****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: The Rocinante****
Thank you all very much for the support. For the time being, I would like to keep this just between Junkers. I do thank the rest of you for the offer however. I would also like to clarify that we have no intention of fighting the BAF. At this time we are simply going to make a very large display of what being a Junker is all about. We have noting but peaceful intentions here. We will have nothing but transports and scrappers operating in Bretonia. There will be no violence unless they start it. Even if they do, we will not fight them. If they want to slaughter innocents let the blood be on their hands. However, I do think they will find we are not that easy to round up and slaughter.
Soooooooo, let me get this right....................
After .:j:.Monkey.Mover.Owen has spent many <strike>weeks</strike> months of clearing up the scrap hanging around the New London system with other Congress members, transporting many thousands of tons of the stuff to Newgate (NOTE - Newgate, not the Corsairs or any of the others who pay a fair penny for it - much more than the BPA), turning a blind eye to the ALG operations in the fields around Trafalgar even when it encroached on our operations, after I personally piloted a Barge load of the stuff to the BPA prison not two days ago..........
After various members of the Owen family either destroyed Hogs and Kusari military ships invading Leeds and other areas or were themselves destroyed in their efforts - some times resulting in serious injury and all ways resulting in great financial loss for the family............
After successfully relocating many thousands of their Britonian refugees to new, safe homes away from the fighting, some times at an overall financial loss to the Owen family.....................
After hauling Gold ore for the BMM and Beryllium from Cambridge.....................
After smuggling, yes, you heard me, due to the new regulations in Rheinland the Owen family has been forced to smuggle the thousands of units of military vehicle to their battle ship (MacDuff) in Tau-31 to help with the war effort................
I could go on (and on and on) but my urine is starting to boil at the fact we could possibly be barred from our families home station of Liverpool.........................
Hawk, you can count on the Owen family Congress members based in Britonia - Stabbed.Rat.Owen, Monkey.Mover.Owen and Scrap.Monkey.Owen for full support as always.
Monkey.Mover.Owen is also in Britonian space and on stand by for any logistical support needed and Grease.Monkey.Owen or Monkey.Wrench.Owen are waiting for movement orders to Britonia if you require them.
Other Congress members of the Owen family and their ships are also available for repositioning as you see fit.
>>>Incoming Transmission<<<
Comm ID: Richard van Pelt
These accusations are beyond madness. Just the other day, we were cleaning up New London, helping the Bretonian war effort. The Corsairs pay a damn sight more for scrap than the Bretonians. Wonder how the BAF will feel with all the new Legates rolling down their pristine lawns, because they themselves diverted ship materials to 'em.
I can understand them refusing us Shipping Licenses. They've appearances to uphold, a failing company to subsidize. But this latest action has crossed the line of thought and reason.
They're damn lucky I don't re-route this shipment of Mox into New London orbit. Damn lucky. 'cause the BAF are certainly deserving of more atrocities, the way they're behaving.
*****incoming transmission*****
Comm ID: The_Reptile
Location:Somewhere in Rheinland...
From: Leanan Darkwing
To: Junkers Congress
Subject: Kitty Kitty Bang Bang
Encryption: HIGH
Opening Video Link..........
*** The young Girl on screen smile vicious ***
Mister Crow Leanan here....
I remember... I OWE YOU ONE... and just because i have now few ships on Junker Flag dont change a that I.... Still owe You...
The_Bird (Bully) is docked Currently at Rochester...
The_Mamall (Sally) is in Iverness...
I'm Right now on The_Reptile (Kingfisher) on My way to Yanagi to upgrade to Waran...
I could Use my independent resource as well.. as for ID and Type... *giggle* I rather discus that in Private.
The_Amphibian (CSF) is now at Rochester as well.. Planing upgrade her to P.Train In nearest future...
Mister Crow... You can count on me...
*** the girl on the screen blow kiss and terminate transmission***
Re: Junkers of sirius unite
From: Hooptie INC. // James Mckenna
It would figure the crown in its glorious history couldn't go the entire year without doing some STUPID.
Think for a moment their going to starve us out will we gotta order take out from Synth Foods Direct or some other corporate interest those FAT CATS in parliament got their diddles into. We live the way we always have and its a sorry sight when the crown cant win its battles so they play "pissed-off" hot potatoe and slap use around.
Whatll happen eye if they dont get their way with us? I suspect battered womans shelters gonna fill up quick.
If they want us to Fight their wars for em LET us BUY some of those fishy lookin gunboats or warships O thiers and id be happy to put a hole in anyone the queen needs me to!
Otherwise stay out of my damn business!
an someone change that berks diaper hes looking more and more redfaced with every transmission I get from him.
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: The Rocinante****
I want to start by offering my thanks to everyone who rose to help us. It's great to see Junker pride is still alive. It appears we now have the situation in hand. There will be no showdown today. You can all get about your business of making money in whatever fashion suits you. For those of you that came all the way to Invergordon to help us I want to offer something more. The The Drunken Junker is open for business and the tab is on me for the next 12 hours. Also if any of you are skilled in combat and want to make a little more cash take a look at this.
What? You have to be kidding me, As one of the >JSM< Junkers, I find this unbelievable, considering I had spoken with one of the BAF and they were fine with it not too long ago! If they... but... I honestly, really, I do not know what to say.
You have the >JSM<'s full support on what ever you decide is necessary.
hmm, it appears I got this transmission late, as I was asleep after a long scrap run.
If you do need any support with anything in the future, please let us know.