ID:[color=#FFCC33]Aufsicht Johenn Shol, Kruger Mineralien Security Department Subject:Update of bounty board
Guten tag! I want to inform that on Kruger Mineralien bounty board as another targets were added all ships with Junker afilliation. [color=#FF0000]The exeption are members of Junkers Congress (.:j:.). They are not our enemies, so all kills/proves of destruction will not be honoured!
So from now on all junker vessels are fair targets except the congress ones?
I mean if even they are not cough red-handed and involved in piracy?
Transmission ends.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
Herr Captain of the Faint.Goat we thrust that our contractors will not hunt on innocent peoples. So I'm leaving it to your personally consideration.
However did you ever see a Junker in Omega 7 with other intensions then pirating our miners? I didn't.
-(Incoming Transmission -(Reaver Mercenary Company -(Viva "Chartreuse" Velasquez - Temporary Company House Mouse
Tag die Herren.
I am speaking on behalf of the Reaver Mercenary Company and would like to register the entire company for this bounty board.
We would like to further our relations with Rheinland in a positive way and have decided that the best course of action to accomplish that would be by helping Rheinland's corporate structure.
Our company already maintains long-standing and friendly relations with the Rheinland Military ever since Admiral Malte's days and we would like to "test the waters" with this registration and future work in Omega-7.
I can forward further necessary details as requested, but I guess it should suffice that all our vessels can easily be identified by their transponder codes ending in ".Reaver".
Of course, we're also friendly with Kruger and will send you all the necessary confirmation shots if you require them.
ID:[color=#FFCC33]Aufsicht Hands Ludwing, Kruger Mineralien Security Department TO:Reaver Mercenary Company and Darkest.Knight Subject:Bounty board update
Guten tag frau Velasquez, the Reaver Mercenary Company will be allowed to hunt the bountyes in the Omega-7 system. We will need proofs of the hostile actions on miners or acts of piracy.
Herr Darkest.Knight you are permitted to hunt pirates in Omega-7 system. when you see a miner in need of help make sure you have your GunCam's on for the proofs.
Your Name: Captain Torin Marshal Proof of your engagement notice:Engagement of enemy Proof of Kill:Got him! Where to transfer credits: [FL]-Vindicator
Just when I thought it wasn't going to be eventful in Omega 7 today. I ran into some Mr-Google transport just hanging around in Omega 7, not very chatty. Come to find a Hessian ship whom I warned to leave the system or I'd open fire. After joking to him that I was talking to the 'Other' Hessian, lo and behold, there WAS another Hessian. I diverted to attack Shaf.Hauzen in his VHF and quickly took him out after they both started attacking that silent transport.
Delije_NS was a slippery bugger. I almost had him twice then our alert klaxon when off, and I dismissed it as some malfunction. Within seconds we had what seemed an SCRA gunboat and Destroyer on our tails. That Destroyer we hulled a week ago was apparently rebuilt and back with a vengeance. Outgunned and outnumbered, we managed to maneuver back to the Kruger base without sustaining too much damage. We all had a stiff drink and thanked God no one was lost. We'll get'em next time.
Only one Kruger miner was in the system but apparently the SCRA's sole purpose in Omega 7 was to attack the Vindicator I'm surprised the SCRA would commit such resources to attack us, but apparently their message was greater than the expense. I am forced, however to take into account this escalation against us. I talked to Adam Spire and if the situation continues, we may need to leave Omega 7 patrol, less we become the spark that sets off something worse. We'll keep Kruger and Rhineland appraised of the situation and do what's best.
Captain Marshal out.
[--- transmission disconnected ---]
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
Guten tag herr Captain Torin Marshal, I am very glad to see you doing such a good work in our fields. The SCRA are hunting you now you say? Well if they do, just make sure no Kruger will be hurt in there. There is your money for that pirate, until next time. Credits proof
-(Incoming Transmission -(Reaver Mercenary Company -(Jordan Ashbourn, aka Flame Reaver
Hey mates,
A few kills for ye by myself and a few other Reavers. Send the cash to me, I'll distribute to the members o' the company.
We encountered these Hessians at the Omega-7 jump hole in Omega-11. They pursued us, and we decided to do a favor for the good company and clean house. As the furball continued, various Hessian ships belonging to the [RF] continued to engage us as others retreated. The situation thus became very confusing. As a result, we do not have scans of every [RF] ship that we downed. However, I think its enough that some of the [RF] are shown with Hessian ID and tag should be enough proof of their identification.
In addition, we would like to provide evidence that [RF]-Cloud.Miner is an IMG gunboat in use by the Hessians. Given the fact that the IMG also operated extensively in Omega-7, the Company felt that it might be best that you know. Crimson and Indigo pursued it, and lit that bugger up.
Finally, the following Hessians were found, but either disengaged during the fight or fled before the fight - we hope that knowing these names will assist you in identifying possible threats in the future.
Guten tag herr Reaver. I am very satisfied about your squad job. You did well and I hope you will keep up the good job. In appreciation of your work I will give you a small bonus. Keep up doing jobs like this and bonus might grown. Credits transfered in your bank account