Well today was an eventful day.
It started off with the junkers unloading supplies at Ogashawa, they asked me to drop them off for them cause they were having transponder issues with the lanes and it was making Ogashawa shoot at them.
they then asked me to wait at Aomori in honshu for a few junkers to come unload supplies.
when the last junker showed up a little hog showed up and tried to shoot at the junker.
I quickly unloaded the supplies at Aomori and grabbed my wasupu from the hangar.
While i was assisting the junker a KSP showed up and started asking questions.
I'll add that the officer was very polite about it and didn't follow us into sigma 19.
When we jumped into sigma 19 another junker came to assist us in getting rid of the Hogasha.
After about a minute of fighting the Hogasha ran off into Honshu.
I then accompanied the junkers to Yanagi for a few drinks.
Greetings GMG. I hope this message finds you well, safely mining Sirius' gases, and making ludicrous profits!
I am sending you this message to hopefully have commissioned a Kaichou Bomber.
As you know, our guild currently employs some of your awesome spacecraft, to the detriment of our many enemies. I would like to fly one of these beasts myself, and since I am a successful miner I have funds available to cover the cost of building one of your fine vessels, as well as cut through any "red tape" you may encounter to get said vessel into my anxiously awaiting care.
Of course if this transaction cannot be carried through, it would in no way affect the mutual friendship our two Mining Guilds enjoy, as this is a personal request and not made through IMG communications.
From: Tao Kari, GMG, Gasutaabin Maru
To: GMG HQ, Nigata Station
Captain Kari reporting in,
The Gasutaabin.Maru made way to Dounby Station in a system called Orkney to deliver H-Fuel.
We used the jump route through the back systems supplied by our Paramilitary.
Needless to say, the trip is full of potential risks, especially in Tau-23 where Outcast activity is aggressive.
Once we completed the turnaround at Dounby my navigator spotted another station near a lifeless planet.
I decided to visit the station and it turns out to be the famous Reunion Station we heard about in the news casts.
Reunion is operated by a group called the Council and who were friendly enough to allow our crew a quick tour.
There technology was not available however their commodity list has one item not regularly seen, Prometheum.
A jump hole can be seen nearby shrouded in a mine field, so the stories of the Gallia systems seem to be true.
Later an ICMG representative announced we could pick-up a load of high grade Niobium ore in Tau-37.
We met their barge ICMG-Granite at a waypoint in deep space. The loading process was successful.
Gasutaabin.Maru delivered the ore safely on New Berlin after we back tracked our path.
We returned home to Okinawa today with a load of Terraforming Gas.
O:O=Audio Log Record Zero Four=O:O
O:O=Video Recorder Disabled=O:O
O:O=Identification: Pilot Charles=O:O
Charles: First new report in a while. Thought I'd catch up on a few things and events that occurred since my return. The other week I was taken on a small raid into Alpha to disrupt what we could of any outcasts supplies that were getting through Beta. I came out of the Alpha jumphole and along with our support craft, met a strange pair of police officers. I had heard stories about these guys from this one person but now I know they're finally true..
Charles: Sorry excuse for cops that I've ever seen. Gees even their ships stunk in design and smell. I have no clue what the hell they were using as fuel but it stunk to high heaven. Other then that, went on my first Gamma raid. Memo to self, bring Kaichou.
O:O=End of Audio Log=O:O
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
O:O=Audio Log Record Zero Five=O:O
O:O=Video Recorder Disabled=O:O
O:O=Identification: Pilot Charles=O:O
Charles: Been a bit hectic these past few days. Under orders from Taro-san we made a small convoy into Liberty, dropping off plutonium and then moving a few prisioners to the Sugarland in the Texas Sytem. After that we picked up some more workers for Ishera and then decided to head home. However. seems like a few damned KNF decided to try and stop our convoy. We lost one transport and thankfully due to my quick reactions, I moved the Tokesu.Maru quickly onto Roppongi Station. After approximately 20 minutes of fearing wether or not I was going to be heading back to prison, We managed a window and were able to move out.
Although our delievery was behind schedule, we pulled it off.
O:O=End of Audio Log=O:O
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Three pirates - two bombers of Border Worlds make, and one "Tridente" outcast built gunship - These forces must have been poaching traders on the lanes between the Honshu Jumpgate and Furyoku Station. My fighter arrived with Zensou Kisei's bomber already engaged. However, my help was appreciated, and by keeping the shields down, I facilitated killing blows from Kisei-san's bomber.
I cataloged many guncam shots during the engagement...
This is Mioshi Hakamoto and this is my first ever report for the GMG, and I must say I feel proud to have been allowed into the ranks of the Guild. Proving to be a valuable member will take a while, I know, but I will do my best to prove my worth.
First, I flew my Garanchou to the southern gas miners and filled a trader named "Maus" with Helium-3. The Gas Miner was fully functional. It was exciting, as Corsairs answered to my calls for haulers in the system. I recognized their strange, hard dialect. I guess, I will be more careful and will reduce the signal strength of my broadcasts.
