' Wrote:No, its coming around with Wing Commander Onyx
I am a great Wing Commander fan. This actually made me google for this. Now I'm disappointed. And ashamed :$
On topic, I like the new Systems and connections Rheinland is getting, makes sense. The Connection between Duesseldorf and Vespucci however, not so much, even if the Unioners profit from it greately.
' Wrote:But it's an OORP system and it shouldn't exist inRP
I think it does exist inRP, but as an A.D.M.I.N.S. territory.
Check this out:
Quote:A system beyond reach and at the same time any pilot is able to get there. This system is fiercely protected and guarded by the A.D.M.I.N.S of Sirius. Many attempts to build a Jumpgate have failed, often being divided by zero or melted into slap heaps by unknown forces. Various Jump Drive experiments in the past to explore and chart the system have also failed, the Jump drive veering off into the nether-regions of space. Some pilots have reported encountering beings of incredible energy and power in or around that Bastille's space.
The information that we do know about Bastille has been given to us by the A.D.M.I.N.S public relations department. A prison system without entrance or exit, Bastille is used as a place where trespassers of Sirius Law are sent. During time and due process these hardened criminals are released with changed mindsets and goals, and *usually* - hopefully - become valuable citizens of Sirius.
' Wrote:Oh, i sense my beloved tau 23 will become crowded....:D.... being a bottle neck...
Heh, i don't know there buddy. i could use the company
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" Edmund Burke.When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't crawl - when you can't do that... You find someone to carry you.