I quite enjoy this thread, actually. It is interesting to know more about Nomads aside from the fact that they appear to be no more than hostile killing machines. I just fail to perceive them as anything other than aliens with the desire to destroy all humanity in order to reclaim Sirius as their territory.
' Wrote:I just fail to perceive them as anything other than aliens with the desire to destroy all humanity in order to reclaim Sirius as their territory.
That would be the correct assumption.
Anything else is just an excuse to attempt to dodge accusations of PvPwhore faction-ism.
Since Tali has the same voice actress as Juni, she follows the gloriour tradition to have the butt drawn much more detailed then the face. Meanwhile, I managed to find some drawn porn with her and that confused me badly.
Uh, and since it's not flood, Order are paranoid xenophobic militarists indeed. And Trent is a magic milksop like Harry Potter.
EDIT: Link to Tali added. I actually never played ME, but was interested in voice actress herself. Also, I'm not sure that it's approved by community to post links to pornography here.
' Wrote:I quite enjoy this thread, actually. It is interesting to know more about Nomads aside from the fact that they appear to be no more than hostile killing machines. I just fail to perceive them as anything other than aliens with the desire to destroy all humanity in order to reclaim Sirius as their territory.
You should differentiate between what is interesting to know about Nomads, and what some people want you to "know" about nomads.
You should "know" that they want you to shake their hand, give your gun, walk you out of the sun.
' Wrote:I like Juni better.
If the game focused on her more, it'd be more interesting and a lot less OMG I WANT MONEY and then OMG I WANT TO SAVE THE WORLD.
Its conflicting, a real freelancer would just sell that artifact to a Gov't or some noise.
I like Juni's physique better, but she was a bit too much of a power-whore for my taste.
I think if Trent had been offered the choice, he would have sold the artifact and live a life of wealth and luxury every after. But you never got offered any choice dring the whole SP.
"Free" lancer indeed.
' Wrote:Since Tali has the same voice actress as Juni, she follows the gloriour tradition to have the butt drawn much more detailed then the face. Meanwhile, I managed to find some drawn porn with her and that confused me badly.
The Nomads that destroyed Sol are a different kind of Nomads to the ones that reside in Sirius.
The Sirius Nomads woke up at 350A.S., which is over 400 years after Sol was destroyed. Plus the Sirius Nomads have had no contact or communication with any of the non-Sirius Nomads.
Different race of beings, and no one survived Sol to tell the tale, so the Sleeper Ships don't know what they left behind.
' Wrote:The Nomads that destroyed Sol are a different kind of Nomads to the ones that reside in Sirius.
The Sirius Nomads woke up at 350A.S., which is over 400 years after Sol was destroyed. Plus the Sirius Nomads have had no contact or communication with any of the non-Sirius Nomads.
Different race of beings, and no one survived Sol to tell the tale, so the Sleeper Ships don't know what they left behind.
The extended intro says there is a young military guy taht survived on the far side of pluto, who followed the sleeper ships to warn them.
He probably was one of the founders of the Order, or the informaton that he brought was known to the Order.
Even if they didnt know about it, noticing that a large part of the leadership in liberty, rheinland, and kusari was infiltrated and was starting wars was a good enough reason to fight them.
They didnt "plan" the "genocide" of nomads, if thats what you want to call opening the hypergate.
It was a last desperate measure of self defense.
Considering what nomads tried to do, its a very undertandable measure to keep fighting them after that.
' Wrote:I never paid much attention to Trent's personality.
Yet I've missed a love story :/ sad panda.
Trent didnt have a personality.
But the way Juni ditched him and started sucking up/using the next guy in a suit at the end of the SP was a classy and realistic ending, in my opinion. No way she was gonna let that gullible yesmann boy called Trent into her panties.