1 Cruiser, 1 Gunboat (with a damn good aim), many VHFs, vs 3 Vhs and 1 LF:)In the name of protecting civilians.
Next day: SCRA + Phantoms = Protecting civilians?:)
Is that normal? Of course, I understand if it was just a thing of the moment, as BAF was fighting you and the phantoms probably came, and from an OORP perspective shooting BAF with phantoms' help was nothing bad. Maybe 3 mercernaries are worst than the most wanted terrorist group. And before you say something like the SCRA and phantoms wokring together was a matter of balance I'll remind you that: 1 SCRA crsuier engaged 3 VHFs who were already engaged by 1 gunboat with a really good aim, and 2 VHS, with at least 4 VHFs (The mobious group) waiting as backup.
So, what's the deal, you protect civilians, or you help those who kill civilians almost for fun?
' Wrote:Part 1b) Everyone has a must-win attitude. SCRA comes at Outcasts with three bombers v one gunboat, the next engagement will be three Sarrissas against three bombers, or whatever. It's escalation. Instead of griping about it, maybe BOTH SIDES (yes, SCRA too) can take a moment and see what's really going on. Or not.
I reply to this example as I do the Colonials and IMG: The Outcast indies acts like tits, and then the IMG and CR see it fit to act just as poorly as the indies do under some delusion that the 101st is to blame.
And allow me to say this one more time so that people will finally get the message: We are no longer allowed to destroy our indies for acting like raving morons because the fraternity known as the Admin team, who never ever visits the Omicrons or attempts to clean up the muck, has told us that if we do anything to hinder what an indie can do in accordance to our "vanilla" roleplay... we'll get the book thrown on us.
Indies act like idiots, and the official factions who feels that they are being slighted begins to act just as the indies do which is unacceptable. You'd do well to remember who is to blame and who is not to blame.
' Wrote:I would like to state that I have no problems with the SCRA being in the Taus. We will space you because there is a bounty on you.
Thank you boys for bringing all our bounties(SCRA/OC/Mandos/=CR=) into one system.
Well, good night New York. We might as well have everybody start off at Java and Cali kitted out in an Outcast dessie and an IMG Battlecruiser.
It'd cut down the development of the next mod version, that's for true. :P
My sarcasm/jokes should tell you this: I don't like the fact that Tau 23 is a cluster eff with most of the cluster being firmly against the Outcasts, which kind of limits the amount of fun some of my non-Chenzo players can have when passing through.
If it's that dangerous, and you want to pass through unmolested, do what I do when I bring subbies on their Hispania Memoriam, or what I used to do smuggling slaves/cardi. Point your nose straight up or down, and keep going until you exit the asteroid field, then move towards your target. When you get to the other jump hole fly straight up/down into it. By the time anyone notices you're there, you're out and on your way.
That way, you get a fight if you want it, and avoid one if you don't.
' Wrote:If it's that dangerous, and you want to pass through unmolested, do what I do when I bring subbies on their Hispania Memoriam, or what I used to do smuggling slaves/cardi. Point your nose straight up or down, and keep going until you exit the asteroid field, then move towards your target. When you get to the other jump hole fly straight up/down into it. By the time anyone notices you're there, you're out and on your way.
That way, you get a fight if you want it, and avoid one if you don't.
You read the post, but you failed to understand it. Good for you.
' Wrote:You read the post, but you failed to understand it. Good for you.
Fine. State your point in one sentence. It appears you don't like flying through Tau-23 without getting shot, and I offered a suggestion on how to adapt to the situation. Please, correct me.
The shooting is fine, I want the attitude concerning the shooting to change. Unless you haven't noticed, the IMG and Colonials have quite a vendetta against the Outcasts which leads to their official factions acting like the indies they so hate.
So there's the problem; Add another faction who feels they must win against their loathed enemies in Tau 23- The SCRA- to Tau 23 and you'll never see any changes in that place. Not that I think people like good old Pavel up there will ever drop their silly vendettas, but it would be nice to have one faction with its head screwed on straight up there.
I remember when the 101st offered help to the RM againts the RHA in the omegas.
I remember several fights in omega 5/7 and one in Münich as well (101st gc vhf/lh bayonett).
According to Jameson, it was rp and there is no problem with this. I also remember when SCRA and 101st pewpewed each other in omega 5, I looked in with corsair and there was a local Q_Q from 101st immediately.
I remember when I fought againts BAF with KNF in Leeds, and the 101st joined to defend BAF. I could tell a lot of story about you Jameson and your violent "I know everything better" behavior. You take the war againts the CR seriously and you don't like, when the enemy got "reinforcements" from SCRA. That's all. I've tried to get rid of you without any negative "no u" think, but I can see now you have to spam in feedback until you kicked of roughly. You have to understand, not only outcasts and Jameson exist on the server. Differen factions with different leaderships try to live their own "rp". I say this because I can see in different feedback, you "decry" the RP of the other factions