For info, I pilot a Pilgrim liner with a Junker ID. I have been fired on once by a corsair for being a slaver (despite hauling food...). On two other occasions, I have been questioned rigorously by a RNC pilot and another corsair but nothing came of it.
I have flown that ship a long time and be warned, it's not roid friendly and has some docking issues but you'll get used to them...with practice. Lots of practice.
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' Wrote:Actually, they can't. At least, not without getting sanctioned. See...there are no house laws against Slave liners. At all.
Lolprats in lolberty have banned the "Pirate" line, but not the "Slave" liner.
Snooz raises an excellent point as usual.
If anyone bothered to read the infocards at all, they'd realize something about slave liners, or, as it should be referred to, the Pilgrim.
One - the Pilgrims are ancient relics from before they had jump gates or even trade lanes. They're old wrecks found floating in between systems, abandoned hulks of scrap floating in deep space. They shouldn't be common, by any standards.
Two - only Junkers should be using them, or people affiliated with the Junkers. (Slavers usually dock primarily at the Junker bases, at least IRP.) And the technical use for them, presuming one would have good intentions, would be to move large amounts of cargo through space in the cheapest manner possible, that is what they are built for.
People need to remember that the Pilgrim is not a common ship, and need to stop being so paranoid about the Pilgrim being used for unlawful purposes - legally they are not called "slave liners," they are "Pilgrim-class deep space transports." A law officer should assume that it's being used to move cargo legitly, were he to follow protocol. At least, that's how I view it.
Sorry if this doesn't make much sense I'm a bit out of it right now, over at grandparents' for Thanksgiving and their keyboard is weird compared to mine.:dry:
You can always do a SRP to get it. It is harder,and may cause alot of people to yell your OORP,but that will happen no matter what with that ship. I ha 1 as a junker,before i went back to a salvager for mining scrap. It is a tank,and can dish out alot of punishment,but it also draws alot of attention,and sucks in any type of debris fields.
Looks absolutely beautiful though, especially with the huge rust patches on the sides. It looks like something that would be classified as a 3rd rate tramp steamer of space. I love it!
I tried a cheat build in SP to see what it is like to fly and I think it would be easier to steer a planet!
Ah the sacrifices we have to make for our art (-istic roleplay).
and for anyone else who wants some Pilgrim advice,
I've been flying one for two years now, almost exclusively. Ever since the SU days, when I ran into The Heavy.Metal.Queen (miss you Sarawr!) and the sheer beauty of its uglyness hooked me by the lip.
Hints: -Its WAY easier to fly from cockpit mode.
I dont know why, it just seems to take a smaller profile, or maybe the point-of-view is in the right place, but it hangs on rocks and lanes and gates alot less from cockpit view rather than follow view.
-When entering a tradelane or gate with it, its always best to enter straight on (turning upon entry always causes hangs) and from the bottom right of center.
It seems its midpoint is somewhere in those huge tanks on its upper left, so counter that by entering gates/lanes low and to the right.
-all 11 guns fire backwards, and like you said, it turns like a planet. Heck, its sometimes better just to park ad wait for the planetary system to rotate rather than try to turn it around. combat move is to flee at max impulse thrust and fire all guns to your rear.
Chasing anything in it is useless.
Also use the CD to counter minelayers and bombers with torps.
-its 1k long, so short range guns like anti-fighter transport turrets are totally useless as they wont even get past the nose fo your ship. Get some big guns (I like small mark1's or the Slave turrets that come with it)
-get used to EK drifting it into lanes and gates so you can enter straight on.
Again, any kind of turning/adjustment upon entry and its insta-hang, even if you line it up right.
Anyway, hope that helps some. I'm sure you've heard it all before but an oucne of prevention....
Good luck with it.
She's a beautiful ship, IF you can avoid strobe-lighting it like a painted tart!
Thanks TFinnegan, I haven't got her yet. But I will! I have made a note of your advice and look forward to being able to put it into practice.
I have had a 'credit malfunction' which has set me back quite a bit (logged into the wrong character and did a /restart in Gallia with my rich character by mistake, so lost all my credits. Aaarrgghhh!!! I'm an idiot!), but seeing as how my other character picks up 15 million per trip ferrying VIPs from Edinburgh to Munich and Vactioners back. It won't take that long.
' Wrote:I myself have also thought of having one of these beasts as a slightly paranoid trader who likes a little more firepower, but the "Slave" in the title has stopped me because of the possible situation you described.
Solution - change its damn name to "Pilgrim" Class Liner.
i support this, lets rename it to the Pilgrim.
If you want a ship that not too many people ask questions about, try the BWT. it's roid friendly, and i've yet to get it stuck on a tradelane, despite trying very hard to do so.