After that, I wanted to return to Ogashawa to write this report, but I saw that GMG|KS-Jamyo.Meishu was fighting some Hogosha patrols around some newly built stationary turrets, so I decided to assist. We flew two missions for Ogashawa together and finished the Hogosha. They deserve nothing else and blew up as enemies of the Guild must.
So, I hope this report is good enough to the Guild. In case I do not perform as well as you expect, I hope you will not hesitate that you tell me. I am eager to learn.
Mioshi Hakamoto
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#CCFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION STANDBY FOR ANSWER ***
Today Naha sensors spotted Rheinland warships in Sigma 13 and we went to investigate.
I was able to find two ships, RNC-Annoyance, and RNC-Eindringling-[U314] in the gas clouds within the wrecks. As ordered, I started disrupting their cruise engines and waited for the arrival of Meishu-sama at the scene. He took over and we chased the warships to the New Berlin jumphole with bomber fire. We were shot at in their fighting retreat.
What I did not understand was: there was groundfighting, sounded like a Marine assault on something. I am not sure, though, I was aiming disruptors in the clouds, explosions all around. I just attach the comm logs that I could get:
Quote:<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%][18.01.2012 21:42:08] RNC-Annoyance: Eric: Tell the marines to fall back.
[18.01.2012 21:42:12] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: *the sounds of blaster fire can be heard from within the vessel*
[18.01.2012 21:42:42] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Grun-6: Dey are everywhere! Ve need to extract...*static*
[18.01.2012 21:42:49] RNC-Annoyance: Eric: Suggesting use of heavy weapons on that... thing. Right now.
[18.01.2012 21:43:00] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Grun-7: Siegmund ist hit! Man down!
[18.01.2012 21:43:13] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: fall back to die Airlock! Ve need to retreat! Die GMG have detected us!
[18.01.2012 21:43:34] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Vas ist attacking you!?
[18.01.2012 21:44:39] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Die marines are getting mowed down!
[18.01.2012 21:44:47] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Ve need dem out of dere! Now!
[18.01.2012 21:44:55] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Die Guild are on top of us!
[18.01.2012 21:44:55] RNC-Annoyance: Eric: It's getting out of control.
[18.01.2012 21:44:59] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Grun-7: GAAAAHHH!
[18.01.2012 21:45:01] GMG|Suzuki.Hiroto.: They left behind a pocket full of explody gas clouds
[18.01.2012 21:45:09] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: If you locate the RNC, make sure you CD them.
[18.01.2012 21:45:12] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Where?
[18.01.2012 21:45:16] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Lifesigns on die Marinen are negative! Und ve have guild ships approaching.
[18.01.2012 21:45:25] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Drop jammer pods und prepare to retreat
[18.01.2012 21:45:26] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: C 3/4
[18.01.2012 21:45:30] RNC-Annoyance: Eric: Told ya, abort the operation.
[18.01.2012 21:45:38] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Did you have visual confirmation?
[18.01.2012 21:45:43] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Hai! *sounds escited*
[18.01.2012 21:45:51] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Let's search around there
[18.01.2012 21:45:52] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Copy zat. Withdraw from die sektor.
[18.01.2012 21:46:02] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Disrupting them now!
[18.01.2012 21:46:03] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Case-17. Deploy jammers!
[18.01.2012 21:46:08] RNC-Annoyance: Eric: Copy.
[18.01.2012 21:46:20] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Stay. Stop your engines!
[18.01.2012 21:46:33] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Die Entire squad was killed! Ve do nicht have any idea was was on zat hull!
[18.01.2012 21:46:40] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Reporting enemy positioN: C4 now!
[18.01.2012 21:46:47] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Bad timing!
[18.01.2012 21:47:02] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Withdraw successful. Kommendant? Was ist your status?
[18.01.2012 21:47:02] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: What are you doing here?
[18.01.2012 21:47:04] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: I'll try to intercept!
[18.01.2012 21:47:13] RNC-Annoyance: Eric: Engines disrupted.
[18.01.2012 21:47:19] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Do you want... to risk that... the shooting starts again?
[18.01.2012 21:47:33] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Guildmaster, I have a capital here. Disrupted
[18.01.2012 21:47:36] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Verdammt. Try to jam die Guild vessels und make best possible speed to die Jumphole.
[18.01.2012 21:47:51] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Don't let them get away, Mioshi-chan!
[18.01.2012 21:48:01] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: I picked up chatter... they were having fights... probably inside their ships?
[18.01.2012 21:48:07] RNC-Annoyance: Incoming bomber. I guess we have a problem.
[18.01.2012 21:48:17] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Die Kassel Wreck ist compromized.
[18.01.2012 21:48:19] RNC-Annoyance: Eric: Crew, battle alert! All hands to battlestations, weapons on full power, get ready to engage!
[18.01.2012 21:48:27] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Cut your engines, Rheinlander!
[18.01.2012 21:48:31] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Mioshi-chan, keep him disrupted
[18.01.2012 21:48:33] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Negativ! Do nicht fire upon die Guild vessels.
[18.01.2012 21:48:44] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Try und withdraw
[18.01.2012 21:48:45] RNC-Annoyance: Roger.
