' Wrote:Bretonia gets two new systems, that's where they retreat to. Liberty will have to aid Bretonia since they are the next ones on Gallias to-crush-list. They'll need to hurry up and put that war with Rheinland to an end to be free to do so.
This is true, however, what if Liberty split in two. Becoming a North and South. The North believing that Gallia is the new threat and the South believing it is still Rheinland with the south joining up with the Red Hessians.
It won't happen but logically you can see how the South would not think the most important threat to be Gallia since they are further away than their neighbors the Rheinlanders.
Well... I like how you CAN compare FL with Earth history, They have really nothing in common.
Did the Japan attack the Great Britain ? Did Germany attack Japan ? Well never. So stop do speculation which is based on History.
Somethings like this
' Wrote:One Rheinland Military character in a starflier will come to the aid of Bretonia.
The Gallics will immediately surrender.
And this
' Wrote:[color=#000000]Just chill and enjoy the gallic elders history book ;)
Make me laugh a bit... a bit.
Gallia is GALLIA, not france same as Rheinland Bretonia and the other House.
They have just some "name" in common. That's it. If you want to copy the history go play Battlefield.
' Wrote:Well... I like how you CAN compare FL with Earth history, They have really nothing in common.
Gallia is GALLIA, not france same as Rheinland Bretonia and the other House.
They have just some "name" in common. That's it. If you want to copy the history go play Battlefield.
This is wrong.
Gallia is France 800 years in the future, in Sirius. An evolution of France. But still, based on France.
Same for the others.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
' Wrote:Kusari has just one Gate Construction project.
Chuguko Gate Construction Site in Hokkaido and Sigma-19 Gate Construction Site in Okinawa. That's two.
I'm hardly ever in Kusari and I know that.
' Wrote:And I agree with that. Being the underdog is fine, but full scale occupation is not fun since you'd be wiping out 3 corporate factions and turning the BAF into a guerilla force.
I'm a member of Bowex), so don't believe that I would not be affected by the decision or do not understand the consequences. It would hardly wipe them out. What's left of Bretonia in those two new systems would be able to house those three corporations and they'd be able to reach the rest of Sirius to trade. Hardly wiping them out. If anything it would boost their business, as Bretonia would be in dyer need of resources and these three corporations would be at the front lines for bringing them in. Granted you could say it's already like that, but not on the scale we would see.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
' Wrote:Nope, Since when as I said Germany and Japan has attacked each other ?
Since when they are only 7 nation in the world ?
We are not on a planet.
The history had happened in a specific Context. This context is no more.
How many times has Britain (England) been at war with France? I'm guessing a damn side more than them being allies.
800 is a VERY long time, isolation can lead to some pretty big evolutions in both society and culture. Look at Japan, they were isolated at first but then modernized and became a major player in the world.
Sod ANY of the world wars or any war in fact.
Sirius culture and history, is Sirian. Earth history is a piece of history and with a chance to recolonize, comes a lot of change.
Too much time has passed for us to refer back to Earth history.
' Wrote:Chuguko Gate Construction Site in Hokkaido and Sigma-19 Gate Construction Site in Okinawa. That's two.
Okinawa is more of an independent system with ties to Kusari. The system is under the control and administration of the GMG more or less and the gate project is funded by the GMG for the GMG, not Kusari itself. KNF and KSP don't have patrols in Okinawa either.