Honestly I'd like to see the emphasish put on routing traders through pirate territory, rather than pushing pirates towards trader hotspots. Jumpholes should be high-risk shortcuts. More systems like Chugoku, yes please use this shortcut to your doom. Enticing people to go through Omega-41 and Omega-5 is the right direciton, IMO.
There are problems with this approach in disco/freelancers, limited players make it very hard to maintain even presence. That could be addressed by increasing spawn difficulty--low player count means cruiser patrols there, good luck with your shortcut.
So yeah, I'm not opposed to your idea, just raising the point that as a general principle it would be better to encourage traders to go through pirate hot-spots more.
Other than the jump hole being a vanilla jump hole there are numerous other issues you've not stopped to consider. The Sig-13 to Munich jump hole provided a quick short cut into Rheinland - it was not deleted by moved a good distance to make it unsuitable for traders, but still usable for others. Why not do the same for this jump hole?
Deleting the 41-Theta jump hole cuts Zoners, Bounty Hunters, and the Order off from the Omegas. There is a vanilla rumor on Nine that directs all non-Corsairs to the 41 jump hole as safe passage from Theta into the Omegas.
Unlike the Tau-Omicron region there is more than one faction that depends on the Omega-Omicron connection. Thus, the two are not comparable as you've done.
Move the jump hole a distance that makes it less appealing to use as a short cut to Bretonia. Or better yet, move both the O-41 jump hole and the Sig-17 jump hole in Theta farther apart. Same result but easier on the factions who depend on the 41-Theta connection; while hindering the traders who try to use it as a short cut.
+1 to what Deadric said and a corresponding buff to the deuterium routes going into Okinawa and the alien organism routes coming out of FP9 to make up for the extra time.
Yeah the Theta/41 connection is part of the Deuterium Highway for Zoners and GMG which should be considered. I'm certain it's not the only one. It's true though that it's a quicker route to reach Bretonian space as well (and plays a role for Cryer as well) which for us GMG only became of note when the He3 purchase point got moved from SSR to the Shipyard in New London.
Well the Gamma journey seems right and fun, corsairs could block it by base to tax the travellers.
Vanilla holes does not make much sense in Discovery they were made to help the story line like the ones in Cambridge or New York to New York one so it is not reason enough to keep it.
Keeping the hole, add numerous Corsair/Hessian Patrols with bombers/SNACs and CDs, same for O5 if it
needs to stay.
Unrelated note about Sigmas- the Systems are too small, lines are too short so they wont be good for piracy, making the S 13 line long enough(10-15k more so there is one at least 35k section) in one of the sections would be good thing, same with the He3 mining fields and the bases around them.Sane story for S19.
Small changes must be made in order to have the activity there, just putting bases for OC/Corsairs without proper playground does not make sure that they would play there.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:Consequences I see:
- Lawful traffic is directed over the tradelanes, where the usual piracy can occur. Especially Sigma 13 is likely to heat up a bit once Sairs and Casts both set up shop there.
- Clearer boundary between Omega and Omicron space: Much like Tau/Omicron only connecting via Omicron Alpha, Omega and Omicron space would connect only by Omicron Gamma.
- Trade bound for the Omicrons would either have to go over Sigma space, or deal with passing through the Corsair homeworld. This would prevent most house faction from sneaking around into the Omicrons (where frankly, they do not belong).
- It would draw more activity into Gamma (that isn't capraid related).
- Longer routes from the Omicrons into house space could allow for better prices on goods on that run.
- It would make Freeport 5 a more important station as people couldn't just divert to Freeport 9 one system over.
You forgot that the Corsairs would be able to build a base that would be quite easy to maintain and defend (IN THIER HOMEWORLD) and essentially block off the entire of the Omicrons with ease...