[18.01.2012 21:48:47] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Hai! Orders, Guildmaster?
[18.01.2012 21:48:51] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: You are in violation of the Sigma Trade Pact! Halt immediately!
[18.01.2012 21:49:36] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Failure to comply will result in your destruction!
[18.01.2012 21:49:39] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: He is not stopping!
[18.01.2012 21:49:44] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Cut those engines, captain!
[18.01.2012 21:49:50] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Do it, please!
[18.01.2012 21:50:00] RNC-Annoyance: E.T.A. 100 seconds, herr officer.
[18.01.2012 21:50:18] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: They won't listen! Mioshi-chan, you're clear to engage! Tora!
[18.01.2012 21:50:24] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Hai! Arming weapons.
[18.01.2012 21:50:26] RNC-Annoyance: Roger, changing course
[18.01.2012 21:50:30] RNC-Annoyance: Shields damaged!
[18.01.2012 21:50:32] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: We are shooting.
[18.01.2012 21:50:34] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Verdammt! You are clear to engage defensive if fired upon!
[18.01.2012 21:50:46] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Under fire!
[18.01.2012 21:50:46] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Maintain a fighting retreat!
[18.01.2012 21:51:04] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Ve must get out of zis system!
[18.01.2012 21:51:24] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Ve are providing covering fire!
[18.01.2012 21:51:29] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Careful of the gunboat, target it!
[18.01.2012 21:51:53] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Hit!
[18.01.2012 21:52:07] RNC-Annoyance: Eric: You firsty.
[18.01.2012 21:52:14] RNC-Eindringling-[U314]: Tanner: Shielden down!
[18.01.2012 21:52:17] RNC-Annoyance: Eric: Get out, NOW
[18.01.2012 21:53:05] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Get out!
[18.01.2012 21:53:20] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Good work, Mioshi-chan!
[18.01.2012 21:53:22] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: *breathing faster, a wild smile on her face* We won!
[18.01.2012 21:53:41] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Thank you. Wow... wow... two of them!
[18.01.2012 21:53:41] GMG|KS-Jomyo.Meishu: Shame they got away with their lives, though!
[18.01.2012 21:53:58] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Ah... hai. But... no way we could get them... both. I mean...
I was also contacted by a Corsair, Trueno.Benitez, while I was searching for the RNC intruders! Seems he had found them and wanted to cooperate with us. I know not enough to give answers like that, so I informed my superiors of it.
My question is: Would and could we work with Corsairs against the Rheinlanders?
Quote:[18.01.2012 21:37:37] Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: Hola there capitano....might i speak?
[18.01.2012 21:37:48] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Of course, Sir
[18.01.2012 21:38:18] Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: Bueno...i am Trueno of the benitez famiglia...and as we might not have much friendship with the GMG...We do have common enemies
[18.01.2012 21:38:58] Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: And right now ...i scurried on rheinlanders who were scraping around the wreckages of the war in sigma 13
[18.01.2012 21:38:53] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Uh... uh... *sounds more than a bit insecure* I am... flying my second day... ehm... you are sure you want to talk to me?
[18.01.2012 21:39:17] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Please... ehm... I will forward you to my superiors?
[18.01.2012 21:39:49] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Ehm, Guildsmasters... higher ups... I get a diplomatic transmission from Corsairs. Benitez
[18.01.2012 21:40:19] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Can you please... call him? Sounds like a cease fire or so... common enemies, and such... I attach the relay adress
[18.01.2012 21:41:16] Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: Gracias amigo...a benitez always pays his debts
[18.01.2012 21:41:56] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: So... I see. The Corsair Banitez are... men of honour, even if enemies?
[18.01.2012 21:42:38] Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: Si...honor and family...that is our motto...and i would be stupid to let the rheinlanders have their way, si...?
[18.01.2012 21:43:58] GMG|Mioshi.Hakamoto.: Please... call... Jomoy Meishu-sama for more talk, Sir.
[18.01.2012 21:44:19] Corsair.Trueno.Benitez: Bueno i will do so...
Mioshi Hakamoto
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#CCFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION STANDBY FOR ANSWER ***
I was dispatched to assist Shimakaze-san and his patrol.
We took the offensive.
That Outcast Commander found the end of the road in our blue clouds.
Hara out.
Subject: Disciplinary action
To: Mioshi Hakamoto; Board of Executives
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Planet Miura, Okinawa
Konbanwa, Mioshi-chan.
I take no enjoyment in doing this, but I see it as a necessary action for your disobedience in comparison to the severity of the matter. From now on, your Kaichou is grounded. I have revoked your Kaichou's flight status, and the dock master has been instructed not to let you lift off with anything but your Garanchou - for any reason.
You may see this as unjust, but I have made up my mind. Your disrespect towards the Guild, insulting behavior in company of a Guild Master, and disobeying direct orders cannot - must not go unpunished. I have listened to your reasoning, and frankly, the logic that I do see in it is the only reason why you can still call yourself a citizen of the Guild.
If you wish to atone for your transgressions, do make yourself heard. The Hakamoto name deserves no less.