If this were olden days on long lost Earth, my glove would be slapping your face in challenge.
Instead I'll simply call you a bald-faced liar, either delusional or incredibly incapable of facing the facts in front of you.
Oh, technically, you may have some half-hearted and far off vision of truth in your statement, "I am not restricting your vessels Mr DeVirgo." You personally aren't standing there at the docks, with weapons pointed at us. But since you are the representative of the Zoners that has chosen to speak up for them, then you ARE restricting us - in ways that you are not restricting the Order. You - since you've chosen to represent the Zoners of Delta and 74 - have chosen to restrict us from basing for staging on those Freeports. Therefore you ARE restricting our vessels in ways that you are not restricting Order vessels.
Let me throw MORE of your words back at you that are false. I'll even include some spices, so that you may digest them better, since they are otherwise hollow with no truth to them.
"As it stands, no vessel except a Zoner one may base off Freeport XV."
Due to the need for security, I have excerpted the relevant portion of this document from the original. You have my word of honor that it is unchanged.
Quote:McKinney Miller reported that TCG vessels were acting like they were in charge of security in Omega 74 just days ago, querying the Millers Gold about what purpose he had to be there, as well as conducting live fire training in Omega 74 - A system the Zoners has declared a complete No Fire Zone. He transferred the Comms Log here, which I also have enclosed the originals, and a transcript here:
TCG|Willy.Loman : BHG
TCG|Willy.Loman : What are you doing here
TCG|Willy.Loman : Looking for some trouble
BHG|Core-Millers_Gold : None of your freaking business, TCG. Or do you want the Zoners deny you any rights to dock on their stations ?
TCG|Willy.Loman : realy
BHG|Core-Millers_Gold : They won't like any reports about hostilities being initiated here in O74. That system is declared a complete NFZ. Violate
BHG|Core-Millers_Gold : it at your own peril, TCG.
TCG|Roki : mmm why you docking here if you just days ago attacking zoners?
BHG|Core-Millers_Gold: You need to see the optician, TCG. Both for your aim, and for your perception of combat situations.
BHG|Core-Millers_Gold : We have attacked Order. Not zoners. That you were following zoner orders like little lapdogs, doesn't make you zoners.
BHG|Core-Millers_Gold : It just makes you lapdogs...
All of this could be explained if you have simply tasked the TCG with providing the security for Omicron-74 while the ZTC handles their enclave. Is this the case? That would also explain, perhaps, why these Order vessels were firing CD's at one of our ships that was peacefully transiting the system.
Of course, if these questions are too difficult for you to comprehend - that perhaps your 'authority' isn't really respected by your 'allies' - then make no mistake that our resolve is strong, and our cause is right. You are, of course, correct in stating that all ships right now can dock to refuel. You are incorrect, however, as the Order continues to utilize your bases as staging areas for their nefarious activities. They are not simply docking - they are staging there.
And as we said yesterday, instead of impartially enforcing your vaunted No Fire Zone on everyone, your ships joined forces with the Order and fired upon ours. This insult cannot as it is now stand.
You say that you cannot simply give orders to the Order regarding their behavior on YOUR ports. If you cannot do that, then you have no real authority, and should not be involved in these negotiations. Or perhaps it is because your 'neutrality' is as much of a farce as your authority is - in which case we have simply given you an additional few hours to commune with your Gods as you prepare to meet your appointed fate as the sword of our justice falls upon your neck.
Decide how many more of your 'neutral' friends will also feel the bite of that sword. Look into their eyes and tell them that you are responsible for them choking on their lungs as the air rushes out of the stations when our mortars land. Look at their children and tell them their parents died valiantly because you lacked the testicular fortitude to apply your neutrality to all parties. Look at the wreckage of what was once your home and tell yourself that you are a true 'neutral' zoner, only responsible for your own actions.
I find it amusing that you insult Mr. Pirx, when it is clear that he is more of a Zoner than you ever could hope to be. He has shown his willingness to talk, to negotiate, and to be reasonable. A pity that perhaps this lesson will be too late for you to learn. There is still time remaining, though.
You have...
72 hours remaining
---End Transmission---
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
Hey Rhyme, is this thing on? No. Not yet. Why you afraid of what I might say? Yea. Come on man turn this balsted thing on.
Kal sees the red light that is on.
Oh for the Love of God! Not again. Honestly, do you think you even have any friends in the Omicrons besides us, Maxie? Let see here, Corsairs? Nope. TCG? Nope. Order? Nope. Cerberus? Nope. Nomads? Nope. You are not in Kansas anymore out here Maxie. Besides, from what I heard the way you guys fight, you lost a couple Mako Battleships and well....that does not necessarily strike fear into the hearts of all who choose to live out here Maxie.
So, what does that leave you? Well it leaves you a bunch of people that just do not like you much. I do not speak for any of them and especially not the Corsairs. I am quite sure they can speak for themselves.
