Incoming Transmission
ID: Leutnant Raymond Amsel
Opening Channel
Guten tag fraulein...
It looks like the Hessler family bloodline runs very deep. But I wasn't aware that they could actually have a sister which looks good, well, at least you wouldn't get that impression when you look at them...[he smirks]. Especially Jonas...mein Gott, I could tell you stories about him and his backstabbing technique.
Ach, and I see you left a pictu....mein Gott.... Well, ahem, we can talk about further "backstabbing" techniques of the Hessler family later. You are ACCEPTED into the ranks of the Red Hessians. Fly to Dresden where our patrols will meet you and take you to your new home, oh and I'll tell them not to try any funny business. In the meantime read these documents.
Biography: Alisha Kaethe, was born in Dresden on-board her families mining ship which they brought in bad condition from a old pensioner. When she was 17 Her family fell short of funding from Kruger to operate the ship. A few weeks after, Kruger got the Rhienland federal Police to storm the ship, and kill Alisha's family. Alisha managed to get to the escape pod with her 6 year old brother, however, the police shot him as they both entered the pod. The doors closed, and the pod launched before the police could get a shot off at Alisha. Her brother died in her arms...
Alisha turned to the Red Hessian Army, as she had no home, no family, and no money, but she had the passion, and strength for revenge.
Prior Flight Experience:Alisha has heavy experiences with transport vessels, but small knowledge how to pilot a fighter.
Incoming Transmission
ID: Oberleutnant Raymond Amsel
Opening Channel
Guten tag fraulein Kaethe.
I see that the government brutality has gotten to you too. I am sorry to hear about your family, the Police brutality rose to new heights I see, when they murder innocent children now. This is very unfortunate, but do not worry fraulein. The Red Hessians can recognize a civilian in need, a civilian that wishes to change the way his nation works, and restore it to its former glory.
You will find a new home with the Hessian Army. You are hereby ACCEPTED among the ranks of the Red Hessians. Fly to Dresden where our patrols will meet you, and show you to your new home and life. In the meantime read these documents..
I am Deut Dienst, 33 years old. A few weeks ago I owned a very small trading company with top quality goods and accommodations. Everything was going good but the Kruger and Dauman traders were caustic when we bought our raw materials from them. They did not like us competing against them. Within the week, my company had 3 large transports carrying either raw copper or our manufactured goods. The employers were happy with their salaries too.
Three weeks into business, the Dauman started raiding our transports. I hired 4 escorts to each transports when I heard the news but that didn't stop the relentless Dauman. Business was bad and I just barely kept the company going.
The day my company was shut down was the day the Dauman sent bounty hunters to destroy my company HQ. It worked. I was no longer able to fund my company so I shut it down and the Dauman payed the news reporters to hush it up. Red Hessians, I want this to stop. They destroy their own economy with their corruption and greed. Will you let me enter the Red Hessian Army for duty and revenge?!
Flight XP: Only operating transport vessels. Very little combat training.
Incoming Transmission
ID: Oberleutnant Raymond Amsel
Opening Channel
Guten tag herr Dienst.
Our background checks on you have given very low results, and that is not a good thing mein herr. Your application to join the Hessian Army has been DENIED because of flaws in your story, and because you did not pass our background checks.
I am Adel Heid, 34 years old. Born 784 A.S. on August 7th in Hamburg. My childhood was in a alley. Smelling like crap and going to school, lonely and neglected. My parents died when the Corsairs raided their transport in Omega 7 and killed them. At the age of 23, I finally graduated from collage. I barely made it through because I had no money from my parents.
I pursued what my parents did, took up their job as a transport of raw materials and selling em at New Berlin. On the way to New Berlin one day, a corsair attacked my ship but failed and so forth, destroyed. I picked up his stuff to sell at New Berlin but when I got there the Police stopped me. They called me a smuggler but I argued against them. When they said " What is that in your cargo then?", I looked to see drugs from the corsair ship. I told him that but he didn't believe me and destroyed my ship. My pod blasted out and I was taken to prison for 11 FULL YEARS for a misunderstanding. At court, they ignored my claims and only listened to the police.
