I came across a Zoner GB with Zoner ID and IFF in minor by the name of Rika Kato (no problem).......Then i seen this same character post as a Order agent. Is this allowed?
basicly its most probably allowed. - we must not mix two different things here - the level of rules and the level of roleplay.
if the char is zoner IDed and zoner IFFed - he MUST act according to the zoner canon RP.
if the char is as well an order agent - he can most certainly be that. but if for example the order goes forth and stages an assault on - for example - a LSF group that is up to no good... the zoner IDed char MUST NOT participate in that assault, as it would contradict his ID. ( even if his RP as an order agent might not only allow but also demand to support the order )
Sure it is but it makes sense from RP-point of view. But there are some limitations too.
If the said char is order spy among the zoners, the zoner official factions must oorp(not the characters but the people who RP them) know about it, otherwise it is sanctionable as power-gaming.
I would use Zoner GB, Zoner ID but Order IFF to make it clear and would inform the other players of my intentions and will avoid power-gaming.
Power-gaming example was when one of the zoners RPed that he crashed Cruiser full of nukes into Crete destroying the planet. If the Corsairs dont oorp agree it cannot happen in rp.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:basicly its most probably allowed. - we must not mix two different things here - the level of rules and the level of roleplay.
if the char is zoner IDed and zoner IFFed - he MUST act according to the zoner canon RP.
if the char is as well an order agent - he can most certainly be that. but if for example the order goes forth and stages an assault on - for example - a LSF group that is up to no good... the zoner IDed char MUST NOT participate in that assault, as it would contradict his ID. ( even if his RP as an order agent might not only allow but also demand to support the order )
But as you say if the char is zoner IDed and zoner IFFed - he MUST act according to the zoner canon RP. wouldnt that make it the same for the Order Char of the same name ..in that he must act according to the Order canon RP.
Meaning that when he gets out of hes Zoner ship and into the Order Ship as the same char he then is Order ???
I think this is a type of powergaming, maybe im wrong but it dosent sound right to me.
maybe the two chars are not the same anyway. - after all... there are plenty "john smith" around - and not all of them are clones.
an order agent who disguises as a zoner to reach places an order char is not able to .... acts as a zoner for that time.
when he gets home to - lets say... toledo. and gets out of his zoner ship - and strips his zoner disguise off. he goes to his order superiors and reports as an order agent.
as an order agent, he can also participate in assaults only available to the order, but he must not disguise himself as a zoner and participate.
thirdly: ( and thats one of the big problems of many players of disco )
good RP would demand that this cross connection is a transparent one. we know exactly when he is acting as an order agent and when he is acting as a zoner agent. - to make it QUALITY roleplay and also FAIR ( non-metagaming ) this player would state ooc that he is now in zoner disguise as an order agent - so that fellow zoner players act accordingly.
provided that the zoner players don t metagame that fact - and treat him like a zoner ( as do others ) - this RP becomes a massive opportunity.
if however someone in the big chain of players / characters involved decides to take an unfair advantage - the entire chain breaks - and the roleplay tumbles from an opportunity to metagaming.
what it takes is responsibility from all players involved, even one in the chain can ruin the entire roleplay - but if we cannot trust other players at all - there s hardly a point to roleplay anymore.
keep in mind - when you roleplay, you roleplay "together" no matter if you roleplay enemies. if you roleplayed "competatively / against each other" it is called pvp.
It happens, it depends, not sure also how well it is enforced either.
I can admit I am guilty of this with one of my chars actually this char has her fingers in three factions. But through and through her RP is still fully based on the ID and IFF being used. I don't change that in my RP, in fact it is essential for her to keep acting as her ID and IFF and seemingly be absolutely no different then her peers around her.
Using the custom infocard feature would also make this RP very supportable. Simply type the information on the character so that if someone is going - "Huh?" that if the question comes up, you can see it with a simple /si command.
Also note that also if this comes up, the special infocard stuff comes up when the admins look at a character on the desk, so that makes it easy for them to see what's going on with that character.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
' Wrote:I came across a Zoner GB with Zoner ID and IFF in minor by the name of Rika Kato (no problem).......Then i seen this same character post as a Order agent. Is this allowed?
Strange, I indeed have Order|Cdr.Rika.Kato but never heard about zoner called same. Someone noticed it's nice name so took it too. Problem solved.
Yes it is allowed,but can cause trouble if you do not RP what your ID is. I have a Junker WRECKER-J,and in the past my Lib cruiser was just WRECKER. It caused many issues so i renamed the Cruiser.
Also it is possible someone just chose similar name. I fly a Lib Dread Yorktown. Since i made my ship i have seen a LNS-Yorktown,and a HMS-Yorktown. They are different players,but i have had players try to take vengence on me for what they have done.