Ye, I already told you what should be changed. I like it very much.
' Wrote:
I don't really like it.
1. The text is very meh for this kind of sig.
2. The ships... except that Pytho I can't tell what ships are those. Are they even from Disco?
3. The Pytho doesn't fit in the general picture.
Aye! It's the best I've seen so far. However, I have the feeling it's a bit too high. Also, it lacks the "special" thing... dunno. For now it's the best but I can't say it's worthy of 80 mils. We will see at the end of this week...
I like it. It's focused on the MAO... and my favorite ship from this mod appears to blend in very good. You're in the lead... At the end of this week, I will pick the winner.