Zoner ID for lil' guys to go wherever they want,
Zoner Merchant ID for big guys to stay out of house space, and
[Insert official faction] ID to allow capital ships and other rules.
Sometimes to streamline things, you need more and not less. Sucks to say, but I think this is one of those cases.
' Wrote:Zoner ID: Rephacked hostile to house navies.
So all Zoners everywhere should be shot at by house militaries? Militaries that happen to be present in Borderworld systems such as Omega-3, Omega-7, Tau-31, Tau-29, and independent systems such as Magellan, Cortez, Bering, Husdon.
Also, the goal is to stop them from docking on corporate and house bases, smuggling or running corporate routes.. Not to stop every Zoner from being able to step foot in the houses.
I coulda sworn Zoner and Zoner guard were always able to land on GMG bases. I know I won't stop them (but will take measures on contraband no matter the ID). If there is a rule against them landing on our bases then it doesn't look like anyone is enforcing it, least of all myself, as they appear to be coming and going already.
If they are restricted then please change it so they can come to our bases, we are allies afterall.
Edit add: (I'll put it here to avoid multiple posts) Ok yeah they can land on our bases, sorry Bluespawn had me confused for a moment there.....
' Wrote:I coulda sworn Zoner and Zoner guard were always able to land on GMG bases. I know I won't stop them (but will take measures on contraband no matter the ID). If there is a rule against them landing on our bases then it doesn't look like anyone is enforcing it, least of all myself, as they appear to be coming and going already.
If they are restricted then please change it so they can come to our bases, we are allies afterall.
I say make it only the Zoner Guard ID. Why would Zoners care about other people? They have their own crap to trade with themselves, Order, GMG, Outcasts, and all those other people on the fringe systems.