about their apparent need to rob civilian vessels, and only aid on military ventures. Myself and Pedro Maniaco of the Brotherhood can't stop discussing the economical side of warfare, an argument in which he is much less idealistic, I must say.
However, he and the others, like I said, are almost as much my family as my comrades in the Coalition.
Of course, should this request be refused, I will obey, but would hope that you understand my personal involvement here.
I had the honour of flying with Lt. Weise and Commander Zehn in an excursion into California today.
We caused immense damage to the Southern Alliance in their own backyard.
I took out a single fighter, quite embarassing actually. Zehn had the glory, as per usual, I must say. Everyone in the sector could hear his rampage, in spite of the restrictions that vacuum causes.
He took out several fighters, and dealt the final blow to the Bretonix. Liberty has learned that despite the vast size of its military, it lacks in skill and conviction.
We then decided to get some vengeance upon NovaPG for some recent tangles we've had with them.
I was unable to personally deal with any of their Raven's Talons, they being too small a target for my Novas for the most part. We were, as a team, able to take out a smaller capital ship, and horribly damage their battleship.
Zehn then continued to take out fighters. My engine caught fire, and I was forced to retreat before it engulfed my whole ship. Lt. Weise managed to tow me to safety, before I could sustain another serious injury.
Zehn was left alone, killing even more. He eventually had to flee due to numerous ruptures in his cockpit. I'm damn sure he was fighting without oxygen for quite some time. He's got to be more machine than man, now. He flies like it anyway.
Transmit to: All SCRA personnel
Transmit from: Lieutenant Cray, Gunboat Argumentor.
Message Begins//
I arrived on duty today to find a neutral IDed freighter and a battleship in Omega 52.
Naturally both ships were ordered out. Tichy, the freighter complied with my demands, however Warhalk did not leave at once.
We proceeded to search the system, however the battleship soon departed for Omega 52, then Omega 49 where the captain of RAGB Sundered Heart was negotiating with some Zoners.
As I passed into Omega 49, the ALG tagged Zoner juggernaught declared it's hostility and opened fire on Argumentor, dropping my shields before any response could be mounted.
Naturally we returned fire as soon as we were able and soon regained the initiative. Joined by Sundered Heart, we were happily ripping the battleship apart when the cowardly captain of the battleship picked up her skirts and fled, despite our continual barrage of cruise disruptors.
Warhalk was pursued as far as Poole before being allowed to slink away in shameful defeat.
Comm. ID: Lt. Commander Ares
Message begins//
Oh, by the thousand suns of Sirius, that was hilarious!
I know that we've been told not to engage Hellfire pilots in their own homes, but one was very near Strongpoint Gamma, hanging around in Theta. Naturally I was annoyed at his presence and decided to teach him a lesson.
Now, you HAVE to see how cowardly he was! This is why they're hiding from us! They are blatant cowards!
I then chased him into 74, and severely damaged him. He managed to flee due to the interference of irritated Zoner guard pilots near the shipyards. I waited him out at the jump to Theta, but he docked and hid from my glorious Coalition guns.