We here at Freeport 9....what? No, I am not speaking with anyone just to myself....ok where was I....oh yes...We here at Freeport 9 have more than our fair share to deal with and I am quite sure that well....nothing is going to happen either Maxie.
We provide freedom for all and a safe haven for all who come to our Freeports all under the blanket of neutrality, I just wish you would dock dock and said thank you and went on your way, but until you decide to let everyone dock on your bases, I do not give a @#@# what you think you are entitled to demand! Are we clear!
You sure this thing isn't on Kal? Good deal. Though that was an amusing bit of a speach you gave there.
Well, you never know. Someone might haul them goods. Wh, oh heck are you throwing those glares my way again? I swear to bob, I was running supplies out to Delta when those Cerb boys spotted me by the hol... Well because the bloody Corsairs robbed me silly of course, that's why I was running dry! They don't exactly give you a fair exchange on the 'I have more guns' special.
Sure thing man, what'll it be. Beer? Well we mighta had beer at one point. Right now we've got flat piss, warm piss, hissy piss, burning piss, long piss, piss in the snow and pi... Yeah ok you get it. If you get it then why aint you laughing?
Yeah, crack wise too. We'll see if maybe this place gets wired up who's covering the tab.
Yeh but anyways. I imagine that things will simmer down once supplies start to run low. But then I imagine that, in the land of imagining, parts never really do run low and you can ignore those little nuances. That's what makes all of those little frustrating diplomatic whatsits so easy to ignore Ka... Right! Exactly. I mean, why bother walking to the store to get a sandwich when, as we all know, you can just magic the sandwich up. And since imagination sandwiches disappear if they're questioned you'll just reply that your imaginary friend brought it to you. They didn't not see your imaginary friend.
Full proof.
But yeh, we'll see how it goes out there.
Sure man, what'll it be.
Nope, no ice at the present. But, I'll tell you what. I'll talk real mean to a rocks glass and see if that wont chill it out for you. Or, if that don't work, we'll just roll down a window and stick it outside till it's frosty.
I can stick what outside? Oh ho, charming. I think the only thing we've got left for you is a mat sho.... Kal are you sure you weren't transmitting?
Oh, technically, you may have some half-hearted and far off vision of truth in your statement, "I am not restricting your vessels Mr DeVirgo." You personally aren't standing there at the docks, with weapons pointed at us. But since you are the representative of the Zoners that has chosen to speak up for them, then you ARE restricting us - in ways that you are not restricting the Order. You - since you've chosen to represent the Zoners of Delta and 74 - have chosen to restrict us from basing for staging on those Freeports. Therefore you ARE restricting our vessels in ways that you are not restricting Order vessels.
Let me throw MORE of your words back at you that are false. I'll even include some spices, so that you may digest them better, since they are otherwise hollow with no truth to them.
"As it stands, no vessel except a Zoner one may base off Freeport XV."
Due to the need for security, I have excerpted the relevant portion of this document from the original. You have my word of honor that it is unchanged.
All of this could be explained if you have simply tasked the TCG with providing the security for Omicron-74 while the ZTC handles their enclave. Is this the case? That would also explain, perhaps, why these Order vessels were firing CD's at one of our ships that was peacefully transiting the system.
Of course, if these questions are too difficult for you to comprehend - that perhaps your 'authority' isn't really respected by your 'allies' - then make no mistake that our resolve is strong, and our cause is right. You are, of course, correct in stating that all ships right now can dock to refuel. You are incorrect, however, as the Order continues to utilize your bases as staging areas for their nefarious activities. They are not simply docking - they are staging there.
72 hours remaining
---End Transmission---
I have excluded the insults from your transmission. As it stands, over half your message has been culled.
It is most grave that Freeport XV has been used in this manner. The TCG| will be asked to be removed from
Omicron 74 as soon as possible.
As it stands, you are welcome to dock at Freeport 11 and then launch from there. What you do afterward is none of our concern. The same with is the case with The Order.
Now, as I asked before, what right is afforded to The Order, which is not available to you? Please answer my question, so we can reach some compromise and show you our neutrality.
Also, Mr Prix has said little which I disagree with. Mr Mace however, seems to disagree with my neutral approach to the situation, as opposed to kowtowing.
-Sebastien Coen.
Zoners Trading Consortium.
Department of Diplomacy.
Everyone and anyone can dock on our stations so long as they respect our ways.
Omicron-74 is Zoner Guard domain and anything that goes inside it is Zoner providence.
End of subject.
The next Zoner to reply to this conversation will be shipped off to Med Force One's loony bin.
Incoming Transmission
Adress: Freeport 11 Central Communication Sattelite, Omicronium Thetion
Origin: [ZF]Glorious.Advance
Speaker: Honorable Guardian Marvin James Orphelia
Quote:I see no reason as to why both the Core and The Order cannot dock on Freeport 11, have a drink, fly a bit away, and kill each other. If the Bounty Hunters Guild Core do not wish for this, then they do not have to dock with the Freeport.
