' Wrote:Message to: Pedro Maniaco
Comm ID: Joe Costello
I to have equipped 3 or 4 fighters over the last couple of days and noticed our bank was feeling a little empty, firstly i will take the Velasco to the outer systems and harvest those nomads for there blasters and cannons, then i will hunt all the none locations i have on the wrecks.
Comm ID: Ximen Benitez
To: All TBH
If any of you are in need (including your storage) of a few nomad blasters, I have 5 or 6 of them. They are sitting in New Berlin at the moment ((on a non-corsair ship)). I will gladly donate them to the TBH store, seeing as the Benitez store is never on. Please PM me or talk to me when I'm flying (Ximen_Benitez), if you want these blasters.
hi evrey body yesterday [AW] and [HF] and [MERC] made a big attack on OPG clan and i was helping them too with other corsair guy the fight was in omega 5 they outnumbered us we wanna revenge today and help opg attacking them what u think about that m8s:)
<Iso, try to edit this post so it looks like a message to your brothers from Claudio Delgado, look at the others if you don't know how>
"Awe come on Corsairs, come play in the fog!" The haughty, arrogant voice was obviously female.
"Shes most likely in the Maltov Nebula, split up and search."
Roger that.
Les recognized the voice. She had been here before Anna. Just as the last time she was staying in the nebula avoiding open contact.
Last timelast time she flew circles around me in that little black ship, a Ravens Claw, and it was one of the gunboats that finally ended her flight. This time would be different.
Yeah, I mused, this time there isnt any gunboat support. Grrrrits time for this Golden girl to learn some respect for the Corsairs.
I was approaching the jump hole to Unknown
"Found her." Juans voice rang through the closed, radio channel. "D3, she sees me as well, moving to engage."
"Roger that, amigo. Venganza en route. 45K till intercept."
Bah! Theyre on the other side of the nebula. I veered my Titan toward Juans indicated location and listened expectantly to the comm.
I was still 26K out when Venganza reached Juan and Anna. Some garbled communication came across the open channel I think from Juan and then his ship disappeared off my radar.
Venganza was retrieving Juans life pod as I reached the destination and engaged Anna.
I remembered from last time that she would fly straight at me with guns blazing and then use her ships greater agility to turn and blast me in the side. True to form she charged. I strafed to avoid a full blast of her guns and fired back then quickly put an asteroid between our ships. Chunks of rock burst from the asteroid as she tried to line up on me. I punched the thruster and began weaving through the asteroid field making several changes in direction. This seemed to keep her guessing and I was able to get a lock and knock down her shields. However, the agility of her fighter helped her avoid a continuous pelting from my Salamancas and Golden Blade.
She began to adapt to my technique and we entered into a give and take exchange of attacks. The battle progressed into open space at the edge of the nebula where she attempted to simply out-turn my Titan with her Ravens Claw. I was turning as hard as the Titan is able just to keep her thrusters in sight and then inspiration. A short reverse thrust and therefire!
Unable to keep up the constant merry-go-round Anna switched tactics. She flew out away from me and forced me into a jousting match, which at this point away from the asteroids was fine by me. The Ravens Claw was loaded with more guns and I was unable to go head-to-head without loosing fast. I strafed and dove firing my Sidewinders with acceptable effect, but she was not finished.
Both of us were changing our tactics and adapting to the other. We were trading blows and the last charge could be hers or mine
I managed to punch the eject button at the last moment before my ship erupted into a silent blast of fire and charred metal.
Fortunately a passing Corsair patrol picked me up as Anna limped back to her base. I was cleared by medical and returned home for some rest.
//End transmission
ooc: It was an excellent fightcouldnt believe how long it lasted (someone said 45 minutes). My eyes felt like they were bulging from the sockets and someone had wiped them with cotton.
Comm ID: Raul D. Yanez
Message to: The Brotherhood
It's good to see our valuable land is being defended by good forces, unfortunately, I can't take part to defend it more often. Domestical business on the surface is getting regular now, so I can't get out to space most of the time. I'm sure with our force our precious home is safe.
Yanez out.
(OOC: School has begun, I can get online again on weekends, maybe on some other days, depends on how everything is scheduled here)
Comm ID: Alejandro Venganza
To: General Transmission
You know, this little head of mine has been doing some thinking. It seems to me that a pilot of that skill should be a part of our ranks rather than participating in minor skirmishes against us..
I know adoption of an outsider into a Corsair family is rather unusual, in fact - neigh unheard of, but couldn't it be considered?
If this brother is overstepping his bounds, feel free to call me on it.
Comm ID: Elder Joe Costello
To: Alejandro Venganza
Well this is unknown territory and would have to speak with the rest of the Elders but i do not see it happening no mater how good a fighter they are, but you never no, times are changing and we need to continue to change with them.
Comm ID: Elder Joe Costello
To: All brotherhood members and allies.
It is with great pleasure i announce our newest Elder, With the other Elders busy with things on Crete it was decided by Maniaco that we needed another active Elder to help me with the great intake of new recruits we have been having as of late, we discussed the matter at great length and there was only really one name that stood out.
Yanez here by has the powers of a Elder follow his orders as if they where from any other Elder.
He is one of the youngest brotherhood members to become an Elder so i will be keeping an eye on him for a couple of weeks to make sure he does ok.
Yanez you will find the keys the the Banco[TBH] ship in your Titan, use it to setup any new members we may have.
So brothers lets make a toast to the brotherhoods newest Elder, there will be a party in the vip area of the bar tonight to celebrate.
Comm ID: Raul D. Yanez
Message to: The Brotherhood
I am very honored that you blessed me with the power of an Elder, I will try not to fail My fellow brothers and Elders. You see, I can't say that many words because I am still in surprise of the message that I am an Elder now.
It came all of a sudden, but I will keep myself cool and try to make wise decisions.
Yanez out.
(OOC: Even in RL I am speechless. I didn't have thought that I will become an Elder that fast, I didn't even expect to be an Elder. Anyway, thanks for your trust, I'll not fail you. (I know, when I'm surprised I get repetitious:D))
Message to: The Brotherhood
Comm ID: Pedro Maniaco
Priority: HIGH
You all know I hate doing paperwork, but unfortunately from time to time it needs to be done.
First of all I'd like to welcome new brothers among us. Brothers Hugo and Julio Ibanez will both be a great addition to our fleet!
Second, you all probably noticed that we have a new Elder - brother Yanez. Try to listen to him and don't encourage him to drink too much as we will need him in the future.
And third. I looked at our member lists and created a "missing or dead" list. We are going through very tough times and loosing our friends has become a daily experience. However they just may have been on a long journey and didn't leave us any notes or they are laying completely drunk under some lost table, so if you meet them, please tell them to let us know they are alive.