but in this game, its a very wild society. its more like the wild west than todays time. pirates are half the population. traders make a lot of cash getting to destinations safely BECAUSE there are so many pirates. they also get robbed a lot and fund the underworld. thats just the way the game is.
im not saying prices of commodities should change, but if a trader is making runs through more open space, less police, no escorts hes prolly gonna make a large sum of cash at the end. high risk high reward. well the high risk is the pirates attacking him and taking a lot of cash. they should make a lot off of him
and right, they wont walk all over you they will just kill you. thats totally what anyone about to die would say
' Wrote:My Behmoth eats bombers and gunboats alike
Piracy now just is a problem for 5 Ks, who can pay the regular pirate. I just don't know how to deal with the ''5 million pl0x'' ones. They mostly seem to be Corsairs, although.