' Wrote:It was about a year before I realized there were red and green lights on the trade lanes to show you where to enter, and even then someone had to show me.
I first recognised it when i entered gallia and saw the blue and red lights.... some time after i found out that they were on the TLs in Sirius as well... and then it still took a little time to recognise that they indicate the spot to enter.
Also i played Freelancer since around 2003 and 2004 and never realised that there was some engine-kill-stuff until i were on discovery for a few months.
Still can't assign weapon groups.
Red/green lights - for some mystical reason I can't see them. Neither 'moving' lanes on navmap.
I jousted in every fighter skirmish.
But at least I'm newb. :)
Feel free to PM me regarding any grammar/spelling/other language mistakes I have made in my posts.
' Wrote:Still can't assign weapon groups.
Red/green lights - for some mystical reason I can't see them. Neither 'moving' lanes on navmap.
I jousted in every fighter skirmish.
But at least I'm newb.:)
About the weapon groups: I got it, how to do. Shortly before i have founded my shop - so as dont need the knowledge about that, i forgot again. I will read this tutorial again, when i ever should need it: Here or here.
And for the moving lanes: Do you have the gfx preferences in game set to maximum? Or is your PC an old one perhaps? I remember, that i saw this first on my friends PC. My machine was a bit too small to show it.
All people have started as beginners, and some of them still have something more to learn. As we can see here in this thread.
' Wrote:And does this count as fail / blindspot? It took some time for Order to figure out what was killing us when we jumped into Delta from Minor.. and guess what? It was bugged jump hole but only if you are jumping in formation.:)
Not sure does it still do same.. good in bad is that only destroys ship or two.
The JH from Beta to S-19 does that too...
took me quite a while, and no low amount of cargo, to realize that it only happens when your in formation with somebody