Either way, our hospitality is there and equal.
I must comment on this Coen. It was seen in action today, actually. It was all very curteous... Its almost as if the Guildmaster is MAKING us HIS problem... It's a bit odd to say that about a battle but this is true. The TCG| and the Core| had what some would call a 'merry masquerade' recently (more recent than the 'issue' everyone is fuming about, and one of which I witnessed and have guncams of...) All pilots were very respect of our laws, it was a bit of an awkward silence in the NFZ, but then the TCG moved off from the Freeport NFZ and a skirmish broke out... Just like the old days! Remember those days? Why can't it be like this again? Sigh...
Juggernaut Glorious Advance Guncamera Logs
Add to Zoner Archive...
Thank you for proving, complete with picture evidence, my case.
Let us hope that you realize why what you are showing me is so damning to your talk of neutrality, and why this can no longer be allowed to stand. Those persons you show are not simply docked there to have a drink and then continue on their way, they are staging there for their attacks upon us. Far be it from me to tell you how to run your Freeport. If you wish to continue to allow your base to be a staging grounds for massive vessels to attack others, please feel free to do so. Be prepared, of course, for the consequences.
Mr. Pushkin -
There is a difference between what you say, and what has been occurring. We of the Guild were told that we could not stage from your bases. We do not. Yet you continue to allow Order vessels to stage from there.
So what are your ways? Are you truly neutral?
It appears that Mr. Coen finally noticed his cranium tucked somewhere up his anal orifice and pulled it out, with his rather ... belated ... statement to everyone. I believe a comment about locking a barn door and horses would be appropriate, don't you?
Mr. Rhyme -
From some of your commentary, plus our records, I am a bit ... puzzled. Are you now, sir, a Zoner, or do you still have your affiliations with the Interspace Neuralnet Division? If the latter, that you are speaking for Freeport 9 puzzles me, and I seek illumination upon this. (I know how that group operates, and it would not surprise me to find that you have purchased this facility.) That would also explain why you have been the most reasonable to work with.
I am going to ignore the little commentary from Mr. El and yourself, and simply write that off as alcohol induced.
And finally, Mr. Coen...
Ah, now we have you, AND Mr. Orphelia both speaking for Freeport 11. More Zoner independence, that you don't even know who is in charge of a facility?
As soon as possible...
I would suggest that within the next 24 hours is "as soon as possible". Any longer would probably be considered not "as soon as possible" and move more into the realm of, "too little, too late".
You have still failed to grasp the seriousness of this. We are resolved to see this through to your bitter end, should you fail to comply. READ what has been written here.
Oh, wait, it appears that you're incapable of doing this. I'll try to break it down into simpler terms.
The Order is staging attacks on us from your bases, not just simply docking and refueling there.
This must stop, or you shall feel the wrath of our righteous fury!
Omicron Delta, Omicron-74, Omicron Kappa, and Omicron Theta are involved.
Issue the orders to them.
Since you have been so uncooperative, I am adjusting the time limit slightly as a penalty.
Tell your Zoner friends that they have you to thank for this.
Instead of 60, you now have...
36 hours remaining.
---End Transmission---
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
The Order is staging attacks on us from your bases, not just simply docking and refueling there.
This must stop, or you shall feel the wrath of our righteous fury!
Omicron Delta, Omicron-74, Omicron Kappa, and Omicron Theta are involved.
Issue the orders to them.
Since you have been so uncooperative, I am adjusting the time limit slightly as a penalty.
Tell your Zoner friends that they have you to thank for this.
There is a difference between what you say, and what has been occurring. We of the Guild were told that we could not stage from your bases. We do not. Yet you continue to allow Order vessels to stage from there.
So what are your ways? Are you truly neutral?
It appears that Mr. Coen finally noticed his cranium tucked somewhere up his anal orifice and pulled it out, with his rather ... belated ... statement to everyone. I believe a comment about locking a barn door and horses would be appropriate, don't you?
You have been uncooperative Mr DeVirgo. I have already told you that your forces are welcome on Freeport 11.
If you choose to stage your attacks off Freeport 11 it is none of our business.
As for The Order staging attacks off our bases, I have made it quite clear, what they do before they leave our facility and what they do after they leave our facility is none of our business.
As for the BHG Core staging attacks off our bases, I have made it quite clear, what they do before they leave our facility and what they do after they leave our facility is none of our business.
If you do not see this as equality, then I suggest glasses. Speaking of glasses, you still have not answered my previous question.
Now, as I asked before, what right is afforded to The Order, which is not available to you? Please answer my question, so we can reach some compromise and show you our neutrality.
Also, as I said previously, the Zoners Trading Consoritum has been in an enclave. I assured you a transmission would be made in 24 hours kicking everyone out, and it was. This shows co-operation.
-Sebastien Coen.
Zoners Trading Consortium.
Department of Diplomacy.