I personally have a gunboat fl'ed in o7, but that's beacuse if i try to approach normally i end up going QQ at a RM BS that wasn't there five minutes ago.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
People use the chat window to avoid interaction with certain characters and this is the method to counter it.
But swapping character after the actual interaction started (usually by having a visual contact, not by acknowledging each other by looking at the chat window) is a bad play.
Example using shared Order ships (well, two of them im sure of)
Lets say the Svizra, Paladin, and the TatenanF1 around the Delta JH. They log onto another char.
Few minutes,later, someone from the Order notices them as a Keeper Marduk is heading for Minor. The three are kept updated, then relog on the F1'd ships, and a minute later said Marduk ends up in an ambush.
That, to me, is not metagaming. For one, RP wise, caps never sleep.
Two, they are not anywhere tgat messes up Comms, RP wise.
Three, its strategic to hide caps at choke points.
' Wrote:Ok i will add an example i witnessed 2 days ago.
A trader was ordered to halt by a pirate(lets call him bob1). the trader CM'd,and got away.Took TL,to JG,and jumped. On other side he meets(lets call him BoB1) same player,who stated he "transported" to his other ship,and now attacks,and kills the trader for running. Yelling you cannot out run the Mighty bob1.
This is so lame that I would even consider filing a report.
' Wrote:Ok i will add an example i witnessed 2 days ago.
A trader was ordered to halt by a pirate(lets call him bob1). the trader CM'd,and got away.Took TL,to JG,and jumped. On other side he meets(lets call him BoB1) same player,who stated he "transported" to his other ship,and now attacks,and kills the trader for running. Yelling you cannot out run the Mighty bob1.
Thats just bull. This sort of action is why its "frowned" upon. Kinda ruins it for people with valid RP reason to do so. Refer below.
' Wrote:My input...
Sutprise attack, but...
Example using shared Order ships (well, two of them im sure of)
Lets say the Svizra, Paladin, and the TatenanF1 around the Delta JH. They log onto another char.
Few minutes,later, someone from the Order notices them as a Keeper Marduk is heading for Minor. The three are kept updated, then relog on the F1'd ships, and a minute later said Marduk ends up in an ambush.
That, to me, is not metagaming. For one, RP wise, caps never sleep.
Two, they are not anywhere tgat messes up Comms, RP wise.
Three, its strategic to hide caps at choke points.
Others may have a different opinion.
And on the other side of the fence:)
To be fair inRP there are plenty of system with place an ambush could be set-up.
For instance The badlands in New York, and I quote from the wikki "a dark matter cloud filled with asteroids and subject to intense electrical activity that renders most scanners inoperable" lets say the rogues want to doublecross somone who has agreed to sell them small arms, a couple of ships hide deep in the badlands, while someone else meets said person, the ships go dark(turn of all systems bar life support and nav) begin to move towards the exchange, now in rp the seller would be able to pick up their ships untill they were well within weapons range and by then the rogues would of powered up and blasted the unsuspecting pilots ship to scrap. Now ooRP the player would of at that stage of have equiped a Discovery Scanner and would of picked them up long before they got anywhere near him.
In short I belive that F1ing in space is perfectly acceptable with a semi-decent rp reason, although the player selling the arms would most likly disagree.
Double edged sword really. If you're not undocking from a base you might find yourself decloaking into a rather hostile situation. But I agree it's abuse of game mechanics. I'd simply report it under a 1.2 violation (which is abuse of game mechanics), especially in the case of that pirate.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
' Wrote:Ok reading a few threads as of late,and seeing it in game. What are peoples oppinions on players/groups who F1 various ships in areas near JG's/JH's/TL's,and such for the sole purpose to jump to them,and get that Blue message,and/or rob traders they spot with another ship,or cannot catch. It is Meta gaming without question,but we all Metagame a little.
All oppinions welcome,and i trust the flames will be removed by Admins/Mods.
' Wrote:Simple Solution. Cloak a GB/Bomber or what ever yourself also where you mine.Them when Pirate pops up? Your defence ship also pops up. Personally i tend to go way off the plane,as is down as far as the field go's,and mine their. No one cloaks a pirate ship off the plane.Usually they do that in middle of field.