While I was in jail, I met some very old folk. When I asked who they were, they were my parents! They told me Kruger attacked their ship and covered it up as corsairs. After that, the police put them in jail without even a trial. They were sentenced for life!
How I hate the government and their lies! They arrested my parents, destroyed their property, and a lifetime prison sentence. What is worse, they lied to me!!!! Their corruption put me in jail to rot for 11 full years because the police officer decided to arrest me with not even a fair trial! They probably do that for ranks, not for the people at all! I want to end this. Can i join you RHA so I can stop this never ending corruption??
Flight XP: Only operating transport vessels. Very little combat training.
Incoming Transmission
ID: Oberleutnant Raymond Amsel
Opening Channel
Herr ..... Heid, is it?
Ja well I must inform you that your application to join the Hessian Army has been DENIED because of some flaws in your background. You also do not possess the necessary S.K.Y.P.E protocols.
Guten Tag meine Herren.
I have come before you today to sign up so that I may do my part for the cause.
Dresden has been my home for the last two years, and although I have been flying from here for that time I wish to improve myself by not only lashing out at the Rheinland Government in revenge, but also now furthering the cause of the Hessian movement as well.
Name: Jan Herman
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Height: 6' 4" (193cm)
Weight: 258 Ibs (117kg)
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Marks: Heavily tattooed arms, chest and back.
Jan Herman was born on Planet New Berlin in the Sachsen province in the year 785 A.S.
Raised by his parents Johan and Maria, planet bound merchants, he always seemed to feel there was more to life than what New Berlin offered.
Having achieved the grades needed to join the Rheinland Military, he signed up on his 17th birthday.
While attending the academy, although Jan scored passing marks in small and large ship command, he excelled in small unit tactics, marksmanship and counter terrorism.
This brought him to the attention of the Kommando Spezialkräfte where he was transferred to, under the auspices of the Buro der Marineintelligenz.
The start of a down hill journey for Jan as the longer he stayed, the more he grew disenfranchised with the leadership of both the Rheinland Military as well as the Rheinland Government as a whole.
More and more he was used as an instrument against his own people, seeing the worst side of life in Rheinland, he not only became desensitized but actually started to feel like he fit in with these people.
The final decision that would affect his life forever was enacted on the 25th of April 809 A.S. during an operation to remove armed rebels that were refusing to vacate their food production facility for incorporation into Synth Foods holdings.
Jan's mission was to infiltrate the facility to gather intelligence and assist with the forced entry by the rest of his team when the time came.
After no word from Jan, he eventually contacted his team 48 hours later stating that the way was clear and most of the defenses were neutralized.
However when the assault commenced, Jan fought on the side of the rebels taking the lives of four members of the assault team including his superior officer.
We are not aware exactly what happened in that facility but from that day on Jan was a wanted criminal.
He has since been suspected of piracy towards seven vessels, even going as far the destruction of one vessel with all hands.
This man is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous and is suspected of the murder of twenty one individuals including four Polizei officers that were assigned to arrest him during a reported sighting on Planet Hamburg.
Prior flight experience:
I have flown for various factions in the past and would rate myself as competent.
Not an ace, but I know how to fly and not die in 30 seconds, I can hold my own.
GMT+10 (Usually play between 12 and 4pm Sirius mean time)
Incoming Transmission
ID: Oberleutnant Raymond Amsel
Opening Channel
Guten tag herr Herman.
I see you have witnessed the corruption of the military and the current government that fuels it first hand. This is good, very good, from now on you will serve the people, and only the people. You are ACCEPTED into the ranks of the Red Hessian Army. Our patrols will meet you in Dresden. In the meantime read these papers..